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Everything posted by Daedra

  1. A new LEGO Star Wars The Force Awakens set includes the following: Princess Leia Admiral Ackbar A new vehicle Finn with his desert helmet A resistance fighter
  2. Also getting the full poster art on Sunday according to multiple sources.
  3. There won't be any Disney logo in The Force Awakens. http://screencrush.com/no-disney-logo-star-wars-the-force-awakens/
  4. I managed to get a high resolution pic of Lukes hand from the movie trailer: I hope that helps a bit. If you search through this Thread you will find the other pic of Lukes hand I posted here: http://jkhub.org/topic/6144-epvii-luke-skywalker/?p=93760 I think that should be ok to model a basic hand as you now have front and back references.
  5. Your work is the best, it's a wild fantasy to have graphics THAT good in JKA, which of course would never happen, but your work is among the best so never give up!
  6. No. But if you want any other hilt made into backhand just let me know here http://jkhub.org/topic/6276-backhand-saber-requests/
  7. Dat source I posted Should really get in contact with that modeller to join JKHub..
  8. I believe that would be the Clone Wars mod. The animation can be seen in this video: https://youtu.be/muNLaFGyFxw Here is the download:http://jkhub.org/files/file/753-clone-wars-stances-and-effects-mod/
  9. I love it! The only thing for me is if you were to make a hoodless version then the back of the hair could use some tweaks.. I tried to get some references of the back of his hair: It's not easy to get a full back of head reference.. However while looking for references I did come across this: Zbrush sculpts of both Old Han Solo and Old Luke. The source is here: http://www.zbrushcentral.com/showthread.php?176010-Getting-the-Gang-Back-Together-%28Star-Wars%29
  10. Darth Vader is making a return, but as a clone. Disney won't bring it up yet though, and it's only rumoured that Hayden will be the man behind the mask. I personally hope they leave Hayden out of it, since J.J. said that this new trilogy is only focusing on the lore and universe of the original trilogy and not the prequels. But hey if they can bring back Tarkin from the dead (Similarly of how they recreated Paul Walker in Furious 7) then why can't they also bring back Sebastian Shaw? More salt with extra pepper I guess.
  11. I just think it looks better, besides the part of the helmet that comes over the eyes could be transluscent so you can see through it like sunglasses. But I guess that can always be altered unofficially after release in the future.
  12. I do love your concept but for me the eyes are too wide.. much like a Simpsons character. So please forgive the poor skills shown in the edit I made but I think this could look better with a slight change to the helmet:
  13. If I remember it was you who made the black versions of DT's Episode 7 Stormtrooper. That's a nice base to start from even if the model isn't entirely made from scratch which I beleive is the point you're making.
  14. That's the sort of attitude that stops good things from getting made. Agreed it may look awkward (Which we don't even know yet since the model isn't even created!) but that should not deter from the fact that any negative can be turned into a positive. If there would be any clipping issues, which may somehow be unavoidable due to the JKA Skeleton, then i'm sure a custom Stance would solve that. There are many pros and cons to many models, even currently released models do state that there are clipping issues, but since when did that matter if the model was awesome enough? Don't let negativity bring positivity down. Stay classy, man.
  15. Take a gander. So this would be an epic model in JKA.
  16. Your new realistic Windu and BARC Speeder. I only have 2 lol.
  17. That Mace Windu looks so real! I know this may be a weird request.. could you make a version with the facial hair and afro? It would be epic lol
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