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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. BTW Vader's model is missing his neck cause of the helmet, so I tried to use just the neck from Luke (Toshi's model) and it didn't work
  2. I am requesting this from my other thread since no one seems to be interested into this: As i have already mentioned in previews thread, where i had the skin file problems, I am working on re-textured version of the Damaged Vader from TFU game, because i don't find the existing once here to be close to what it is in the TFU game. At the moment the model looks pretty much like this and this is how the model looks like duringgame play. That's pretty much what I could done so far with the model. Model is from Toshi's Anakin/Vader model. Original Face texture is from AngelModder New/Edited face texture by me Here is a Photoshop idea of what I would like to see, but even after few Blender tries i could not bring to reality. for this frankenstein photoshoped image I used just as an example the leg from C3PO and Savage's robotic arm. Originally in TFU the left arm is with Vader's glove on the palm, but it could be just a full robotic arm (as the one from Savage, that i used as example). I would really appreciate any help from the masters of Blender.
  3. Used Ashura's E11 gun and put some small white areas on the texture to look more like the one from Ep.7 here's the result http://imgur.com/a/OaGFX#0
  4. As i have already mentioned in previews thread, where i had the skin file problems, I am working on re-textured version of the Damaged Vader from TFU game, because i don't find the existing once here to be close to what it is in the TFU game. At the moment the model looks pretty much like this and this is how the model looks like during game play. That's pretty much what I could done so far with the model. Model is from Toshi's Anakin/Vader model. Original Face texture is from AngelModder New/Edited face texture by me Here is a Photoshop idea of what I would like to see, but even after few Blender tries i could not bring to reality. for this frankenstein photoshoped image I used just as an example the leg from C3PO and Savage's robotic arm. Originally in TFU the left arm is with Vader's glove on the palm, but it could be just a full robotic arm (as the one from Savage, that i used as example). I would really appreciate any help from the masters of Blender.
  5. I just downloaded the model of DT_Stormtrooper_Ep7 and I tried to use the same force power as you have done here. It works perfect on mine, so perhaps I am assuming that this error/bug could be from your game and not from DT's model.
  6. 586 downloads

    READ ME: ============================================================================ STAR WARS: EPISODE 7 - THE FORCE AWAKENS (Luke Skywalker) ============================================================================ FILE NAME: Luke_fa.pk3 Autor of the re-skin: Dark_Apprentice INSTALLATION: Put the ".pk3" file inside your GameData/Base folder. NPC SUPPORT: YES SPAWN IN GAME: NPC SPAWN LUKE_FA SABER: I have used the original Star Wars lightsaber pack to replace the basic Luke Saber in JKA, so you'll be able to use his ROTJ saber CREDITS: - LucasArts, Raven, Toshi's model of Luke Skywalker ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BUGS: None that I know. PERMISSION: - FEEL FREE TO MAKE ANY CHANGES ON THIS MODIFICATION TEXTURE OF TIE FIGHTER, BUT PLEASE CREDIT ME IN YOUR WORK!!! NOTE: I have worked on this few months ago, but I didn't liked the original beard of Old Luke, so I asked JEFF, but perhaps he have much work to do now, so I am releasing it with a little change of the beard, since there's already another better looking Luke from Episode 7 (with smaller beard ).
  7. Damn, that almost made me hate myself for the entire night, since i thought it is my fault and i don't get it right. Thanks for this tip. Btw the hair will be pain in the a** to make
  8. @@Lancelot little update, good idea for Old Ben Kenobi's model Still the neck is eating me
  9. Homer's "dough" --> https://www.dropbox.com/s/l8n5590t3i7f25n/Ani1.jpg?dl=0 and https://www.dropbox.com/s/rl5u5wxloihzhv1/Ani2.jpg?dl=0 There's a problem with the hand textures that i am trying to figure out why, but mostly I am angry at myself because of the head. Qui Gon's body model had like x3 "model_roots" and Vader's head is high level for me, because when i want to take his mask off (in Blender) at the end it ends up only with the face mask in white and his face behind with the textures, so i couldn't notice inside, that i was actually missing his front side of the neck. Face texture may need some more work, but hey Sebastian was old when he played Anakin/Vader in ROTJ and I am not really after his image as we seen him in the movie, I make something that in the end you can say: yes it's the old (Sebastian) Anakin in ROTJ, when we saw him as one with the Force spirit, but at the same time very close to what we saw from Vader's face when Luke took off his mask. ATM head has no hair and will be bald until i am able to fix the model (if that's every gonna work for me *douuugh*).
