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Everything posted by Daedra

  1. @@dark_apprentice Summon
  2. @@AshuraDX look one post up
  3. Sounds like that may be the problem which would be why the force powers are coming out of his crotch instead of his hand, or shall we just call it the origin point?
  4. I remember seeing somewhere an Arnold Schwarzenegger model but he was not "damaged". Considering how intricate the model of an endoskeleton would actually be it may be wise to just dump that idea and go for the regular models but edit the texture so they become "damaged". Personally I would love to see the original T-1000 Robert Patrick in JKA. Just for fun. Edit: Right there. http://www.jkhub.org/topic/3920-terminator-apocalypse/ @@DT85 abandoned the project. However @@GPChannel looks like he has some sort of Arnold model.. I may be wrong however.
  5. As the title of the Thread says it is a "Custom Character" meaning it is not canon to Star Wars, basically I made him up. Even @@therfiles gave him the name. lol
  6. It's nice but it limits you to only using the playermodel you choose when you start a new game. Great for those who just want to run through SP without problems though. 4 Stars.
  7. Updated sabers. -Took out the staff animations so it doesn't look like he's holding onto the blade.
  8. Can anyone give any pointers on these bugs? The lightsaber does not show and both lightning and drain force powers come out of his knee. No tags are deleted and none are out of the heirarchy. @@dark_apprentice Just for you to see
  9. That's the Flametrooper: Different model
  10. Just got a voice actor for the sound pack. Currently in progress.
  11. And I also have an update.. I have the sabers we need.
  12. What's οn yοur mind?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ramikad


      Wish I knew... it's a mystery even to me.

    3. Flynn
    4. Cerez




      Did you ask something?

  13. Did you make sure all tags are inside the heirarchy? P.S. Lightning balls lol
  14. Also looks like the cape for the back of the legs is invisible, that also needs fixing up
  15. Just an update i'm working on the sabers but I don't know how to turn a regular saber into a backhand saber. I need some kind of tutorial on it.
  16. How can I force a saber to be used as backhand? Is there any code I need to add to the .sab file?
  17. Welcome man. I'm the same as you. Love SP and dabble in MP.
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