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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. Release it as it is now, I would replace JKO Desann with this model anytime, you've accidently created to most badass looking sithlord of Starwars
  2. great work, looks a lot better with the blue tunic, and please, for humanitys sake, dont use HS_anakin head if you're making a TCW model.
  3. I sink not
  4. Perhaps, but it all casts a shadow of alzheimer over the Original Trilogy; how did tthis all begin? Who and how important is Luke and the war against the Empire? That's what starwars is about, not Ezra and his crew, and not about Galen Marek and his sad life, nor is it about Anakins secret padawan, Ahsoka Tano. The main storyline is the canon part, and it's getting 3 new parts (movies) ,the rest is fillers = non canon. imho. but I'll still be cheking out the TCW before xmas
  5. nice pack of droids, however you may want to create a custom caps texture for these, it's odd that you see flesh when u cut one of these in half...
  6. can you just release that water replacement for us ?? ? early xmas ??
  7. holi fek, dat watah but why does every single texture have a greasy surface? I think you've overdone this, the dirt floor on tatooine looks slippery, when it's actually supposed to be dusty, and the bespin duel map is like, anyone of Jkhub members just jizzed on it, please, keep doing what you do but dont make everything shiny and polished
  8. no offense, but we must be talking about a GC from the stoneage
  9. be patient my child, I have the greatest DarthMaul model WIP, just busy with work so it's coming up slowly. There will be a pack of look-a-like Zabraks + 1 Marvel Character.
  10. Luke was the original Jedi Hero, I stick with that. For a moment even Obi-Wan Kenobi held the title, but then came Anakin, and then we were introduced to Galen Marek (TFU), and soon after, Ahsoka Tano, who's now been praised awfully a lot, but eventually they'll reveal something amazing about Ezra, that makes him greater than anyone. The circle is endles, wouldn't you say?
  11. "the animations are horrible" oh come on @, I know this aint exactly a JA modification, but if you're looking for a new JediKnight game, you may aswel choose this one. out of all the modding projects along the years, this one pulled trough, unlike JKG and few other attempts. MovieBattles as a project is equally noticable.
  12. it does work on every computer, just make sure your graphics card is up to date.
  13. oh wow, this is new. swap a rodian head for e.g. Jan and add her long hair from Jaden /female. I'd be happy to download this. Good luck .
  14. I've never heard of a graphics card that doesnt support the dynamic glow in Jedi Academy. Try updating your graphic card drivers.
  15. All qualites of a hero; know it all, do it all. That seems to be the key for making a memorable StarWars character.
  16. Im actually more concerned about the models and maps, than the jawa reskins. It's impossible to save all the files, that's understandable, but sadly, there is no universal guide to "the most important files".. something I'd like to keep can be something you wouldn't care less for. One file, that I still cry after, is the Auron model, (FinalFantasy) it was compareable to HapSlash models. But It's been almost 7 years since I last had it.
  17. who are you trying to fool with this fantasy? It's like. jkfiles had a thousand files, jkhub only a hundred -- majority of mods are/ were there.
  18. Look at how far you've come, that is some fine looking dame you're creating.
  19. they sound like troopers, I'm sorry but this doesn't make any sense to me, why should the new troopers sound different?
  20. that person just looks so small compared to R2D2 .....
  21. what.... can't anyone wait for models ?
  22. I hope he will comb back his hair like above, rather than looking like a hermit hippie ( not that I hate hippies, but.. ) it would make sense that luke has a hairstyle this time, since the world is nowdays more OK with men who take care of themselves, back in the 70's you had to be natural. That, and his outfit to be, troubles me alot; Luke was dressed up in a dark Jedi Tunic for the ROTJ but if the rumours are true, may we see him in the same outfit once more ? if you look at this character closely, it's not 100% certain that we're looking at Luke. Maybe that's a girl ?
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