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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. the_raven


    You mean the new SW animated series is gonna look like this? O_o
  2. I think they'll make the novelizations regardless of Lucas: "more stuff to sell = more money". Besides, it's not like Lucas himself wrote the first six novelizations.
  3. Desann may have the raw strenght and size of his species, but he was overconfident and not knowledgeable enough. Jerec was the head Inquisitor, had full understanding of the Force (not just as a Force-user, but because he was also a Miraluka), experience in saber combat, and even the regular combat/ warfare tactics (mainly because he was an actually comissioned unit within the Empire/ Remnant). Desann was a failed Jedi that relied on instinct and raw power, all the tactical thinking was done by Galak - on the one hand, it was good, there was decentralization and all, but on the other, both Desann and Galak followed their own interests, with superficial regard to the common goal (or rather, Desann had superficial regard, only caring about destroying the Jedi). Aside: what were the previous Epic Matchups? One was Kyle vs Luke, i think, but what was the other? Edit: Never mind, checked 'em out.
  4. Nice hilt actually. I tried making a hilt a few times back in the days, but would also get stuck at texturing - never could figure out the wrapping bit. Alas, I cannot help. But you have my spiritual support.
    1. Noodle


      How funny, I just found out today about this!

  5. Note: Sorry if it's the wrong sub-forum. Note 2: Can't embed images for some reason, here's a youtube "let's play" instead. My good pal DarthMongolTheUnwise, the head dev for Turmoil Across the Stars - a Mount & Blade (both classic and Warband) mod set in the Clone Wars era - is in desperate need of modellers (other modders too, but primary modellers). According to him, currently there are only two modellers (himself and another guy), but there's a ton of content they plan on implementing. Now, I know what you're probably thinking "Meh, M&B has terrible graphics and models, why bother?", well instead of thinking that, hit that Moddb link and check the mod for yourself! Anyone interested is kindly asked to write on the Moddb page, or on Discord. (I hope the second link works, never shared a Discord link before )
  6. Yeah, as a standalone, non-SW franchise/ series, the new trilogy could work. It'd be pretty mediocre, but it could work. But it's not a standalone franchise/ trilogy, that's the biggest problem with most fans. Personally, I don't care about "forced diversity" because the Rebellion was supposed to be diverse right from the original SW movie. But you have to admit, there was a kind of forced feminism in the new trilogy, most important characters are women - Mary 'Rey' Sue (the saviour of the Galaxy and the Last Jedi), Queen Leia (the leader of the Rebellion), Admiral Holdo (Leia's second in command and a lesbian, it seems), Captain Phasma (the only stormtrooper with a personality, who also happens to be female, and is needlessly pointed out as such; who seemed to be the fourth person of importance in the First Order, at least, based on the movies - in fact, the only bad female character), and Mas (who knows everything and is an all around kickass). Most male characters in the new trilogy are either nobodies (don't even have names), or are expendable (down to the important characters such as Han, Luke and Snoke), with the exception of deserter-Finn (a black guy), idiot-hotshot Po (who's most likely gay (no hate, just my personal theory)), non-human Chewy, body-positive Disney princess Kylo Ren, the traitor mercenary hacker (I think he did die in the end?), and alleged turncoat Hux (who'll most likely die a hero's death as soon as he switches sides). Still, it's not as bad as in other Disney-owned media. Just a few weeks ago, I saw the trailer for season two of The Gifted (that X-Men spin-off series), and in it, about 70% of the featured characters are women; the 'mutant revolutionaries' are primarily women and are run by women - their leader (a woman) even says "Let's go, girls!". If I didn't know any better, I'd say someone in Disney/ Marvel/ whatever was trying to tell us something - I mean, replace 'mutants' with 'women' and it all becomes pretty clear. Don't get me wrong, I'm sympathetic with feminism, but the way Disney does it is just over the top; it's so bad that not even women like it!
  7. Check the tutorial section on how to add custom species for character creation, it should work with most models. Otherwise, Droidy365 gave a good suggestion.
  8. Doesn't it also make you slightly faster? I know that it does inmo, but in mp you don't become invincible, so maybe that's a balance thing?
  9. Well, you could release it with the new season coming out. When was that release date, again?
  10. ...and all most of the negative comments on it came from Russian spies and American neo-nazis. In a sociological study of twitter comments, it was revealed that 21.9% out of 50.9% of all the negative comments came from Russian trolls and bots, who want to divide the American people and stir shit up, and American alt-right activists who want to further promote support of Trump. I don't know whether to laugh or to cry at this, I mean, people actually spend resources and become famous (even if only for five minutes) trying to prove such bullshit. Read about it here.
  11. Funny enough, i think i actually once saw a Samurai X mod in filefront or on lucasfiles
  12. Agreed. A (sort of) off-topic question: what's the difference between a cloak and a cape?
  13. No idea who or what that is, but it looks badass indeed!Kinda looks like Durge in Fallout power armor.
  14. Dang, Faiorden's famous "More content, not less!" thread is almost two years old now. How time flies! ._.

  15. *for those of you who don't know, among Russian alien-hunters, 'quaker' is a term given to Unidentified Underwater Objects (basically, alleged alien submarines or submersible alien space-ships that are said to make a quaking sound when picked up by naval ship radars/ radios), which, given the sci-fi context of Star Wars, is kind of funny. **also, 'Quakers', another term for the 'Friends Church', a protestant Christian sect.
  16. Well, there's Chewie, Admiral Akbar and his posse, that Sullustan co-pilot to Lando, the Bothans... plus the alien characters from Rebels and Rogue One. But i see your point. Well, considering SW history, it't understandable why ep4 didn't have many aliens. Ep5 didn't feature much of the Rebellion (save for Hoth and the ending scene), and ep6 is the main culprit, but it featured the Sullustan, the Mon Calamari, the Ewoks, and mentions the Bothans, so it _kind of_ balances out? Not sure how the Star Forge plays into this, but i don't think they'd have done much with it. As to Phasma, i never much cared for the character. Yeah, sure, a female stormtrooper, this was long in the coming, so this wasn't a big surprise for fans (except that Lucasfilms finally did it), but the whole idea of stormtroopers is depersonalization: same armor, same gear, voice modulators, no skin shown; no matter who or what you are under the armor, all people are gonna see is a stormtrooper, of which there are billions. Why they needed to accent Phasma's womanhood? Because fucking Disney. They even gave her personalized chrome armour, a cape, and altered the voice modulator so she sounds like a woman. I'm a bit upset (and suprised on the other hand) they didn't make her armour more womanly. Also, it feels like a waste to just have her killed after a total of some 10 minutes in two movies and supposedly establishing her as an important character. Even the Emperor,who appeared for some 20 minutes had a larger impact in every sense. And yes, Phasma is a flat character. If i were you, i'd just ignore the new trilogy and everything associated with it. You'll have better sleep at night, trust me!
  17. Yeah, man, Reborn Masters have Desann lightsaber hilts (I think it's called Retribution? ). I'm just not sure if the blade and saber styles are the same, because there seem to be two entries for Desann's hilt in the game files - one using the regular saber blade, the other using Desann's (wider, longer, more powerful). As a side note: I never really got to experience the saber drop/ pick-up commands.
  18. From what I remember of when I just started playing the game, it was a bit confusing, but it felt pretty badass. The combos took time to get used to, but that's a common matter with any and all combo-based combat systems.
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