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File Comments posted by bigphil2695

  1. I have a few ideas for scripts to add. You should have one with to stop them from being calm, another to cancel out ignore, one to set the to teams free and neutral, and another to stand up after you tell them to crouch.


    other than that 10/10 work

    Darth Zannah

       781    10

    Pretty good retexture!

    Now, I'm not sure if it's your doing, or whoever did the original head model, but I can see a while seem where the forehead and hair touch :D


    Yeah, I noticed the seem, unfortunately I can't fix it. But it's not all that noticeable. One way I attempted to fix it was by putting another hair model on under her other one. It fixed the seem, but it made her hair too poofy.

    Tavion Extreme Makeover

       1,094    11

    The television program "Extreme Makeover" takes average people and gives them thousands of dollars worth

    of aesthetic (plastic) and surgery, professional hair and makeup styling, and a new wardrobe, to make them

    as attractive as possible.


    I decided to give my favorite bad-BOY LUKE an "Extreme Makeover" with laser tattoo removal,

    hair and makeup changes, and some wardrobe "improvements" to make HIM as attractive as possible.




    I still genuinely want that

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