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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. The path of the Apprentice, re-textures, frankensteins etc.. during his free time (which is not quite enough) and making sh*t stuff, that a 5 year old kid could do even better. I know that most of the models need new and better textures or updating the models, but i am not capable of doing this for the next few months or so. Some of the models are not released and won't be, while others are waiting permissions to be credited and uploaded here. I ain't patience learner and sometimes even slow learner, but what must be kept in mind is that i am not willing to improve my skills a lot more, than what you'll see before, and it is because of hard life and too much time-consuming works in reality. So keep it in mind, when you want to judge that I won't make it better at least for now, just don't have the time to improve. Maulkiller (front+back): TFU Damaged Vader // Classic Damaged Vader: Anakin Skywalker (Jedi Master - 1983 "ROTJ") Old Luke Skywalker (Jedi Master - based on Force Awakens) Ferus Olin Young Palpatine (Sith Apprentice) Sith Stalker (Unmasked) Force Awakens TIE Fighter Z-95 (based on Force Awakens /not in the movie!!) X-Wing (Force Awakens)
  2. wut O.o i you mean that anything beside "l_arm, r_arm, head, torso etc." all others stuff that have "something_0" must be deleted?
  3. How do i know which they are O.o if this would help
  4. Well i tried to remove the hands of Starstrider and put again the original hands from Galen Marek model and when everything was tagged and on the right parenting, after i hit export here is what happens: Anny ideas how ti fix this?! Model uploaded here (also included 3Ds version)
  5. Yet, as long as you do the shit, it will be still amazing. You have proven in time, of what you are capable of
  6. Original it is from DT darth Maul and not sure what you mean with the face, but the right hand is there the left is the problem as i remembered will check it out tomorrow i am dead now (too much work today)
  7. I can just sit here all day and c**p my pants from the epicness of what you make O.o O_O
  8. Actually it is only GLM with the skins and textures
  9. here it is https://www.dropbox.com/s/rj1f6td4anrbqwl/Starstrider.zip?dl=0
  10. Well i guess about Anakin's ghost in the end of ROTJ original version, is because he was the greatest jedi and sith ever lived. He was the one to destroy the sith and he really did it as jedi knight and aslo as dark lord of the Sith, by understanding his own son's pain. As Padme said to Kenobi "there's still good in him" yes of the point of view of someone who is in a relationship with him, in marriage and is the mother of his kids, she knew him better even than Master Kenobi. As father Anakin/Vader himself, even as the most iconic evil figure of all times, he is still touched by the emotional even spiritual (if you want) bound between him and his own flesh and blood - Luke. That is for me the reason to turn against his twisted evil master the Emperor, and by that he realized how much bad he have created in the universe. There is a redemption for sure. And by killing him he returned the balance in the Force as it was told. It could be a reason why we would see him as force ghost in the end, by that he reached a higher level of the force, assuming no one until than has ever returned from the dark side. As Master Yoda told Luke and not only him, once in the dark there is no coming back, but Anakin managed to do it after all. And don't forget that in Episode 3 he might be a young Jedi Knight around 20-30 who leave 2 babies, but when the time come of the New Hope to rise as his own son was near the same age, that was years later and it is normal to see old Anakin in the end. Personally now i am a little bit interested in the story with Darth Tenebrous, since it is very possible he's the real father of Anakin and not just Darth Plagueis. In fact it can be Tenebrous reborn..ed from the maxichlorians as a powerful boy named Anakin
  11. Call it what you want, but i ain't able to fix that damn bug myself and i feel like a total idiot T.T
  12. I am sure about the right hand, but not so sure about the left one, because i've had a problem while exporting the glm file with one of the "off" tags. Not sure which one was. I can provide open file, so that if someone wants to check it out. For me the stranger thing here is with the fact, that when i added this tag again from the original model it didn't read it
  13. Better if @ answer you this question. Personally when i saw the action figure for first time i thought that it's Old Luke from TFA.
  14. I really like how this thread turned out, because we can all let our personal opinions over here. At the moment from what everyone have said i really like and admire your views on this, however @@therfiles have said until now the most important opinion and i cannot agree more with him. Yes we all can admit, that the machines can make so much HQ stuff, ect, ect... but in the end we all watch/listen to the final product. Personally I love all the 6 movies of Star Wars and i can say i am familiar with them since i was 5 year old kid, but in the other hand as i get older and older with each time i watch the saga it simple brings me to the idea, that still some old techinuqe is better than the PCs. For sure we will have a lot to talk about this, after all of us have seen in December the new Episode 7. As therfiles have said above, it is nice to see much more stormies against Han, but again it's simple strange to see few of them moving better, because they were played by humans. That's why we have the scene of ROTJ over Endor where we have lots of troopers and rebels.
  15. most powerful character so far in the SW universe huh? :D
  16. Darth Bane over JKA such an HD trailer

    1. minilogoguy18


      Ugh, this person obviously didn't read the books.

    2. dark_apprentice


      Yes, but is nice to see such a story over JKA and at the beginning of the video i didn't thought it was made with JKA lol

  17. Now that is something amazing. I have some new ideas that i can see if possible to improve the model, after the bug is fixed (tagging), but will try it tomorrow.
  18. But how could I find the answer to this? Or if it is missing a tag, could it be imported from other model?
  19. As most are familiar, some people enjoy the original trilogy of Star Wars as some older members around us know it (as i myself know it, since my first time seen the trilogy was at age 5 on video cassette at home. Than we have the modern editing on the original trilogy, where Lucas had more options to play with the movie effects etc etc. No matter if we speak for a Blue Ray or DVD versions. I personally don't like to see the Prequel's Anakin Force spirit in the end of ROTJ. I like to see Sebastian. Also removing Sebastian's eyebrows when Luke removed Vader's helmet is something i didn't like as well. Maybe it is because of the age, maybe it is simple nostalgia... but somehow with the time I prefer the original original trilogy as i remember it. In that way of thought here is the JKA models of the two Emperors: *NOTE* - at the beginning with Episodes 5 the actor who played Palpatine/Sidious/Emperor was Elaine Baker and he was voiced by Clive Revill... and than we have the all we know him Emperor profiled by Ian McDiarmid. Not that i don't like Ian or something else, but i like things as they were made at the first time ever. What do you think. How do you see the original Star Wars saga. Elaine Baker (voiced by Clive Revill) Ian McDiarmid:
  20. Wow man i can't stop admire your work.
  21. 10 of 10 for the model but i still see it as the Son of the Dark Side
  22. Problem is, that if he uses a TFU backhand animation than the second saber won't work proper. Since the model is used to have one normal saber on left hand and one single back handed saber at the same time
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