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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. They are not supposed to be transparent at all, you can see it from the screenshots above: I hope you can fix it. and while you're at it, could you perhaps make a custom painted TIE fighter from the animated show, Rebels? image http://www.retrozap.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/580522cceb9a8e4007f8ad44ecaff9b26dd194a6.jpg
  2. I'm not sure what you mean..., there are plenty of two-handed saber hilts for Jedi Academy, check out this site http://jediknight3.filefront.com/files/Jedi_Knight_III/Models/Weapons/Hilts/;9818?sort=name&order_in=asc&limit=25&descriptions_in=0&summary_in=0&show_screenshot_in=1#files
  3. wings look transparent, but it's still nice to see EP7 stuff being made already
  4. Oooh boy.. I'm going to roll out.. ..far awaay from this thread
  5. Awesome looking skins, ideal for making JKA "movies" :D
  6. @@Archangel35757 , download Ja+ mod or Ja ++ install the mod as instructed and add these maps (.pk3 files) into Japlus folder FFA_Corellia aka Alzoc 3 Capital http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Alzoc_3_Capital;82758 Coruscant Heights 2 http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Coruscant_Heights_2;55747
  7. if you're on a stranded island, in starwars, and you get to have R2D2 by your side, would you honestly think one couldn't shave his beard???
  8. Good fan poster, but the falcon has a round radar instead of square shaped. Perhaps Chewbacca will finally tear C3PO's arms off ??
  9. Hard to say where we would see R2 appear, atleast the trailer showed it with Luke.. but if he lives as a hermit somewhere, would he need R2 by his side? I doubt it. I'm guessing C3PO and R2 are separated first, but then re-united, something similar to AotC and RotJ. I also think that the new balldroid will steal the show from them. The cameras will most likely be pointed at the original trio and the new casting troughout the movie. Hard to tell if R2 has time to drop oil and lit it on fire -- as in EP3
  10. I have to invest too heavily on PC in order to play these new games that the new consoles have brought.. Gaming has become so complicated in fairly short amount of time. Log in here and there, and even on PC, some games require internet connection so that you can enable offline mode I'm sure BattleFront is no exception.
  11. good thing they can spy on you while you play, I heard they charge into homes and take pro gamers away, god knows what tests they do on them..
  12. Gwendoline was cast only because of her role in Game of Thrones. They may aswel have hired the Hound to play the Sith. The character she plays in she serie is a coward misfit, and she doesn't even have so many lines to say, so she might surprise us with her acting. Then again; because of her rather small role in GoT, she may have equally few lines in StarWars and she may be killed near the end of episode 7 I'm betting the next trailer will finally reveal Lupita's role (whatever it may be..)
  13. so this xwing must belong to someone important, Daisy Ridley?
  14. I don't know if this is legit or not. A headshot of Luke supposedly from Twitter
  15. I've not felt this excited about a JK map since ... since SJC was making EP3 maps. wow
  16. if only we could release skins, maps, models and mods on SteamWorkshop....
  17. new to dropbox, this padawan is, mmmm...
  18. @@NukeDukem For start, you will need a config file to configure the server. The config file is where you set the server name, rcon password, time limit, frag limit, map rotation, number of players, etc. Change the config to your liking and save it as either autoexec.cfg or server.cfg. Place the named (autoexec.cfg or server.cfg) in the base (GameData\base) folder. Put the Dedicated Server program ( jampded.exe) in the GameData folder. Right-click on the Dedicated Server program, drag to your Desktop, and choose Create Shortcut(s) Here. Right-click on the shortcut that you just created, click Properties, then look in the box labeled Target It should say "C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\jampded.exe" If you named your config file autoexec.cfg you don't need to change the Target, the server will automatically execute the config file. If you named your config file server.cfg you will need to edit the Target to tell the server to execute the server.cfg file. Edit the Target to read: "C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\jampded.exe" +exec server.cfg Notice that +exec server.cfg comes after the second quotation mark ("). Now simply double-click the shortcut you made and a window should appear. The window will display text as the server starts up. Enter the command /status into the server console window. It should list the starting map and any bots that are on the server. Congratulations, your dedicated server is running! The most common cause of a server not being visible on the Internet is a router or firewall problem.
  19. the other one must be a Japanese copy
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