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Everything posted by Daedra

  1. And let's not forget Base JKA Chewie, Old Han skin, Old Luke (WIP), Rey and BB-8 (WIP).
  2. I was actually asking to just have the head converted and frankensteined onto another Luke body then I will re-texture the head.
  3. Yes I have The Force Unleashed Count Dooku model. Someone would have to convert and rig it and get it into JKA though.
  4. See I would have no idea about that! But if you get any spare time I would sure like you to consider this.. If I don't ask I may not recieve anything.
  5. I have this model it is ready to be rigged and put into JKA. All that it needs is someone to do this. I can't as I have no idea how to, and I could not give it the love it deserves. Just so people know.. I would like the HEAD frankensteining onto a regular Luke body so it looks something like this: After it's frankensteined I will re-texture the head.
  6. So here's an image of the model: I have this model.. it just needs rigging up and putting into JKA. I will need someone to do this, then it would be another epic release!
  7. Sorry to bump the Thread like this but I do have an update of sorts. I now have a full model of the Force Unleashed Ben Kenobi. I just need someone to help me rig it and get it into JKA.
  8. So I have a model ready to go.. it just needs rigging and putting into JKA. If anyone can help to put this model into JKA I would appreciate it. I plan on making improved textures for the model, but I am no good with rigging or anything so i'll need someone to do this for me. Here's an image of the model. The model is .fbx and the textures are .dds
  9. Animations isn't an issue much.. as long as you got a model you could have it replace the wampa to have wampa animations. I think that would be realistic enough for JKA.
  10. If you go to google images and type "rake creature" there are some more images too.
  11. Any chance you could work on a Rake?
  12. An easier option could be to make a script to disable jumping completely. That way bots will respawn and won't keep spam jumping everywhere.
  13. Ok i'm not good at all with coding so i'm requesting this for OpenJK. I mostly play Solo Mode with bots. The only problem is if there are maps which have no bot paths, bots just constantly jump all the time. And bots are rubbish anyway as they don't use the characters actual voice. This is why I just spawn NPC's into a cheat enabled Solo Server. They use their own voices and don't jump around all the time, they act normal as they should. So the script I would like.. would be to respawn the same NPC after the NPC gets killed every time. That's it. Nothing more to it. I don't expect the script to make the respawning identical to bot respawning (with the green sphere thing), but this way the NPC would act as a bot without all the ridiculous jumping and will actually use the voices properly. I would just like this script as an executable cfg or something that I can just activate once and it works always. I don't expect to have this worked on straight away, or even at all. However I do appreciate the attention to this request!
  14. New rumour of Yoda being in The Force Awakens: http://comicbook.com/2015/10/30/another-classic-star-wars-character-rumored-to-return-in-the-for/
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBh0hgP8wWk New Star Wars Duracell commercial show's C-3PO with red arm for the first time. It also shows "Rey" using Force Powers against stormtroopers. Does this mean she's a Skywalker after all?
  16. There are a few force powers I would love to see for JKA. The first would be Force Rip (not a fart joke) This would consist of lifting the target into the air similar to a force grip, and then dismembering them completely ripping their arms, head, legs and torso apart (hands also). After dismemberment, the pieces will automatically fall to the ground (so you dont keep gripping the broken pieces of the target). The second would be Force Slam (not a sex joke) This would consist of simply crushing the target into the ground in which the target dies instantly. Pretty simple really. The third and final would be like what you suggested, a new Force Mind Trick called Force Pursuasion. This would consist of literally changing the targets playerteam for 30 seconds. Rather than controlling the target you would simply change their playerteam temporarily to fight on your side. But either way good luck on this work and I hope it turns out awesome!
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=6kDhd1JVimc
  18. Looks amazing DT. One thing though, why does the Right sleeve look like it's incomplete from the side view?
  19. Nice model! But if you're going to put this into JKA.. wouldn't it be better in the WIPs Teasers and Releases section?
  20. Yes along with Boba Fett, Leia, and Han Solo
  21. Already posted here: http://jkhub.org/topic/6094-thexan-arcann/?hl=thexan No need for this thread to remain in existence. Search harder next time. @@mrwonko @@AshuraDX
  22. It was already confirmed that the image posted is of luke in full costume for the first time on set of The Force Awakens. On the photo you can see cameras all around him. Those cameras are making a digital model of him for CGI use, which means he may be in some action sequences.
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