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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. So you're not talking about those prisoners, then. Just rebel prisoners in general. There aren't any that I know of :/
  2. Not that I would have the time to start a new project, but now that you mention it @IrocJeff, it is kinda disturbing that your mission is to save prisoners on Nar Kreeta (t2_rancor) more specificly elders, but the characters we see look like runaways from Star Trek.
  3. @DT85 It would actually make sense if he did return as a ghost from the past since at the end of episode 3, Yoda told Kenobi about Qui-Gon "returning from the dead" which makes me wonder if Qui-Gon was the first Jedi to do so and whether Yoda learned this from Qui-Gon or if he was already aware of such an ability. In episode 5 Master Kenobi appeared as a ghost most likely because he learned it from his Master via meditation. Obi-Wan helped Luke in his struggle. Why not do that again with Qui-Gon helping out e.g. Luke or someone else who has chosen the path of the Jedi. That would make a nice add to the film.
  4. Oh my god in underpants what did I just read: Is it possible that Mace Windu survived his encounter with Sidious? Samuel L. Jackson's reaction to SW7 Would he return if asked? Jackson replied: But then again, who wouldn’t want to return to one of the biggest pop culture franchises of all-time? However - I would ejoy seeing Quin-Gon return as a ghost because he was the one who started ..everything!! HE was the one who found Anakin, HE brought him to Jedi Council and was determined to train him to become a Jedi. Qui-Gon Jinn is probably the most important character in Star Wars saga and he should be brought back as a ghost.
  5. Bram Stroker's Dracula is my all-time favourite, but last Halloween I had a marathon of all the Halloween movies (1-6?) and Friday the 13th movies. And Im not a horror fan - I do like zombie films, The Walking Dead series, but those movies were just scary, and I had to watch them with my girlfriend. So yeah there I was acting tough and biting my arm just trying not to close my eyes... and she was laughing out loud for those movies... and.. at me This Halloween I though I'd take it easy and watch Harry Potter edit: we dont have a halloween map for JKA dont we? that would be cool
  6. Now this... should be legit - and it could be from inside an imperial stardestroyer
  7. map objects (.md3) always cast a shadow when you set the shadows to /cg_shadows 3 ..i think that was the cmd in console so where is this " tr_mesh.cpp " located `?
  8. move this to "learning how to send email" -topic
  9. Lando is 89% because he only needs to say: " it's not my fault !" and probably something slimy-- like " hello.. what have we here... Hi, im Lando Calrissian, and you are? "
  10. z3filus


    WHAT in the name of yoda is that ??
  11. very nice work!! but I dont say this often enough : another hs_reskin
  12. z3filus

    Donate to JKHub

    can I donate blood?
  13. Thank you @Ruxith I'm looking foreward to finishing that skin, but someone will have to re-weight the model first. Right now I'm learning how to do better terrains for my maps, so learning how to work on models, would be too much on my plate. I iwll save this README to the .../models/players folder so I wont loose it.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8zmuSJKMgI&list=PL713B3FF8A3264414 I also remember a physics mod called Stalax, from around 2007-08 Stalax physics were similar to your videos @Xycaleth here's an old website http://www.wiremod.com/forum/off-topic/4338-stalax-jedi-academys-revolution.html ..and a fresh link that also has a DOWNLOAD button for Stalax+RP script http://www.moddb.com/games/star-wars-jedi-academy/addons/stalax-roleplaying-scriptpack
  15. http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Kit_Fisto_Shirtless;118667 would this be ok? atleast I could give it try. that model seems simple to reskin.
  16. The green one looks fantastic. Are you going to add specular shader? The grey skin tone is too close to the the color of the shoulderpads and parts of his headgear, you should either darken the skin tone or make the shoulderpads/headgear parts bronze e.g. maybe darken the nostrals too...
  17. meanwhile .. I'd be happy to view some candidates for my skinning project edit: even better would be to get an actualy deathstroke model but Im too stupid to learn how to model
  18. Bad to the bone
  19. yeah thanks @Ruxith, you really shouldn't have done that but I appreciate this. I haven't had the time to contact him. however..... Can someone fix this for me? Im lucky I noticed this at this point, because I dont feel like working on something like this. I will have to look for another model to use for my skinpack, probably a mando-- f*cking palpatinesithjediscumlukesdirtyunderpantskyleface
  20. arnold for president?? ARNOLD FOR SUPREME CHANCELLOR ! VOTE NOW ! VOTE NOW !
  21. can you please make some civilians not wearing a hood? Im not sure wtf that original is supposed to be btw thank microsoft and the asians for advanced technology.
  22. absolutely amazing work
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