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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. It's not good, but it isn't bad either. It's a good start. It can benefit from better screenshots and maybe try to apply some shaders to the textures.
  2. I have no issues with long WIP threads. It shows how a project evolves through time and also allows you to recieve criticism for the things you're currently developing if it's a long project like my own or Langerd's. It's very different to develop a serie of inter-connected maps than releasing small models that don't take that much time to create. I think the issue should be related to the fact that the forum is used as a place to publish models that wouldn't be accepted on this page according to our current guidelines. I don't think it's okay for people to release all their content on their WIP page if they know it won't be accepted as an official release here. The WIP threads should be used to show a work in progress, not as a space to exclusively release your content.
  3. The lightning makes the whole thing much better!
  4. I had the same problem with my maps, figured out it happened because the objectives are hard coded in the objectives.h file
  5. I didn't jump to beat those guys, since in Jedi Master difficulty you end up dead really quick like that. I used force speed and force rage and that worked much better and felt Vader like to be honest. Those faces are much better than base JA!
  6. I don't mean to be rude, but you'll have more luck winning the lottery than finding a competent coder interested in working on a mod with such a deserved shit reputation.
  7. Your map is solid, just need to have proper lightning and maybe make some of the textures fit better, otherwise, it looks like Coruscant much more than base JA.
  8. My autism can't handle the fact that there's something written in english next to a sign in aurebesh, correct this tragedy if you can.
  9. I'm glad to see that you took the criticism like a champ and improved your skin. It's a great improvement over the first version. Though, it could be improved furthermore between the neck's skin and the torso's.
  10. I'd like to see the characters you've made. It's always inspiring to see original characters.
  11. Yes, but that's normal for any SP total conversion. Anyone having issues with .npc files must have an overcluttered base folder.
  12. I laughed a lot when I heard that, wasn't even sure if it came from the game. I've finally finished this beta and I can say that I enjoyed it a lot! The ending to the duel was really unexpected and I even said 'that's hardcore' outloud. I had absolutely no issues related to lag or random crashes, but it might have to do with the fact that I had a clean base so I wouldn't have npc, texture or model issues. I appreciate the freedom that you can have while playing, even if it's odd to see Darth Vader use a rocket launcher. I found one of the secret areas (won't say where, since they're secret) and I think that hidden things like those are good for players that like to spend time observing the space instead of doing everything easily. I appreciate a challenge, and oh boy, I was stuck a few minutes at some places. My main criticism has to do with sounds, since sometimes NPC say non-sensical things like 'Don't shoot, I'm on your side' (or something like that) and things related to the remnant, which make no sense since Vader is alive. The last boss said something like 'I can defeat a jedi', which was a bit ironic. But aside from that, you're on the right track. I really did love the cinematics, keep it up! I do recommend people to play it on Jedi Master difficulty, one thermal detonator is all it takes to kill you, so it's really hard and it forces you to use your force powers on an intelligent manner. I'll look forward to this project, and I'm also looking forward to your project related to Morin, your own character.
  13. I hope we see more models done from scratch by you. I think this weapon look really good, but it's a pity it doesn't have 1st person perspective.
  14. I really enjoyed it, got my ass kicked a couple times in Jedi Master difficulty. Totally recommend this mod for great fun.
  15. Looks great so far, but I'm stuck at the begining since I can't find the security key to proceed. I know I'm missing something, yet I can't find it... for now.
  16. It's exactly what I needed! I'll try to get it working soon so I can PM you a video of it working alongside the E-11 blaster. Thanks!
  17. Yes! That's exactly what I mean. I wanted to do it on my own, but I can't modify the .md3 file so that it has a different texture path.
  18. A very good looking gun! Is it possible to release this as a non-replacable model? Modders like me could use this to add it as a new weapon.
  19. Maybe if you show us some pictures we might be able to offer some advice.
  20. This is great for mappers since we always need good looking skyboxes.
  21. But Anakin is the chosen one, he's not your average jedi. Your average jedi is Coleman Trebor, who gets rekt by a bounty hunter a mere meters away from him. That's a fair point.
  22. I disagree. We see Jedi get precognition when they're actively in combat or when they start to focus on something because they feel there's something afoot. But talking about gameplay mechanics, I just remembered the Spider-man 2 game for the gamecube. That game had combat precog that wasn't a QTE. You had to press a button in the right time when you were going to get punched to dodge an attack, but you'd get a spidey-sense effect over your head that told you you were going to be attacked. There was no QTE or slow motion, and it worked really well.
  23. Except that's wrong. In Jedi Academy you get super reflexes if you use Force Sense, as it should be. Force users have to focus to get their precog and super reflexes, There are many examples in canon, lit's the reason why Plagueis could be killed during his sleep, Mace Windu was almost murdered by Boba Fett, or in Order 66 when some of the Jedi don't even see it coming untill it's too late. Same thing happens in Jedi Academy, if you use Force sense, you get perfect aim with guns and you also get the ability to dodge sniper lasers. When you use Force Speed, time does slow down, but it's something that you choose to do, or have to if you use your brain, not an automatic trigger that makes it impossible for you to lose. Videogames are much better when there's no handholding: QTEs, automatical slowmotion or translucent vision, makes playing a video game much less enjoyable since the player is much less active and doesn't get to take important desitions.
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