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Everything posted by Daedra

  1. I don't want to control the target. I just want to be able to put my crosshair over the target, use the force power and his playerteam changes without controlling him. Then instead of attacking me, he will start attacking his allies.
  2. I think you lost the point of the OP. He knows that DT's version exists. He just wants to Frankenstein Yoda onto his back.
  3. Original is by Adam Relf: It was pitched to Disney to be used as the main movie poster. So it's both official and unofficial.
  4. Thanks for the edit. Was looking for a Dark Side hilt to go with Phantom. 5 Stars.
  5. Just for the record, I would prefer a version that looks more like he TFU version than the movie version. I really don't know what more to say.
  6. What don't you guys understand? I don't want it to look like ROTJ I want it to look like TFU Version. Why is everyone talking about Toshi's version I am not even interested in it.. this Thread isn't even about that model..
  7. I would like the head of the TFU version frankensteined onto an already made Luke body and released as a TFU Version of luke (not a replacement of another Luke which I don't even care about). Why is that so hard to grasp?
  8. I'm not looking for a replacement, i'm wanting a TFU version.
  9. Nice! I do actually have the completed model from TFU, it may be possible to port some of the smaller details onto your model such as the mask, tubes, chestplate, etc. I know some of the best models have some parts which are ported. If you need the model just let me know in a PM i'll send it to you.
  10. So i'm going to open up some speculation. We currently know that Kylo Ren is after Anakin's Blue lightsaber, who fails to do so up to the point where Kylo battles Finn with the same weapon. Now skip back to the Original Trilogy. Notice how Vader in ROTJ lost his hand and saber the exact same way that Luke did in TESB? This could mean one of two things: 1. Vader's Red saber didn't survive the blast of the Death Star. 2. Somehow the Red saber survived the blast of the Death Star. If option 1 is the reality, then fine this needs no more explanation. However if option 2 is the reality, then out there is a floating Vader hand with his Red lightsaber. So I was wondering if perhaps Kylo fails to obtain the Blue saber of Anakin, and instead hunts down the Red saber? I find this a rather interesting subject as to the whereabouts of Vader's Red saber, and why Kylo could not search for the Red saber instead of the Blue saber. Or perhaps they are saving this for Episode VIII or Episode IX? I'm unsure but Star Wars has a habit of losing things down big drops. Here's a list: - Obi-Wan loses his saber down a drop in Episode I and uses Qui-Gon's saber. - Darth Maul falls down the same drop with his lightsaber. - In Episode II Padme drops out of a Gunship into the sand. - In Episode III Obi-Wan drops his saber and is retrieved by a Clonetrooper. - In Episode III Mace Windu drops from a building, but i'm not sure about his saber. - In Episode V Luke loses his hand and Anakin's blue saber down a drop. - In Episode VI Darth Sidious falls down a drop (with his lightsaber? Not sure). - Also in Episode VI Vader loses his hand and saber down a drop. Those are all of the ones which I remember myself. I really think that there's something more going on with Vader's red saber that is yet to be revealed in the new movies. I doubt they would leave the explanation of such an iconic weapon to just be 'blown up with the death star'. If Kylo does indeed know about the red saber, why does he persue the blue saber (light side) rather than the red (dark side) version? Since he is a bad guy he would naturally obtain the red one? Unless he is not a bad guy after all, which would mindscrew me.
  11. Now don't be ridiculous. Don't turn into NinjaKiller by getting all butthurt because nobody took up your request yet. Have you seen the Requests & Suggestions Forum? There are unanswered requests dating back to 2012. I don't see any single one of those Members complaining about their request not being made yet. What you have to do is to not complain about these things, they will get made in the future more than likely. An example of this would be with Thexan And Arcann. I made a request for those characters back on the 3rd of August. It is only just now in November that the request is being taken on. You posted this request on the 16th August. Give it more time. Don't go posting silly sentences like "I should close this Thread because it's not being worked on." If you close the Thread, your request won't be taken on at all, even more so when modders see how immature you come across as when you type those silly things. tl;dr For the love of GOD stop complaining. You're not the center of the Universe and you're not coming across as very mature when you make those silly sentences. P.S. Good luck with your request, I do hope it gets worked on eventually. Patience is key.
  12. Would be great to update the current Kylo Ren model with it too.
  13. Well I'd really like the hilts from Thexan and Arcann from SWTOR to go with this mod: http://jkhub.org/topic/6462-knights-of-the-fallen-empire-twins-arcann-and-thexan/ Here's a few reference pics I could find: Thexan: Arcann: And here's the trailer for more references:
  14. I managed to solve it but yeah I had to extract the humanoid folder and it was fine.
  15. Solved it myself. So this thread isn't needed anymore.
  16. Or you could, y'know, be a good Staff member and offer a proper solution.
  17. Not sure why.. when I try to import a GLM model into Blender it says error cannot find .GLA. How can I solve this?
  18. His voice doesn't sound so old, still sounds like it did back in 1977. So may not need a new voice so much, just combine voice clips from the movie trailers with some voice clips from another game Luke was in, like The Force Unleashed or Battlefront.
  19. If you know a good voice actor who can replicate Kylos voice from the final trailer, then I can add the effect of the mask.
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