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Everything posted by Daedra

  1. @@DT85 Your fears are over my friend. http://uk.ign.com/articles/2015/10/26/star-wars-jj-abrams-says-its-no-accident-that-luke-skywalker-isnt-in-force-awakens-trailers J.J. Has revealed that it is no accident that Luke is not in the trailers. This basically translates to: Khan won't be in Star Trek Into Darkness *Kahn ends up being in the movie alot*. So Luke will potentially be in the movie alot more than we think. Plus the version of Luke we are making is legitimate. We are on the right track with this one.
  2. Yeah on tumblr they are saying that people say Kylo is Luke as a joke. Personally I don't get the joke and it was never explained to me. Sounds really dumb though.
  3. That's great, because the version I had didn't have any good texture and was missing the back part. Looks like you have everything there perfect. I know it may not be of interest to you but I know @@Kualan made a Kylo Ren.. perhaps this head could be frankensteined onto the body he made. I mean you could do this.. it's only an idea to frankenstein it. But at least then a new body could always be made for it at a later time if it ever needs doing.
  4. Yeah it needs re-doing and also adding the back of the helmet. I only managed to obtain the main front part.
  5. I'm not saying Kylo is Luke. I just know that Mark Hamill said years ago if he ever continued in Star Wars he would like to turn to the Dark Side. Though I am unsure if that shot of R2 being touched is the same time as Kylo being around, or if it is a flashback of Luke with R2. Since Lukes clothes there don't match the leaked photo from EPVII, with the Cream colored robes he wears.
  6. I know there are rumours about Luke turning to the Dark Side. I don't know how true this is but it would be awesome to see a "Dark Side" version of this Old Luke with black robes like you say.
  7. We also need a full maskless version. If you look closely in the final trailer at the end, Kylo is not wearing his mask.
  8. Can't find where it is but someone said one of the cast members confirmed it
  9. It is confirmed to be Luke there touching R2
  10. Not sure. Check out this trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=UsKJ2zk4RL0 Download it in its largest quality (4k Ultra HD) View it on a large screen monitor and pause it on the Ren Knights then you should see it better if you zoom in.
  11. Luke is actually in Trailers #2 and #3. He's confirmed to be the one with the robotic hand touching R2-D2. In the latest trailer he can be seen at trailer time 1:40.
  12. Yeah those are the Knights of Ren, they have different masks
  13. They are saving him because Disney knows that's what we all want to see. It's the cash cow of the entire franchise returning along with Leia and Han. No but his name is on the new poster. So he's definitely in the movie, otherwise why would they show luke touching R2 in the last trailer and using his voice also? And more yet why would they including him on the comic con reel video? They are keeping him as the magnum opus.
  14. If the trailer doesn't show him or tease him then they are seriously saving this for the Cinema release since Mark Hamill has been confirmed cast on the new poster released today.
  15. New TV spots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ZL-bOeCdVvM https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Uxk8OW8cQTw https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=k8ueMlJN26M
  16. Amazing work DT. Now it just needs that huge coat/cape with a hood and it's perfect.
  17. ESPN has confirmed a new poster and trailer coming:
  18. It probably is a good series, I don't know since I haven't watched it. I hope you do get someone to work on your requests, but don't keep bloating about it in other peoples' request threads.
  19. That's all very well and good but that's not the message that was coming across in your other post. When you bring up about YOUR requests not being made first as a response to someone elses request, it can come across like you have some problem with people making requests in general. In actual fact your comment came across as desperate, not to mention your "contest" which just seems like one big excuse to make someone work on your request before any other request. If you don't have any good input to add to the Skin Request then why respond in such a way as to make yourself look like an idiot? tl;dr: Stop posting irrelevant comments which only show how desperate (and childish) you come across as.
  20. Exactly. The Ren Knights have a different mask and armour to Kylo.
  21. But the other Knights of Ren don't use THAT mask since Kylo is the one who creates the mask based on Vaders mask. This is why I asked you which one you was requesting since you're basically asking for a new Kylo Ren mask. It's probably better to wait to see what the other Knights of Ren actually look like first. Heh who knows we may see that on Monday in the new Trailer.
  22. I'm not sure what you're requesting here. Are you asking for a better Kylo Ren model? Or are you asking for a Ren Knight which are other members of the Knights of Ren Clan?
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