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Everything posted by kalamaray

  1. 4,306 downloads

    I had finished this one so long ago before i stopped playing/modding. It was initially for a request but ended up taking awhile due to trying to once and for all perfect the recreation of the very distinct saber flare effects from Episode III that i could never get right in my earlier modding attempts. The saber blades in this game are already quite similar to Ep III so i tried to add as much detail to the textures as i could to make it more then just another shaped white line mod, and spent a lot of time trying to get the trails matched up with the curved arc and thickness. The flare impacts are dynamic in the way they work so when the effect stacks for instance in a clean saber swing through a model, the effect will be large and explosive, but a nick will be a tiny flicker etc. I spent a lot of time tweaking each version (model impact, saber on saber, and blaster impact) to make them truly accurate to the movie scenes and function appropriately. I was so proud of finally getting the flares just right so i finally forced myself to put the details together and get it uploaded, hope ya'll like it.
  2. Sounds like what happens when the .shader file with the animations is there with no blade line JPG's for it to use, Is it doing that with all the blade colors or just one? I made sure to add all the JPG's for the animation frames into both pk3's that had the .shader file for them to avoid that (Blade_Animations.pk3 and Blade_Animations+Kylo_red.pk3 which is the same but with Kylo Ren's instead of the normal red saber), so my first guess would be maybe something in your base folder is taking priority over the gfx/effects/sabers folder and canceling the ones in my mod out but leaving the shader sitll active. Are all the p3k's you're using from my mod on the bottom of your base folder below any other mods, and are you using any big mods/conversions etc?
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