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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. @@minilogoguy18 Here is what it says, I have tried now to do it again everything from beginning on clear way, copied all the files, re-named everything and when i go to the console and type in "npc spawn vehicle tie7" it brings me up this message Here is the new .pk3 with the TIE7 model: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j6p8eytjkk7bu9n/TIE7.pk3?dl=0
  2. Yeeey, TIE Fighter looks amazing as fuck http://www.imdb.com/video/imdb/vi3451171609

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ping



    3. DrXann


      I like the little receiver on the special ops TIE.

    4. Syko



  3. Well i can give you anything you want, I did not saved it as Blender file sadly, but i think the problems are mainly with the skin file? Here's what it looks like now just managed to recreate it and save it now as blender file, so i can send it to you if you want
  4. about the it says that I am not allowed to do this on this site dunno why O.o also here is a picture of Blender, after I exported the model. Also don't know why i cannot return to my model or zoom in as it was before, I mean it just goes around like crazy when i move the scroll button of my mouse and doesn't allow me to show you the model from a close up view sorry about that: http://wrzucaj.net/guw
  5. @@Langerd ok i managed something but now when i open in ModView it looks like this shit: http://i.imgur.com/eT6Puia.jpg
  6. Yes, I just try to learn this lesson and work on Blender, but when i copy the head of Luke and have to paste it on Vader's body it was big shit cuz everything goes wrong, turns out now that i have to unelected each and every thing on my own
  7. @@Langerd I just started messing around with Blender too, but i have problems with removing the head and importing it into the other model
  8. And that is why I said that, because there were too many requests for TFU's character and I thought, that mostly it's not so well accepted in the JKA universe.
  9. I've recently was searching over TFU-2's costumes and I've somehow wanted to use the Industrial Explorer outfit in JKA. The closest i came up with is this, but i will need someone who's having Blender and is able to frankenstein, to help me with changing the head and putting one extra detail – Vader's mask part of his helmet (with the voice module) just that and the head of one specific Galen Marek model. Thanks in advance
  10. With pleasure, BUT keep in mind that it is not so good looking in game, as inside ModView! Also that I am not happy with the left prosthetic arm & leg as how they are ATM. SCREENSHOTs
  11. New UPDATE Have improved a little bit the outfit and face texture... FACE sadly it's not so HQ texture inside the game
  12. @@Langerd yep, and each time a person makes backup files must be sure at the end to put the correct ones, and not like me BTW here is and update of Damaged Vader. I have made 2 versions of him, one is based on the original model from The Force Unleashed 1&2, and the other one is my personal favorite version of Sebastian's face from ROTJ. I am not really happy with the left leg but at the moment I am out of any ideas for the prosthetic leg. I know what I wanna do, but each time i try i can't bring it out as what's inside my head. Perhaps the model itself will need a little bit of "frankenstein-ing" with Blender (if someone's able to do it) and by this I mean to use prosthetic or droid leg from other character over Vader's model (not sure if it has to be made from scratch this leg), but I noticed that it's similar in someways with C3PO's knee, I don't mind it as how it looks like ATM, but it would be better if a real prosthetic leg is made or frankenstein-ed to Vader's model. Since the Body texture element that is for his shoes is just 1 part and even if I color it gray both of his shoes will be gray and that's not what I want at all.
  13. I have found the problem, it was inside the shader file and at first I have put: blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO rgbGen lightingDiffuse - instead of: alphaFunc GE128, depthWrite, rgbGen lightingDiffuse and than I saw that my older test-shader (that i posted last night here), is correct so now it all works fine. Now I'm wondering, is it possible using the cape's shader to create mechanical feeling for just the left arm and leg. I'll see now what's gonna happen.
