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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. First Order is here http://imgur.com/GOEYWFr

    1. Daedra


      Now we just need a new map based on that image. :D

  2. Those look like they come from you know where (don't make me say it).. and it is hard to make a beard, I tried on Luke from Toshi to create his face like in Episode 7. but i could not make it so big as on the pictures that we have from Episode 7. You can try download some Photoshop/Gimp brushes for hair/beard, but it won't look that good. Kyle and HS_Kenobi have some good beards, but they have some good face textures and also some good face lines, not everyone can have a beard you know
  3. As i have said it many times in this thread: Hair from T_Palpatine, HS_Dooku = textured on the face texture and does not go well on Anakin/Sebastian * Hair from HS_Anakin and HS_Kenobi looks like this: Again the model requires a NEW hair to be made for him
  4. Actually the head is from Toshi's Vader model and texture is based on the ROTJ Anakin texture of Angel Modder, but changed a little bit. The model is already finished, but it requires a new mesh to be made with Blender and that is the hair. A hair of Sebastian in his old days as he was during ROTJ shootings in the end. I can make the ghost effect already, but I am needing the hair and a little professional re-texture on the face, since it looks like a "grumpy" version of Anakin/Sebastian
  5. If i only understood electrical stuff I would've made my own small BB-8 as pet in our little home. Damn it https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=61&v=liCiiVKDm-0

  6. Jeff have already made a Frankenstein of Kylo Ren, but it would be better to see a new model (I assume Kylo is making it already and DT85). However i was thinking to use Jeff's frankenstein of Kylo Ren and change it a little bit for myself until we get a new model of Kylo, but I'm more on search for someone else of the new SW movie
  7. Thanks for your kind words Kylo and also thanks to all that supported me during my attempt for something new for me, since I never heard of him before Kylo mentioned it.
  8. Hey i might asking the wrong question and to look stupid, but even that i understand it's a very hard work to create something like this and all the time coding, I've gotta ask... Is it possible to add a function/button, that allows the users to decide if they want to see the character inside ModView with or without the model's shader? Cuz if they wanna test something with the shaders it would require to open JKA, start the mission, spawn the model and do this like 100 times until they reach what they want from the shader?
  9. Version 1.5


    READ ME: ============================================================================ Star Wars - Ferus Olin ============================================================================ Ferus Olin, the wise Jedi and friend of Anakin and Obi-Wan. Killed by Vader BUG: Don't know why, but even after I fixed the Luke saber hilt shader file from the movie collection, when you spawn both Ferus Olin models, inside the console it will say something like: "Warning: unknown keyword 'Skywalker' while parsing 'Luke'". I thought it might be because the shader was using all the hilts that i did not include in this character and/or the saber file because it was named Luke Skywalker, but even after i fixed them it still brings the message so ignore it. INSTALLATION: Put the ".pk3" file inside your GameData/Base folder. NPC SUPPORT: YES TWO Outfits SPAWN IN GAME: * NPC SPAWN FERUS_OLIN (for his main outfit) * NPC SPAWN FERUSOLIN (for the Vest/Jacket outfit) CREDITS: - DT85 for his model of Luke_Pilot, JEFF for helping to edit the NPC problem, Mandalorian (for Jango Fett's shoulder pad), Major Clod (for Han Solo vest), Star Wars Hilt Pack (for Luke ROTJ Saber) Hapslash, Trauma Sensei, Broken Hope, Revan Dark, and Khaliban
  10. Thanks guys! I didn't know that Phasma is a female stormtrooper until now.
  11. Now it is updated and fixed! Thanks for the note
  12. Wow, I thought you won't release it and that review is a big one. It is nice that someone spend time on the details and I will have all this in mind, perhaps sometime I could try with a version 2.0
  13. @ do you want something else to add/test or it is good to release?
  14. Version 3.0


    Just made a re-texture of DT's Episode 7 Stormtrooper model to be more chromed and added cape to become Phasma from SW Force Awakens. I didn't manage to turn the cape on his left shoulder, so i just put it as usual on the back. INSTALLATION: Put the ".pk3" file inside your GameData/Base folder. NPC SUPPORT: YES SPAWN IN GAME: NPC SPAWN PHASMA PERMISSION: DT85 "Sent Today, 01:45 AM Sure, go ahead. :)" Original file here: http://jkhub.org/fil...ormtrooper-ep7/
  15. Just because it is CEREZ 23 from 10 !! And for the model even 23 x 23 from 10 xD LOVE IT!
  16. i removed his body and left the hair only, I mean i have selected the hair and than with "M" moved it to new window and deleted the torso, than I saved only the hair, opened the .glm with JKA's model with JKA _humanoid and after that loaded the hair.blend file
  17. That's what i tried to do, but it didn't work so I thought why not using Han's torso texture over the other body and than change it a little bit.
  18. Sadly after sending the file 2 times there are 2 files waiting approval and not sure if they ever gonna release them lol. Sorry guys i hopped to give u something new with Starkiller's outfits...
  19. Making the voice and any other sounds is my special at least what i am really good at sadly no idea, I even didn't know who Ferus Olin is until you mentioned it.
  20. 273 downloads

    READ ME: ============================================================================ Star Wars The Force Unleashed 1&2: INDUSTRIAL EXPLORER OUTFIT ============================================================================ FILE NAME: Industrial_Starkiller.pk3 Autor of the Frankenstein: Dark_Apprentice INSTALLATION: Put the ".pk3" file inside your GameData/Base folder. NPC SUPPORT: YES SPAWN IN GAME: NPC SPAWN INDUSTRIAL_STARKILLER SABER: I used galen marek's lightsaber (starkiller) from Ashura. Not included in the .pk3 !! CREDITS: - LucasArts, Raven, Circa, DT85, Toshi (original head+skin), ShadowX (for the hilt), UnsungHero + Schrödinger for the head (starkiller), DarthPhae for the face texture. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BUGS: Mouth does not move when the model talks, but ignore it. None other that I know. PERMISSION: - FEEL FREE TO MAKE ANY CHANGES ON THIS MODEL, BUT DON'T FORGET TO CREDIT ME!
  21. @@AshuraDX could you help with making a new mesh (hair) based on the photos of Sebastian and his bust for old Ani?
  22. You mean without re-copying the JKA_humanoid to replace the JKO_humanoid? Update:
  23. After i save han's hair and torso as .blend file together, than i return back to my JKA _humanoid as u said. Importing the Ferus model.glm in Blender, than I try to load in different layer the "Han.blend" file and it gives me an error. If i do it the other way (first open the .blender file, than import the .glm from JKA) same error. I think it might need lots of work that i am not cable of to do. And that will require Han's model to be rigged into JKA's skeleton
  24. Not that much into modeling with Blender for now Still gotta much to learn, that is why I asked if someone else who's better than me if he/she could do a new hair?
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