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File Comments posted by bigphil2695

  1. Has something happened to the Pike? I had to redownload this file because of uhhh.... *tries to hide laptop shaped belly* reasons, and the pike saber is not there. I can fix this on my own, since the model is still present, but it's weird that it's not given an actual selectable saber.

    Darth Zannah

       781    10

    I don't know why but this skin crashes my game every time. It just tells me that requested feature was omitted at compile time.


    Really? I haven't heard of this happening. Have you found a solution?

    Floating Lightsaber NPC

       146    5

    Hey, I just tried the updated version. For some reason, my game doesn't recognize the 'invisible' textures you gave the sabers - they display as Kyle. Did you give them team skins?


    I thought I had given them team skins. Do they work outside of teams?

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