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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. Southern Europe, Bulgaria a place where's worse than Mustafar system.
  2. I can't agree more with your point of view about Finn's character and role in this movie. It could've all be done by Poe. However if you remember the character of Kyle Katarn (personally i didn't liked him for a long, long time till past 1 year), he is the one that should've be in TFA if they wanted an "extra" character instead of Poe. Kyle Katarn is former stormtrooper, he ran away and become a Jedi, than Sith and back to Jedi stuff, he knows how to handle a lightsaber.
  3. Personally i prefer his shuttle as new vehicle, since i already have Kylo Ren in all of his versions, except full helmet, for which i made own one for personal use only, and will buy in near future the SW Black Series Kylo Ren helmet (and add some better HD sounds on my own).
  4. Decided to try with Lor San Tekka, using @@DT85 old Ben head, since it's the only one near to the actor. And also one personal choice of Ben Kenobi about 10-15 years after Order 66. Lor San Tekka: Ben Kenobi (before ANH):
  5. Even worse. Tested this mod in another PC with a whole new JKA copy that was I've bought. With 1.0.0. and with the patch 1.01 it still doesn't work on neither of my PC or JKA games damn i wish i could use this one
  6. Version 1.0


    READ ME: ============================================================================ Star Wars - Rey from Jakku (TFA) version 1.0 ============================================================================ FILE NAME: Rey Scavenger.pk3 INSTALLATION: Put the ".pk3" file inside your GameData/Base folder. NPC SUPPORT: YES SINGLE PALYER: YES SPAWN IN GAME: NPC SPAWN REY_SCAVENGER (Basic Rey from Jakku) NPC SPAWN REY_JAKKU (Rey as Scavenger with an old rusty Rebel helmet) *NOTE* If you want to use Rey_Jakku as your playermodel from the Single Player menu, you can choose from 2 head versions: the first one is of Rey with the helmet, while the second one is the same, but with no googles. BUGS: None found VERSION 1.0: This is a version 1.0 for the contest. The model itself requires new, better textures to be made and or perhaps a new head for Rey. Until then you can enjoy this one. CREDITS: - LucasArts, Raven Software, Disney, J.J. Abrams, JKA for basic Jedi Human Female model, Toshi for the head of his Padme model, Syko for his face texture, UsungHero's Galen Marek "Starkiller" for the robes lower.
  7. Why the **** when i load the map for first time it shows me missing textures for everything except for the stairs O.o wow.
  8. Don't get me wrong but those cute winter details make me feel Christmas since there is no snow this year xD
  9. The strange thing is, that this model is made with the body, arms and legs from basic JKA human female. Head is from Toshi's Padme belt is from Jan and 2 parts attached on her torso from Galen Marek.
  10. If anyone is willing to make new textures it's ok for me.
  11. Answer: basic JKA human female. Toshi's Padme head, Google for the most natural face of Daisy i could find out of SW shootings. Some desert textures and Jan's belt.
  12. Yes, but maybe you can make that, because when i put red/orange over it and it gets worse
  13. Rey is here everyone! @@GPChannel @ @ @@Jolly @@bigphil2695 @@Lancelot @@Syko P.S. just needs some better colors and re-texture on the face perhaps and can be OK.
  14. Not sure why this happened, tried again and it was the same result. Tried to remove the game and install it again in different path still the same is it a chance to be from the resolution?
  15. @@Darth_Tantrum @@Archangel35757 you can check out this one here. Sadly Jan Ors didn't fit quiet good with the face texture as i wanted. But I am not good with texturing so that's the reason for me. Link to my W.I.P. models http://jkhub.org/topic/6236-the-path-of-the-apprentice/page-4
  16. Kylo Ren's command shuttle as a new vehicle for SW JKA game. As seen in the new Episode 7 movie The Force Awakens: And one bigger right HERE
  17. Downloaded, put it on my Base folder after a whole new clean install and the result is:
  18. Sure, but will do tomorrow I am too lazy and sleepy atm and acting like a fan-girl on image of Lego Kylo Ren xD
  19. Will p.m. you with this one, cuz i just made it today and it's not uploaded anywhere yet.
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