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Everything posted by Jango40

  1. Just found out I have been using my HDD drive and not my SSD drive for gaming. I am not a smart man.

    1. RJA


      Is this the real life

    2. AshuraDX


      is this just fantasy

    3. RJA


      Caught in a landslide

  2. Having an existential crisis

    1. Bek


      Just stop, drop, and roll. You'll be ok.

    2. Ramikad


      Have faith. You'll get through it and be renewed.

  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bxfNoUuVHY
  4. status;drunk

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SomaZ
    3. Cerez


      Wait a minute! How did you type that so clean?! I smell something fishy....



      Episode X


      Not drunk *enough*!!!

    4. Ramikad


      I just followed you down that path, Jango, pal.

  5. Thunderdome 2017. So tempting..

  6. The 2000's are starting to be a long time ago..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ramikad


      Nope. I didn't have real internet in 2005. :P

      Just sporadically looked around with a mighty 56k connection.

    3. Dusty


      Were all so damn old now haha.

    4. Cerez


      Speak for yourself! :P I'm immortal -- I *never* age!!! XD

  7. I don't have a joystick. Is Resident Evil 4 worth getting without having one? I heard it's pretty bad with keyboard + mouse.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Jango40


      I don't think you understand how the game works ping, it's designed for a pad. It's over the shoulder 3rd person. The gameplay in general is quite slow, enemies are sluggish, so you have time to move and aim around. Watch some youtube vids.

    3. minilogoguy18


      Mouse and keyboard is generally better for this type of game but it was ported to the PC from console, it was designed around a gamepad. It doesn't have any real settings for mouse smoothing and speed.

    4. Ping


      @Jango40: I know very well how these games work and I can assure you that using m+kb is not a problem (and in fact it never is, but besides that, it's not a problem for resi4 in particular).

  8. help I actually like this shit song and I don't know why http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEjqfOKiGWE
  9. I'd like to see the gameplay of Jedi Outcast/Jedi Academy with modern graphics, and new adventures with Kyle. Can't a game be linear nowadays?
  10. My favorite gamemode, but I seem to only meet bots even on ol' Tempest.
  11. Still getting random PM's from people who have googled ''dizzy near mannequins'' and stumbled upon the thread I made 4 years ago.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Artemis


      Random... but also interesting. :o *Goes off in search of mannequins to walk past*

    3. Ramikad


      Why would you get dizzy near mannequins?

    4. Smoo


      use to watch lego porn on youtube lol hilarious

  12. It's yellow, not close to green? I prefer the default worker, but great job and it seems I might be the only one
  13. Despite the shitty reputation KotF and Tim got, and rightfully so, it was sad to see KotF go as it was very fun to play. Glad to have it back, and done properly.
  14. I want to test if the 7777 port works properly, or if I'm having a different problem entirely.
  15. When Steam Support responds with a wall of text in fuckin Swedish

  16. >When you want to play Skyrim but remastered version is coming out too soon

    1. Omicron


      >when you've never played skyrim

    2. Ramikad


      >when you no longer can play Skyrim due to crappy, overheating hardware

  17. Are there any stats on how many copies of JKO/JKA have been sold?

    1. Ramikad


      In total, I'm not sure. But Steam Spy shows 1.5 million JA owners and more than 1.1 million JO owners.

    2. minilogoguy18


      You gotta figure it's way more than that since it was a long time before it was on Steam. I own the CD versions of all the JK games, only Dark Forces I is a digital copy.

    3. katanamaru


      I have two copies of JA! One as a day 1 purchase and the other I got before leaving for the Navy. Picked it up so I'd have a back up if mine broke. Still sealed up.

  18. When you finally have 32GB RAM and not only 3, and can set up a proper RAM drive.

    1. Circa


      Wow. You'll be set for the next decade with that. :P

    2. Onysfx


      You're going to need at least 24GB RAM for a Wind Waker texture pack I found :).

  19. How the hell do you open .dm_26 files outside of JKA? And how can you convert them to .mp4 or .avi?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Circa


      Demos aren't video files though, they're literally records of what happened on the server. You can't play it in anything but JKA.

    3. Xycaleth


      Circa has it right :D Imagine all of the data that you receive from the server. Now take that and shove it into a file. That's what the demo files are. Nothing more, nothing less.

    4. Merek


      That sounds like a pretty big file :P

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