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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. Nice! This affects gameplay aswel, right? I hate to play in windowed mode, with 4:3
  2. @@Oobah has a talent for RP mapping, though he recently started working on a big Korriban map -- you should ask him.
  3. If you're going to create toilets, and a bar and a library - then you're clearly working on a RP map, no? I think it would be a bad idea, here's why : I never played KOTOR, but if the Korriban there was designed, as you say, based on the strong ruling - then they did a great job creating that world. After all, Korriban is a sacred planet for the Sith, there are many ancient tombs scattered around the planet - containing immense dark side powers, which only confirms the claim that Korriban was created as a referance to Egypt and it's rulers. This totally justifies the design of the world in KOTOR. So my suggestion is that you don't make this map in the usual RP way, but rather, as a refugee place; as if the tomb was inhabited by a sith group. Perhaps make an area in the map that look like the main entrance into the tomb, but it has collapsed in the past. Random square shaped tunnels and maybe a few lamps here and there pointed at the walls, dirt and stuff on the ground, piles of rock, even big rocks fallen from the roof might be nice.
  4. I think the model is close enough for a TCW edit; https://i.imgur.com/GPnlKrJ.png
  5. I don't want it to be changed much more - It's supposed to be green. Besides, this isn't his main project I'd like to see him focus on the dual pack and everything else he has mentioned here.
  6. Looks really good, I will replace the 0.8 with 0.9 in my base folder =)
  7. @@Ruxith @@Omicron well as far as I know that's just an image -- I haven't seen that skin anywhere yet, only Darth Maul reskins... instead of a picture, why don't you give me an actual link to a shirtless savage opress and I'll give my opinion of it =P besides, DT's model is the best one to work on atm
  8. I actually started working on the shirtless Maul_vm model not long ago, but the model itself is too bulky - a real oddball. (maul_vm) Meanwhile I'm focusing on creating a shirtless Savage using DT's newly released model, I've not yet contacted him about this -so might aswel mention it here. That Savage Opress model is absolutely fantastic, and I immediately visioned him shirtless - how gay is that? - so I started working on it instead of trying to create a shirtless maul from the _VM model. I wanted it to ressemble the one from the cancelled game but the VM model is just crap, and I'll say 10x times. Creating a TCW maul would be possible if one would use DT's new Darth Maul model. And for the record, @, Maul isnt that muscular http://jkhub.org/files/file/1964-dt-darth-maul/ + see the difference; https://i.imgur.com/GPnlKrJ.png Phat Maul vs Darth Maul
  9. @@Circa - that saber reminds me of Buzz Lightyear, yeah? I think it's cool.. I love it - Fits my personal skin. Which isn't Buzz And @@Rooxon - I've got plently of time to help you out, I may hit a wall eventually but I'll design as many saber as I can -- and hey, it's your project - as long as I get the proper credit - I'll definetly try to make them ressemble the original sabers already in the game.
  10. Buzz Lightyear- saber I actually like this a lot, eventhough it's only a 0.8 version. Thank you Rooxon.
  11. That concept has too much detail in it to be made as a re-skin, especially if one would use HS_models... X __x would look awful. Just wait for someone to take up this task, Sidious8
  12. z3filus


    Never thought a map this simple coul look so good, looks like a great map for ladder matches. It is a bit dark, but that's ok.
  13. Amazing, thank you for using my design and naming the saber after me. Version 0.8 sounds about right aswel, looking foreward to the final one. So.. besides Tavion, Alora and Cultist saber designs... was there anything else you need help with? Glad I could help this much.
  14. DESANN'S SABER As you know, Desann's saber was bigger than usually, because of himself being physically a very strong fighter, thus it would make sense if his powerful over-the-head style passed on to Tavion, so I took the liberty of creating a saber that's either as long as Kyle's saber, or a bit longer, since Tavion herself was a normal size human female, she would have to have a saber that has some leverage. Feedback is more than welcome =) The saber comes out from top # Tavion's saber
  15. I found nothing wrong about this map --- not one single thing. The dining area was nice, yes.. NICE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYt0WbDjJ4E
  16. @@Rooxon Thankss -- here's a quick copy/ paste edit of the second saber for Alora, is it too similar? The idea is to give her 2 similar saber hilts - twins - so having the name plates for both sabers is necessary. I'd imagine Alora being very devoted to the Sith and that she would see her sabers as a very personal thing. BIGGER IMAGE BELOW http://s29.postimg.org/t87qi00zr/cultistsaber2designz3f.jpg For Tavion, I though about making a saber that ressembles Desanns saber, as she was very, oddly fanatic about him. I wouldn't be surprised to know she found Desann's saber and fixed it -- and made it fit her hands better. I'll try that first.
  17. I like that!! Can't wait to see the finalized version -- here's one design for Alora, especially with dual wielding in mind. I wanted to add some color into this hilt, that same blue & green she has on her clothes, but that didn't look as nice as grey, and also I took the liberty of adding a name plate to the side of the saber, as she might be a person who names her sabers. I dunno... # ALORA'S SABER BIGGER IMAGE BELOW http://s14.postimg.org/nq3sihzhd/cultistsaber2designz3f.jpg
  18. Hi, welcome to the hub Clearly the prime time of jedi knight is over, but the fact that this game can be modified in just about any way you could imagine, makes Jkhub a place worth logging in to. You never know what you'll find here: I think it was @@DT85 who recently managed to create realistic cloth piece -- and ofcourse there is rend2, and other projects. The new star wars trilogy is also a good reason to hang around here, as we may get some fresh or/and old players to check out what's new with JKA. If you feel like creating a model, check out the REQUEST section - and don't worry, you cant fail here, we already have a duck and a horse playermodel.
  19. How about 2 different sabers that she could attach to eachother? as Asajj Aentress had, except not having two identical, but different looking sabers.
  20. I watched the fights between Alora and Jaden on Youtube. -- and she uses dual sabers or the blue stance with single, this means I will try to desing a saber for 1 hand with a good grip, so it would be realistic and better fit her combat style.
  21. Both Tavion and Alora controlled a league of expendalbe MarkaRangos- worshippers, the cultists, and I seriously doubt they'd have unique sabers as they wouldn't even be dealt as individuals. The cultists would all have a saber model that's easy-to-manufacture and mass produce, as @@Circa also already explained, thanks. -- It would also be logical that their saber would ressemble Vader's hilt, because of Vader statue at Vjun. Whether you use this for the cultists or for Tavion -- or at all -- is up to you. That was not supposed to be named after me though, the green one was. You can call this black cultist saber something else. I've also started working on Tavions and Aloras hilts already, I'll post images here later tonight =) If you want to, I can also try to come up with a staff hilt for the reborns.
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