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    Jack of all Trades
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  1. Antonis

    Yao G

    Heh, nice one. I saw the survivor challenge, the other day and wondered if we could find the character.
  2. Amazing stuff! Made me come back to JA.
  3. Pretty amazing! If that's your first model, that's awe-inspiring good quality, dude!
  4. I tried it, works equally good. Thanks, man, I really appreciate it.
  5. Thanks, I will try those! EDIT: Thank you. Punisher, I followed your advice in the thread you linked and it worked.
  6. Hello, this is my first topic here, so I am sorry if I did a mistake. As I mention in the title, I need some help with adding custom skins to Single player character creation. So, I downloaded some files(specifically the Chagrian spieces, a Ventress and a KIt Fisto) and I want to include them is SP Character Creation. The Ventress pack installs just fine by default. But I have problems with the other two. All the necessary fiels are there, in the models folder. .skin files, tga and jpeg, icons and a playerchoice(made by me, just the default *white entry). Even added the MENU entry, although it is optional. Am I missing something here? Any help offered will be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Antonis EDIT: Oh, I forgot to mention that the models don't work when 'called' with the console code for playermodel skins,too.
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