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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. But why the different colours? Edit: Huh, wookieepedia says Relin Druur, Kyp Durron, and Jaina Solo had black force lightning (apparently Relin's was black because it was based on his grief and not anger, not sure about Kyp and Jaina). Luke's, Kyle's, and Jaden's force lightning was actually supposed to be emerald-green, not blue/ purple/ white (or simply green, as in Luke's case), and was literally called 'Emerald Lightning' (there's a debate on Kyle and Jaden, on whether or not the used Electric Judgement/ Emerald Lightning or the basic Force Lightning because they followed the Potentatium philosophy). What's more, the page also says the following: Talk about colour coding Also, Talzin's green was probably because she was using (Sith?) Magic, not actual Force Lightning as, for example, Palpatine did.
  2. Well, that answers the blue and purple, also the yellow. Still not sure about green and red. Thanks for the answer though. The Son's red lightning is understandable, in a way, he was the personification on the Dark Side, after all.
  3. You mean they fired their main SJW? Oh thank the Force!Subscribing to a service? Phah! Piracy for the win! (and yes, I know it's an upopular opinion)
  4. So, does anyone know any details about the episodes? Will this 'season' include those six unfinished episodes (Bad batch, Utapau kyber crystal)?Are they gonna show Order 66 in action?Will we get closure for Ventress (I know they did it in book form, but still)?Something else?
  5. Don't forget that Han Solo fan film someone posted before 'Solo' came out, that one was great too!
  6. Yeah! And let 'em fund big mods and cancelled game revivals, because fans can do it so much better! While i do like the idea, it's just not happening
  7. Speaking of force lightning, was there any explanation anywhere as to the different colors? Because the jka force drain doesn't count, the whole red lightning effect is probably from constricted development time, so they just retextured it. In Kotor it's red too, but not lightning shaped. Palpatine's lightning is blue in the OT, and more violet in the PT, Dooku's is blueish, and Plo Koon's non-canon lightside lightning is either white or yellow, iirc. Now Luke's non canon lightning is red for some reason. Where'd he even learn the lightning anyway? Gods, so many questions!!
  8. Maybe he's talking about the editing, or something?
  9. I seem to recall a modder by that nickname. What happened to him?
  10. Nnnnnnnooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!

    1. AnonMC


      You must avenge my death Kimba -- I mean Simba -- oh wait, wrong movie.


      No. I am your father. -- Oh, we're past that?


      I knew I should have laid off that last drink...

    2. the_raven


      'No.' *DING!*

  11. Theoretically yes, but there are plenty of pics in the show's style on the internet, not to mention content that was made for the show but didn't make it into the final cut for whatever reason. I'm just curious because i haven't seen them featured anywhere outside of mods. Edit: Ah, apparently, they were first featured in the RotS game, and later in the RotS comic and also in RC: True Colors. Turns out, they're not canon anymore.
  12. Heh, i remember when an acquaintance of mine did the commando droid weapon for Clone Wars Conquest for M&B. Not sure if there's a JKA version anywhere though. Speaking of which, was the assassin clone ever shown anywhere in the CW series?
  13. So they're bringing the show back? Sounds good. Hope it'll be as good as the later seasons, because i really don't want them to return to the kid-oriented format of the first seasons.
  14. if it's something good it's always supposed to be exclusive or ported, or otherwise unavailable to the general public. Now i'm not saying the available content is bad, just that there's no real freedom when it comes to these things. How's that?
  15. Not sure about Sabine either, unless i missed something?
  16. Am i the only one who misses Kanan's arm armor? Also, Ezra's shirt makes him look so fat in this
  17. I wanted to post that old PotD from JkFiles where Jaden comes out of Ragnos' tomb with Luke and Kyle only going up the stairs to enter, but instead of the original 'It's over, Ragnos will not be risen', Jaden says 'You were useless!'. Sadly, I couldn't find it anywhere
  18. And that's another bad thing that happens when you let your franchise go inter-media and you hire authors who don't know/ care about the details from previous installments And just like the Prequels rendered the Anh fight between Obi-Wan and Darth Vader lame, so did the JA spin-offs reduce the great Marka Ragnos from the wise and powerful Dark Lord of the Sith that he was in the KOTOR sub-franchise into an arrogant pussy-ghost who got beaten by a teenage Jedi from several millennia into the future.
  19. But would it even make sense to make a JKA MMO? Considering how many active users there are on here, and about the same amount of unregistered lurkers, I think it'd be a pretty empty multiplayer game, unless everyone'll go into the PvP zone in an orderly fashion, which isn't something I think possible, since not everyone likes PvP, or can successfully play it (for whatever reason). Besides, it'd be way too much work. You'd need to make: 1) an overall plot and side-quests (possible cutscenes and voiceover?); 2) some kind of script to change maps; 3) the actual maps (a workaround for this would be to take the already existing maps and merge them, but even that isn't a walk in the park, if I'm not mistaking; and as we know, this is illegal without the authors' permissions - and good luck getting those!) 4) grinding (because while killing bounty-hunters and stormtroopers is fun, you'd still need to add more enemy types, like animals, monsters, and robots (yes, some were already made, both by the JO/ JA devs, and by modders, but we're talking about numbers and variety, plus you'd need to make new mechanics (skeletons? animations?) for them), and make some kind of balancing - like in regular MMO's, so as to avoid one-hit-kills - although that could too be a fun thing, if done right); 5) scripts for player appearance changing (not the 'call character creation menu', but one that keeps the player's selected race, and only allows changing clothes and possibly hair), quests, dialogues, shops, XP, rewards, and loot (though the 'gun drop' and 'power crystal drop' scripts could be used as base in the latter case); 6) potentially green-lighting from LucasArts/ Disney, since they're known for shutting down big mods and similar projects. All in all, it is possible, sure, but personally, I just don't see the point. Someone on here's working on a Unreal-engine game that takes the JK mechanics, I think it'd be easier to start an MMO (or even a singleplayer sandbox) with that. But that's just my two-coins.
  20. This is all fun and games, but is whoever put a bounty on Starkiller's head even sane? The guy's basically the vice-ruler of the Empire!
  21. I'm surprised nobody selected 'any Jedi', I mean, aren't any of you at least a bit curious as to how and why jedi_trainer ended up on top of that ruin on Korriban? Or how Jedi and Jedi2's training went? Or Raltharan's training?
  22. You could actually release this guy as a random Hutt, since he doesn't look much like Jabba. Interesting is that the only previous Hutt skin was actually a lot thinner and felt like any other character in a long robe/ skirt. Also, based on what the old EU said, the Hutts hated when their representation in art (or other media) was accurate, so I bet Jabba would have been proud
  23. No, I meant I didn't understand what the Twi'lek said at the end
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