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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. @@Cerez Pinocchio - Pleasure island Lion King - death of Mufasa Bambi - mother dies Tarzan- Clayton's death Beauty & the Beast - ending - "kill the Beast! " + many other films that deal with death and misery, smoking and alcohol. Do some research, and you'll notice that kids around the world, are nothing more than normal, if they can deal with/ process death and violence in cartoons. It is these cartoons help kids grow up "normal", so NO they are not damaging kids emotional growth just because you think kids aren't meant to see that kind of stuff in cartoons. I really advice you to do some research on this Disney's: Tangled (2010) had a classic bar scene, with men drinking and laughing and singing. Keeping alive one stereotype and telling kinds, that kind of behaviour is normal in our world, they can relate to that if they see their parents or relatives drinking at graduation parties etc. Whilee Disney's: Frozen (2013) had the classic death of a partent. Both parents in this case, went down with a ship, dramatically followed up by shots of these girls left alone in a big castle, not playing with eachother anymore for years. Paintings of their family covered up with sheets. The Clone Wars is nothing compared to Disney movies, old or new. They were only missing the lightsabers and force, but now they got that too (SW7)
  2. Umm.. do you think kids grow up in a box? They know all kinds of shit at the age of 7 -- just like I did, and I'd imagine you did too.
  3. lol whut? 16-20? it's after 20 that you'll get yourself a job and can afford stuff, enjoy life :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tempust85


      Not sure what it's like elsewhere but here in Australia, it's best to start finding a part time job from 16

    3. Ping


      Circumstances, not age..

    4. Cerez


      True, Ping, but after 20, I often feel like too much freedom is not such a good thing, after all... >.<'


      I didn't know you were from down under, too, DT! :o

  4. I Did some research on your " spoilers" , which thank god, you said were only theories by die hard fans. " My friend claims to be in the know about VII's plot. He does work in Hollywood, but I don't think he has any actual connection to VII's production so of course take this with smallest grain of salt possible. After telling me he knew a bunch of stuff about VII I constantly hounded him for information. He finally agreed to tell me about two minor plot elements. Nothing major or anything but I promised I'd stop bothering him if he told me even the most minor aspect of the plot that hasn't been revealed yet." So there is absolutely no way in hell, that I'd belive any of that a) A friend boasts that he knows something about the new SW movie b ) and a dummie belived it c) the dummie kept bothering his friend until he had to make up some sort of a storie to shut his mouth. d) not official info (far from it ) This was a curious theory to read indeed, but I have to be very skeptical about it.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rTYCc2ZF2o
  6. Has anyone ever made a saber_hilt object that's spinning from one end of a corridor to the other? Like a constant saber throw, built in the map, say, in a haunting house ??
  7. agreed, totally seems like a gangster, someone like the Hutt's, infact, there's a rumour that the Hutt's will be in the new episode! Great
  8. What to do if modelling isn't an option? Photoshop it. +1 respect
  9. I wonder if Disney will add 2 bad guys only to goof around.. that's a Disney trademark, even Pirates of the Caribbean had 2 goofys
  10. "most likely" is not good enough to save R2's metal ass, you know that too, though it is a tradition almost, that R2 survives the events with C3PO.. guess we'll have to wait and see.. the Falcon's fate is still a rumour unconfirmed. I recall reading something about it here, maybe a text by you@@NumberWan, but I still hope Han is not part of that disaster if not han, luke or leia, then who might they be talking about ?? :/
  11. Hidden reply these are the final chapters to the saga after all, so anything is possible...
  12. this might interest someone.. https://forums.epicgames.com/threads/928158-the-Expendables
  13. any Han Solo model for JA/JO sux donkey balls. By no means are they awful, just not up to our demands. Just look at HS models. infact, didn't hapslash have a wip han solo years ago? that's probably gone...
  14. You're absolutely right. John Williams for canon SW or GTFO Star Wars is an expensive franchise, I wonder who would they hire for stand-alone films? Who can they hire? I'm thinking, maybe Hans Zimmer, but Disney might hire someone less known for those films.
  15. how easy is it to animate NPC's? I can't find any tutorials on how to do this. I'd want to learn something new, and adding a couple friendly NPC's sitting or walking would be nice.

    1. Ramikad


      It's just a matter of spawnscript or usescript. Look for the SET_ANIM_UPPER, SET_ANIM_LOWER and SET_ANIM_BOTH commands in BehavEd. Also experiment with SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_UPPER, SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_LOWER and SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_BOTH with a number of milliseconds to hold their animation still.

    2. z3filus


      ah ok, thanks

    3. IrocJeff


      I'm sending you my lab cutscene script in a text file. It should help you out quite a bit.

  16. John Williams will be making new music for TFA. I'm guessing the next trailer will feature one of his new melodies.
  17. You haven't secretly made a head inside that helmet, have you ? (Boyega; trailer)
  18. nothing important anymore, but.... well played Adam, well played
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTBBD3rjVY8 MUST WATCH REMIX It's weekend mothaf*ckers
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