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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. As some of you may already know, i am really interested of Darth Plagueis and since there is only 2 models of him over here, I think we might need a new more accurate model of a male Muun race. Here are some photos as reference, that can be used for his head. Damaged head version:
  2. Here is the model, as it is now (and no i didn't have time to fix it), so you can feel free to edit it @@TronTheGamer : https://www.dropbox.com/s/zgxv312hg4ba4pt/Leia%20Jedi_TFU2.pk3?dl=0
  3. I am open to collaborate with you for this one, since I'm suffering with the time atm. It was just a quick frankie by human female jedi + Leia's head. @ for me personally it's ok to use it as it is now, i only need to make the .pk3 file and a NPC support to spawn it.
  4. I know that @@Jolly thanks for reminding me the comment had a little bit of humor just to bump up the thread a little on the tops.
  5. Supreme Leader Snoke is in progress (JKAwakens if not TFA)
  6. As a little kid i would ask: Are we there yet (a.k.a.) is it ready yet :D
  7. Lets all hope, that @@DT85 have made bunch of copies on safe places and different formats of his Luke TFA model, because all good models die due to burning houses or computers
  8. This is amazing, i have a different pack, but your's is better version. Can you please make Yoda smaller, because now he looks too big for someone to be over Luke's torso i mean Yoda is a small puppet
  9. All seems to be ok with the pic, but i cannot remove all those Vertex's from the Vertex Group and to add the "upper_lumber".
  10. I am assuming, DT's model is almost ready now, but will be out around 19-25 December, after we all see our beloved Luke
  11. @@Langerd the strange thing is, that one of the first things i removed was all tags and caps from Yoda. I to attach all Yoda parts to Luke's torso_0, but didn't worked. Also tried to change positions of arms, still no change.
  12. all yoda parts are parent to Yoda's torso, which is: yoda0 and it's parent tag is torso_0. Will try
  13. Thanks! After i have changed the names on the Ghoul2 properties, everything seems to be OK now.......Except that Yoda now is like a monster from a Horror movie OK pics in ModView: HORROR of SW:
  14. At the end of the day, here's the final cut from me: 1. Either I'm not doing it right (which is more likely) and the model steal appears even after all this advice from you guys, as on the last picture of page 01 with the bug. or 2. Something's really wrong and Blender can't take it. (3.) I am open up, to share the .blend file if anyone is to mess around with it 'cuz i give my self to the anger a lot atm. #cometothedarkside
  15. Problems are: the Yoda model still has it's: torso_0.001 and so on of each parts, and also when I exported the model and opened up in ModView, it looks so weird now I'm getting so depressed
  16. Well actually i didn't know where this model came from my hard disk. I know that DT has a model of Dagobah Luke, that is much better, than what i am using at the moment. No i didn't make the reskining, except for the black vest into more beige-ish color and tried to put Yoda on him with the bag. @@DT85 you mean to use your model or? (sorry i am almost asleep after today's hard day at work). I will be able to post an update on Saturday & Sunday.
  17. What @ said above, just found the more 'official' version of it on imgur
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