  10. Well i started, but i am using Qui Gon Jinn model for the robes and also as i said i am just a beginner and it turns shit. If i show u how it looks like at the moment you will hate me a lot
  11. Come on people @@Lancelot is not the only 1 here, who wants the old Anakin Skywalker as a Jedi in his Jedi Robes. I myself am new with Blender and not able to do it for him, but I could provide you with a nice face texture that is cleared and only need some hair in the texture, but mostly needs a body of Jedi Robes human male!
  12. @@Vade Parvis Paris I am not really good with re-textures, but I could try to do something on the texture if possible, but we still have to stick to the original look of the model, because it have to remain the Industrial Explorer Outfit after all?
  13. Well i have renamed them, but maybe that is not the right way to do it? Could you suggest anything else, that will change those files to "tie7" so it works?
  14. Holly S*b**s O__O daammmnn, I know that ported stuff are not welcome here, but if this thing works in JKA without causing problems jut WOW. I have only re-skined the outfit of Luke_Pilot model and wanted to put the head i like the most of Starkiller, cuz there's no better one yet. But right now as i saw ur project i think i just had orgasm as i was watching it
  15. I am stuck in the end with exporting it, and even after I tried to do it again from beginning, when i reach the last part where i have to type "head_0" and hit Enter, so that the head goes into the body, it doesn't go anywhere anymore dunno what's going on wrong, but i tried the lesson for frankensteining a lot. I can provide the model in Blender, here's how it looks (btw the head i am using for Starkiller is from Hell Kobra's jedi adventure robe model also can be found as desert_gear model on the files here) Starkiller Industrial Outfit
  16. Version 2.0


    READ ME: ============================================================================ STAR WARS: EPISODE 7 - THE FORCE AWAKENS (TIE FIGHTER RE-SKIN) VERSION 2.0 ============================================================================ FILE NAME: TIE 7 by Dark_Apprentice.pk3 Autor of the re-skin: Dark_Apprentice INSTALLATION: Put the "TIE 7 by Dark_Apprentice.pk3" inside your GameData/Base folder. CREDITS: - LucasArts, Raven, Disney (for the original TIE Fighter vehicle in Jedi Academy, Idea & Design) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BUGS: None that I know. PERMISSION: - FEEL FREE TO MAKE ANY CHANGES ON THIS MODIFICATION TEXTURE OF TIE FIGHTER, BUT PLEASE CREDIT ME IN YOUR WORK!!! THIS TEXTURE IS BASED ON THE NEW "TIE-FIGHTER" MODEL IN THE NEW UPCOMING SAGA: "STAR WARS - THE FORCE AWAKENS (EPISODE 7)" ******************************READ THIS BEFORE PLAYING*************************************** Instructions: In order to spawn the craft you need to acivate cheats heres how you do it. Singleplayer- Load a level, I suggest the "Trip" level, once your in the game make sure you move your character to an area big enough to spawn the craft. * Hit "shift and tild (~)" to activate the console. * Next type "devmapall"...hit enter (cheats are now on)... * Next type "npc spawn vehicle (vehicle's name)" --> Example: npc spawn vehicle tie-fighter ______________________________________________________________________________________ This mod just changes the basic TIE-Fighter textures from JKA, to look more like the new desing from the trailers of STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (Episode 7) ______________________________________________________________________________________ WARNING!!! – Close the console by hitting the tild (~) again. – Now this is the most important part, move back to allow the ship to spawn, it may need alot of space. Once the ship spawns you simply move up and hit your "USE" key (usually return). Now you can fly! **Now read this part carefully** ...or you'll end up crashing into everything before you know it: - To lift off you push down the space bar, but dont hold it down too long or you will activate the turbo thrust (this will cause a crash almost always) just lift off a little and tap the forward key a few times. The more times you tap the faster you will go. Use turbo only when you know you have enough space to jet. Multiplayer- To activate cheats, you do thing a little different. ***Activate the console by hitting: shift+tild(~) ***Next type: /devmapall "mapname". (Example: /devmapall kotor_flight_school) = The map will load with cheats activated. Now join the game and find a large area to spawn the craft. ***Open the console again and type: /npc spawn vehicle "vehicle name". (Example: /npc spawn vehicle tie-fighter). Notice that Multi Player you have to put the "/" slash before the command.
