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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. Meh, they're just catering to the lowest common denominator - who needs a badass but complex (to make and master) fighting system when one can go with a simple but flashy one? Also, we don't yet know what it'll be like, maybe they'll actually improve TFU's fighting system? (yeah, right) As long as it's not as big a turd as Prince of Persia: Forgotten Sands was, it should be fine.
  2. But why and how is it crazy? It's the Force we're talking about! Anything is possible with the Force! The tiny, old Yoda could Force move Luke's x-wing no problem, so why is it such a stretch that a young guy that's supposedly so powerful in the Force could pull a star destroyer out of the sky?
  3. In case some of you's don't know, G. Kurtz was the producer for ANH and ESB, as well as a bunch of other movies (American Graffiti and Return to Oz, to name a few). He was 78. Read all about it, and some interesting details here: https://www.theguardian.com/film/2018/sep/26/gary-kurtz-obituary R.I.P., Mr. Kurtz.
  4. Gods damn all these pipes! >.<

  5. Looks sexy. Too bad it's not a female character
  6. Wow! I was expecting it to be in the vein of modern anime, but the visuals are so old-school (well, mostly, there are bits of modern style as well), I love it! Funny, the guy who made it is Russian. Ugh, why does this keep happening? What's strange is that it's happening only to some videos. At the same time, it's almost impossible to watch youtube videos through my ipad's browser, only via the app that doesn't technically work on my "outdated" device (unless you hack it). Darn capitalist swine!
  7. Sounds interesting, but why trilogies? Are you gonna,for instance, divide Kotor 1 into Revan's story during the Mando Wars, then during the Jedi Civil War, and then again, after he's been captured by the Jedi (effectively, the plot of K1), or how? What about K2? The Exile's story during the Mando Wars and later, during the Dark Wars? And JA? Will you be doing the JKA spin-offs (the novels about Jaden) or the original 'Jedi Academy' material (about Corran Horn or the Sun Crusher)?
  8. Lookin' good!Where's the model from though?
  9. Not sure what it's supposed to be, but i like it
  10. Coming from the lord of hate, that's saying something
  11. So um, is it possible to have the saber-color menu assign actual skins to models? You know, like instead of having to play around with a ton of .pk3's, one for each model's skinset, we'd just have an instant skin-change by the press of a button?
  12. YES! Now i can finally have a pet gizka in JKA! Does it have custom animations or does it use the rancor set?
  13. Star Wars - defying logic since 1977 Actually a bunch of people were annoyed with this, because these guys are underequipped and covered in mud, but they're supposed to be elite units that outrank the regular Stormtroopers, who are already a head above the regular Imperial military.
  14. Oh. So now your avi makes sense. But shouldn't the costume be blue then?
  15. Looks like something made Unreal or Cryo engines
  16. Excuse me, what does your nickname have to do with a god of death? Is it some kind of translation?
  17. Actually, 'daedra' is the plural form of 'daedroth'. Daedroth is both the singular form for the creatures known collectively as the Daedra (big and small, divine and beast-like), and for the crocodile-like daedra creature. Daedric is an adjective, denoting something as being related to the Daedra. So 'Daedric' or 'Daedroth' is what you wanna go for, not-Kylo-Ren, at least, if you're not using something like 'prince' at the end.
  18. Way too much pointless swinging and jumping, but this looks promising as phuck! What about the Force? Are there any Force powers beside jump yet?
  19. Call me a pervert, but i just got a few ideas (shifty) Also, Tompa9 uploaded this? What's the status on that future mod?
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