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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. I might leave the re-texture for someone with more experience in this
  2. Will try this, thanks for the info! @ here is the model with Anakin's hair and the belt
  3. the HS_Anakin or Toshi's Anakin hair? (Han's hair is perfect for this, aslo i need it for the second outfit where he looks more gentleman) problem is that the models of Han Solo are ported and they have more bones than the JKA _humanoid allows. I have a SW Battlefront 3 Han model but it's hair is not good and he got 5,007 Verts The belt is already there with 3 metal dots. and here is a in game wallpaper
  4. Small update on the chest and left arm (also saber is now off)
  5. Thank you @@Cerez and I am glad to hear if I really captured the character's essence. I was going to say the same as Circa did, the model I used as base is DT's Luke Pilot (personal favorite), I have turned on the saber in the model's .skin file, because personally i like to see it but I am going to turn it off, like the blaster on the belt, since on the picture Ferus does not have a saber there. I am thinking of what could i use to put the red armor parts on the torso (look at the picture with Ferus, Obi-Wan and Boba Fett). Also guys what's up with the Han Solo model anyway?! I wanted to use his hair on Olin's head instead of Luke's hair, but when i try to load it in ModView it says: R_LoadMDX: # bones mismatch! "models/players/han_anh/model.glm" has 72 bones "models/players/_humanoid/_humanoid" has 53 This model probably needs recompiling And if i try to load it in Blender it brings me only JKA's skeleton any ideas how could i fix that, because i really would love to see his hair over Ferus Olin's model instead of Luke's hair
  6. still doesn't work Kylo. Papi's hair is again painted over his face texture, while the Joker's hair is the worse i ever used till now. It has 3 different hair objects and if i remove even one it looks creepy as you can't even imagine. I am not able to make a new hair model and i cannot paint one (plus the model of Sebastian's head really needs more of a hair model, than just to be painted over his face) Sebastian face: T_Palpatine:
  7. I am not a professional with Blender or with frankensteining, but i really wanted to try it so at the moment:
  8. Only hair that works for now is the one of HS's Anakin model and I don't like it
  9. Finally a good reference, but are there any other pictures of this bust? I tried even messing around with Jedi Spanki customization, but no good hairs there
  10. Yes, this is the cybernetic reconstruction of Sith Stalker. As i personally see it for a frankenstein idea it could be made by using this models: * head from Malak (i know there is one model with 1/2 of the mouth) * sith stalker body * some parts from a droid or general grievous for the cylinders with the heart and whatever is inside them
  11. Can you try this one (it is hard to make)
  12. HS Dooku hair is part of his head texture and you just don't want to see Anakin with this. I really need someone good at texturing for hair or make a new hair for him
  13. Well i can try put him a Dooku's hair, but on the image that you and i use as reference it looks more like the haircut of obiwan ep3 model, while Dooku hair is sleek behind and not on sides
  14. Wow I'm sending you on PM the model, because it will take time to upload it here (plus it needs some hair)
  15. Sadly i cannot deal with wrinkles and here is the Hooded version:
  16. @@Lancelot check out this update. I managed finally to make it, but the only problem is that I am not able to make hair I could try make you the same model with a hood on and i can make it ghost (like my model of Ben Kenobi ghost). But if someone else is able to make the hair I'm giving the model ^^ P.S. Body is from Old Ben Kenobi and Face with the neck is from a personal request for hooded Vader that Jeff made for me
  17. Ah, yes i dunno why, maybe because the head is really weird made, but whenever i use sith eyes it looks strange on this model O.o
  18. The Force is strong in @@DT85 and we all have that power too (kidding just the masters here)
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