  14. models/players/tfu_vader/controlstfu2 { { map models/players/tfu_vader/controlstfu2 rgbGen lightingDiffuse //alphaFunc GE128 } { map models/players/tfu_vader/controlstfu2 blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE alphaGen lightingSpecular detail } } models/players/tfu_vader/cape3 { cull disable { map models/players/tfu_vader/cape3 alphaFunc GE128 depthWrite rgbGen lightingDiffuse } } models/players/tfu_vader/body3 { { map models/players/tfu_vader/body3 rgbGen lightingDiffuse //alphaFunc GE128 } { map models/players/tfu_vader/body3 blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE alphaGen lightingSpecular detail } } models/players/tfu_vader/head4 { { map models/players/tfu_vader/head4 rgbGen lightingDiffuse //alphaFunc GE128 } { map models/players/tfu_vader/head4 blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE alphaGen lightingSpecular detail } } models/players/tfu_vader/helmet { { map models/players/tfu_vader/helmet rgbGen lightingDiffuse //alphaFunc GE128 } { map models/players/tfu_vader/helmet blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE alphaGen lightingSpecular detail } } models/players/tfu_vader/mask3 { { map models/players/tfu_vader/mask3 rgbGen lightingDiffuse //alphaFunc GE128 } { map models/players/tfu_vader/mask3 blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE alphaGen lightingSpecular detail } } models/players/tfu_vader/controls6 { { map models/players/tfu_vader/controls6 rgbGen lightingDiffuse //alphaFunc GE128 } { map models/players/tfu_vader/controls_spec blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE alphaGen lightingSpecular detail } } models/players/tfu_vader/controls7 { { map models/players/tfu_vader/controls7 rgbGen lightingDiffuse //alphaFunc GE128 } { map models/players/tfu_vader/controls_spec blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE alphaGen lightingSpecular detail } } models/players/tfu_vader/detail { { map models/players/tfu_vader/detail rgbGen lightingDiffuse //alphaFunc GE128 } { map models/players/tfu_vader/detail_spec blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE alphaGen lightingSpecular detail } } models/players/tfu_vader/helmet { q3map_nolightmap q3map_onlyvertexlighting { map models/players/tfu_vader/helmet blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO rgbGen lightingDiffuse } { map models/players/tfu_vader/helmet_spec blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_SRC_COLOR tcGen environment blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE detail alphaGen lightingSpecular } } models/players/tfu_vader/mask { q3map_nolightmap q3map_onlyvertexlighting { map models/players/tfu_vader/mask blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO rgbGen lightingDiffuse } { map models/players/tfu_vader/mask_spec blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_SRC_COLOR tcGen environment blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE detail alphaGen lightingSpecular } }
  15. Ok, I am pretty sure it has been discussed over here for like million times, but since the other topics doesn't help me I'm asking right here my question. Currently i was able to get some free time and decided to check out the Force Unleashed-2 Costumes of Darth Vader (specifically the one that he's damaged as from the final battle of TFU-1). So i started with Toshi's model of Darth Vader, noticed that there is already 2 versions of this "Damaged" Vader skin, made by @ & @@AngelModder but they both seemed incorrect for me personally. That's why I've started to re-create their versions in a new one based on the game. Now it's all ok with the model EXCEPT one f-ing problem with the "cape2.png". I tried each of Kylo's and Angel's version of the cape (after i have changed the main "model_default.skin" file) and everything else works perfect, but this stupid cape. When i want to load normal cape it's ok both for ModView and during game play, BUT whenever I want to put the damaged version of this cape (tried as .png and also as .tiff) it does not load the cape correctly. When i load it on ModView or inside the game, it simply brings up the black cape and the areas that are supposed to be missing/invisible/cut are white Pictures here: Damaged Vader (Re-Skin)
  16. Maybe you can ask @@Jeff to make it for you. A simple classic jedi robe model and perhaps use the head of reskinned Toshi's Vader model by Angel. I also made a similar face of the original actor played Anakin/Vader in original movies on a model of Darth Vader with sith hood ;3
  17. No, not at all. I was just willing when i have more free time to work on ver. 2.0 of this HUD and put the original idea i've had at first but didn't manage to do it on v.1 and it was to make the JKA logo saber as "3D logo" that glows in -red-yellow-blue" when player changes the saber style
  18. It's good seeing a Kylo Ren model for JKA, but the body is still of Lord Stalker from TFU and that's ok by me, but Kylo looks more like using the black Sith robe: http://cdn.collider.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/star-wars-7-kylo-ren-costume-2.jpg http://media.comicbook.com/uploads1/2015/04/kylo-ren-402-132041.jpg http://media.comicbook.com/uploads1/2015/04/kylo-ren-403-132042.JPG
  19. Ahh, ok if you need any help that I could do let me know
  20. What happened with the SW 7 Old Luke re-skin I send you?
  21. Yeeey, you are using my TFU-2 HUD design. Don't like that you put color on the saber styles, because i made it white-transparent cuz in TFU-2 origina's HUD you don't see it.
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