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Status Replies posted by Jango40

  1. Just finished A Plot is brewing in The Outer Rim by IrocJeff. Very fun singleplayer campaign, felt very nostalgic to play singleplayer JK2-style again.

    1. Jango40


      I played the JA version, but I heard the JO version is better?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. Oh man, why must there be so much CGI in the prequels??!

    1. Jango40


      PT just looks Cheesy. Yeah, I know ST also uses a lot of CGI, but the fact they cleverly combine it with practical effects makes it look much more realistic. Has CGI really advanced since the Prequels? Yes, but if it was abused as in Prequels, it would still look cheesy. That some movies from late 70's - early 80's look more believeable than movies from late 90's - mid 2000's tells a lot. Not to mention they made some really retarded choices, like making all clone troopers CGI.

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  3. Oh man, why must there be so much CGI in the prequels??!

    1. Jango40


      Jurassic Park's CGI was done really well because it was mixed with other techniques like real-life animatronic models, and I believe that is also the case for EP1? (Correct me if I'm wrong). At least Yoda was still a puppet. Also, EP1 had less action and flashy scenes than both EP2 or EP3.

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  4. Anyone else feels that we're closer than ever to WWIII?


    1. Jango40



    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. I didn't realize this till now, but evidently enemies in Dark Forces can't see you in pitch black and you can use infrared googles as an advantage in this case.

  7. I don't have a joystick. Is Resident Evil 4 worth getting without having one? I heard it's pretty bad with keyboard + mouse.

    1. Jango40


      I don't think you understand how the game works ping, it's designed for a pad. It's over the shoulder 3rd person. The gameplay in general is quite slow, enemies are sluggish, so you have time to move and aim around. Watch some youtube vids.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  8. Can 2016 just piss off already?

  9. Got into my first choice of uni!

    1. Jango40


      let the stalking begin ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. RATM make the best christmas singles

    1. Jango40


      Don't make me depressed, why can't the summer last forever :(

  11. All these fun games I have installed but never play because I am too lazy to change the CD's every hour.

    1. Jango40


      The CD juggling is painful. What the hell is the point of making you insert the first disc? If you pirated the game, you almost 100% certainly had a crack or a pirated CD, all it does is annoy. Nevermind that DVD's were already around and popular when most of these games were released, ugh..


      Heh, I had Worms as well (3D though), 4 CD's.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  12. All these fun games I have installed but never play because I am too lazy to change the CD's every hour.

    1. Jango40


      Many.. Rise of Nations, Battlefront, KotOR, Diablo 2, Gothic, Age of Empires, Empire at War, and more.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  13. If I port the HL1 Scientist to JKA, will there be any issues regarding releasing it here?

  14. If I port the HL1 Scientist to JKA, will there be any issues regarding releasing it here?

    1. Jango40


      If it doesn't get accepted give me a link, I want that guy in JKA

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  15. new updates to my mod on Moddb.com, fixes, Improvements and more

    1. Jango40


      Was waiting for this, thx for still developing


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  16. Je suis Charlie

    1. Jango40


      Aidor, seriously, they draw about every religion, and they ARE far left socialists. Honestly, I don't have any idea where you got the idea that they support colonialism (Colonialism today? An island here and there..) and imperialism.

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  17. Je suis Charlie

    1. Jango40


      You don't know anything about Charlie Hebdo. First of all, they make fun out of everyone - not just Islam.


      Second, they're far-left socialist: That's like the opposite of imperialism and ''colonialism'' (What colonialism are you even talking about?)

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

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