  17. BTW any ideas where I can buy this model? I search on eBay now, but couldn't find it just few pictures from the convention Also I was thinking now, if it's gonna be a new TIE Fighter for JKA made, perhaps there's a way to edit the original Vehicle HUD of the TIE fighter and give it a more close feeling to the players as they are inside the TIE's cockpit like what you can see on Battlefront's review here http://imgur.com/bxcNHS6
  18. @ @Yes I agree with you, that's why I wanted to request months ago (around May, if not mistaken), a new TIE Fighter model for JKA, that will allow me not only to make the new TIE Fighter from Ep. 7, but also the one of Sabine from Rebels. Sadly it wasn't taken so serious and I'll just way until someone better than me, makes a new model. If he/she needs help with textures for the new TIE I'll be glad to help ^^ and btw thanks for the support guys!
  19. Since I tried to upload here my new version of the TIE Fighter re-skin, the system says it's too big file since it's 4,53 MB (and the limit is 50MB) I am sharing it here with you guys. Dear friends and fans of Star Wars, I know that most of you were not happy with my first version of the new TIE Fighter design from the upcoming movie "Star Wars - The Force Awakens". So as I have saw the video in IMDb from Comic-Con 2015, showing 3 new photos of the legendary TIE Fighter vehicle behind the scenes, I decided to edit my re-texture and share a new experience with you. I present you with pleasure my new re-skin version 2.0 of the Star Wars FORCE AWAKENS TIE FIGHTER design. Yes I choose to make it a little bit different in one detail, but also decided to add the chrome feeling of this vehicle instead of the transparent-ish wings before. DOWNLOAD LINK: TIE 7 BY DARK_APPRENTICE.PK3 SCREENSHOTs: http://imgur.com/a/Xp3ar#0 READ ME: ============================================================================STAR WARS: EPISODE 7 - THE FORCE AWAKENS (TIE FIGHTER RE-SKIN) VERSION 2.0============================================================================ FILE NAME: TIE 7 by Dark_Apprentice.pk3 Autor of the re-skin: Dark_Apprentice INSTALLATION: Put the "TIE 7 by Dark_Apprentice.pk3" inside your GameData/Base folder. CREDITS:- LucasArts, Raven, Disney (for the original TIE Fighter vehicle in Jedi Academy, Idea & Design) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BUGS: None that I know. PERMISSION:- FEEL FREE TO MAKE ANY CHANGES ON THIS MODIFICATION TEXTURE OF TIE FIGHTER, BUT PLEASE CREDIT ME IN YOUR WORK!!! THIS TEXTURE IS BASED ON THE NEW "TIE-FIGHTER"MODEL IN THE NEW UPCOMING SAGA: "STAR WARS - THE FORCE AWAKENS (EPISODE 7)" ******************************READ THIS BEFORE PLAYING*************************************** Instructions: In order to spawn the craft you need to acivate cheats heres how you do it. Singleplayer- Load a level, I suggest the "Trip" level, once your in the game make sure you move your character to an area big enough to spawn the craft. * Hit "shift and tild (~)" to activate the console.* Next type "devmapall"...hit enter (cheats are now on)...* Next type "npc spawn vehicle (vehicle's name)" --> Example: npc spawn vehicle tie-fighter ______________________________________________________________________________________This mod just changes the basic TIE-Fighter textures from JKA, to look more likethe new desing from the trailers of STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (Episode 7)______________________________________________________________________________________ WARNING!!! – Close the console by hitting the tild (~) again. – Now this is the most important part, move back to allow the ship to spawn, it may need alot of space.Once the ship spawns you simply move up and hit your "USE" key (usually return).Now you can fly! **Now read this part carefully** ...or you'll end up crashing into everything before you know it: - To lift off you push down the space bar, but dont hold it down too long or you willactivate the turbo thrust (this will cause a crash almost always)just lift off a little and tap the forward key a few times.The more times you tap the faster you will go.Use turbo only when you know you have enough space to jet. Multiplayer- To activate cheats, you do thing a little different. ***Activate the console by hitting: shift+tild(~)***Next type: /devmapall "mapname".(Example: /devmapall kotor_flight_school) = The map will load with cheats activated.Now join the game and find a large area to spawn the craft.***Open the console again and type:/npc spawn vehicle "vehicle name". (Example: /npc spawn vehicle tie-fighter). Notice that Multi Player you have to put the "/" slash before the command.
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