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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. That looks great @@Rooxon. I designed a new cultist saber, please say if you dont like it- I'll give it another try. So I looked at your version of the stinger, and combined that with both Vader's and Mace Windu's saber hilts. #saber "STINGER" BIGGER IMAGE BELOW http://s27.postimg.org/ptqzbemk3/cultistsaber2designz3f.jpg
  2. Well.. here's how I imagined this saber would look like, that dark area in the middle is supposed to be a handle, And idea already seen in the SW universe -- which I think is an idea taken from real hand-/machinegun desings. I designed the top of the saber to ressemble Luke's own saber hilt, which was built from a 70's flashlight by the way, and the base of the saber is designed to be very simple and modern -- easy to place hanging from a Jedi's belt. As Circa suggested, I streched the saber -- tbh, I never intented it to be short, thank you for noticing it =) This is most likely my only chance to get a saber designed by me into this game, so I'd like to name it after me. zef or z3f has been my nick in Jedi Academy for over 10 years, this is why I put Z3F in the name of the saber. # saber " S7AR-Z3F" IF YOU EVEN CHOOSE TO ADD THIS SABER TO YOUR - TO DO - LIST =) @@Circa @@Rooxon @
  3. So so sorry for re-posting an image, but I just wasn't sure you all noticed the same stuff I did about this certain image;
  4. I always wondered how -- professional -- the hilts look in Jedi Academy, concidering that Jaden was supposed to have built a saber on his own without any Jedi training. So, my only request for you, is that you would make a saber that would have some wires detailed in it, sort off like C-3PO without the golden covers. Even for MP use. Where ever Jaden is from, whether shes a zabrak, rodian or human male, he should have built it from bits and pieces. Instead we have many shiny sabers....
  5. @@Rooxon This is something I hand drew with *ahem* paint -- you are free to use this. I wanted to create something that looks like the Original Trilogy saber hilts. " S74R-Z3F" BIGGER IMAGE BELOW http://s27.postimg.org/z6lowufhf/saber_sp.jpg
  6. Well that's odd... LordDesann's first post is dated 27 October 2014, -- 3 weeks ago. @@LordDesann If you're not going to release the SP supported skin anywhere, then you don't need his permission -- just someone to help you.
  7. Will there be a skinning/mapping contest for this christmas?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Onysfx


      Would love to see another christmas event!

    3. Rooxon


      It'll be my first Christmas event this year. Can't wait! :D

    4. Angel Soul

      Angel Soul

      Agreed with Onysfx! It would be soooo much fun seeing a Christmas event! Mappers make such awesome levels with Christmas themes. :D

  8. z3filus

    Mandalorian Assassin

    @@Jolly if you make a version 2: could you add a bit more color to the outfit, and perhaps some buttons that glow? I'll be glad to help you out.
  9. To be continued... hit the screen right when "The Empire Day" episode got really interesting. @@NumberWan = where did u see Fulcrum ?? the one who interrupted the prodcast could be anyone who hates the Empire..
  10. z3filus


    Looks like AT-ST crouched in stealth mode O___o A good model with well made textures... clonetroopers! March !
  11. Never actually tried that map... since I like the traditional TDM maps more. EDIT: so I downloaded the Atlantica map and played it a while. Only 2 things I don't like about it, first, the amount of brushes @ _@ but it's not our fault we're dealing with an old game from that era. Second, the amount of greasy slimy looking shaders all around, best part about this, is that this map perfectly blends with the skybox and even made me feel as if I was underwater. Amazing !! Here's some stuff I just had to take a screenshot of;
  12. So you've done a Slave 1 object with interior detail aswel? Nice.
    1. DerFürst


      His arms are so much longer than his legs, it's almost crazy to see him throw his body weight like that

    2. z3filus


      that video sure made my day better :D

  13. Haven't played that Uprising III -map -- I hardly ever use massassi.net My all time favourite is the legendary Massassi Temple- map, from Jedi Outcast
  14. That's weird. Could you take a snapshot in GtkRadiant? -- I've never had this problem before. What sort of light did you place there, and what was the value of it? (100, 400, 900..) This may also be caused by another light in your map that casts a shadow to that specific area.
  15. At the end of "Droids in Distress" we see R2-D2 and C-3PO aboard the Tantive IV with Kanan and Bail Organa. The same ship Vader captures in New Hope. After Kanan leaves, Bail is alone with the droids and asks R2-D2 to play everything it recorded while it was aboard the Ghost, to learn more about these, Rebels. Knowing the importance of the Organa family, I get the feeling this wasn't the last time we see Tantive IV in this show. This is a story about the Rebels after all. Atleast I hope it is. I would hate to see this all be about Ezra becoming a Jedi and somehow defeating the Sith Inquisitor with Kanan, tha would be so.... Disney =)
  16. That deathstar map in JKO Multiplayer was great, and I say this because I'm not that interested in visually amazing maps. I enjoy the original JKO and JKA multiplayer maps for their design, there are no rpg features made to those maps.
  17. z3filus


  18. Could this be uploaded here aswel? http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/The_Modview_Saber;46055 ModView Saber Utility. Im certain it's not here already.
  19. StarWars: DarkForces StarWars JediKnight: DarkForces 2, StarWars JediKnight: Mysteries of the Sith. StarWars JediKnight 2: Jedi Outcast These were all about Kyle Katarn. Jedi Academy took a brave leap away from the main character of the series, and I hated that. The story is poor and doesn't really add anything to the series, bringing Luke to the series as Kyles best friend was also a bad idea. IT'S ALSO A BAD IDEA TO SPEAK ABOUT JK4 SINCE WE DONT EVEN HAVE A JK3 - THE OFFICIAL TITLE IS NOT JK3 AND IT SHOULD NOT BE CALLED JK3 ANYWHERE. MAIN REASON FOR THIS CONFUSION IS THE WEBSITE jk3files.com - WHICH WAS THE MOST VISITED PAGE FOR DOWNLOADING MAPS AND SKINS FOR JEDI ACADEMY. If there would ever be a new instalment to the series, I'd expect it be about Kyle Katarn. Jedi Academy was released over 10 years ago. Development of games based on the Star Wars license will now be performed by Electronic Arts - and they are sooo main stream slaves.
  20. @@GojiraGamer Did you have a model in mind for this project? This could be one option; http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Yaleck_Vos;97310 The shoulder pads are removable, the torso and legs work fine and there are other hairstyles aswel. Doesn't have to be rasta Would be a project for anyone to prove their skils.
  21. This looks unique. I think Desann is the only one who has an evil looking saber hilt, correct me if I'm wrong. Though having a saber hilt that had " I hate Jedi " written on it, would be cool. How about it @@Rooxon ?
  22. @@hleV Have you yet watched more than those 3 first episodes? In Rebels, were introduced a Sith Inquisitor - also rumoured to be part of the upcoming trilogy, and both series are produced by Lucasfilm and Lucasfilm Animation. Rebels is set five years before Episode IV: New Hope - why isn't that important to you? About the latest Episode; By the way @@Onysfx you were right -that's a republic gunship, this may well be connected to Fulcrum, since their informant should be the only one who knows about that place. Ofcourse that can be; just an old wreck.
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