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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. I'd be satisfied with any modification that focuses on the killer for 2-3 seconds, even. I'd do it myself but I have no idea how to.
  2. has anyone made a killcam for JediAcademy? That focuses on the killer, instead of looking at your own body. I'd love to have that.
  3. aint exactly PS, but... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8osLGXa3go
  4. It's true that games aren't what they used to be, everything was fine when I still had the Playstation, and played Tekken on it, Crash Bandicoot, Rayman...
  5. New games on any consoles cost a lot today, I only buy games that are on Steam sale. Assassin'sCreed games are the only ones I buy "fresh". I'll probably buy this StarWars BattleFront game after the it's first been tested -> updated -> fixed, for a very very cheap price. 2 years from now.
  6. this might be good for your reskin project, just make the head 'glass' textured and shadered. http://jkhub.org/files/file/1790-lobot/
  7. There's always something tio complain about, but Im sure the game will be good.
  8. I want to have a cimpetition/ contest of some sort, maybe mapping related. Could the Jkhub staff put together something?
  9. FrenchTutorial; explaining func_ brushes

    1. IrocJeff


      This is the first French film I ever saw with no one smoking in every scene or some old woman calling a kid "You little Shit".


      Turner Classic Movies has been lying to me.



  10. I'm also working on a Maul, a new shirtless model. The one from the cancelled game. Darth Maul fans are having a late xmas...
  11. "the old one" looks so low quality.... maybe you'd wanna use the other one ?
  12. HS_anakin is th closest. http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/HS_Anakin_Skywalker;70767
  13. how can you be glad about it? besides, Disney would never do such a thing.... or would they...
  14. Haha, yeah, hopefully she wont have a quireboy following her. But this made me think about her height. She is tall. I bet she's a head taller than any of the stormtroopers.... and are those the real costumes used in the film ??
  15. Dayum bro! I'm sure there are mappers who find this useful.
  16. What the hell is this discussion leading to?? @@Noodle had a good point but was it necessary? This snowball is just growing and growing. @ requested for a model, without offending anyone or being arrogantly demanding. Just a simple request. Could you all maybe think, and take a closer look at where he posted this request? hmm.. yes! Oh look, he made it to the "Mod Requests & Suggestions" section. Now back off.
  17. I just saw DT's new Stormtrooper model... nerdgasm*

    1. Tempust85


      Lol, still needs textures except the helmet

  18. I've already bought Popcorn, Stormtrooper helmet and lightsaber flashlight. Yes I will go see the premiere.
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