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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. Ahh, well the model wasn't made by me (as textures as well), i could try to fix that. Main problem is that when i put Yoda as a smaller character behind, on the bag and export it, it's all ok, but when i try to load the model's Glm file in ModView, it warns me that the model has too much bones: Model has 88 surfaces, but only 87 of them are connected up through the heirarchy, the rest will never be recursed into. This model needs rebuilding, guys...
  2. waaaiit wait, i don't get it remove the arms of Yoda?! or the arms of Yoda's robe? At the moment of the screenshopt i've posted above, Yoda is just the body, arms and head, legs are deleted
  3. just A little RE-TEXTURE of Darth Vader, by TOSHI (just to look a little bit more "realistic")
  4. I have that model too, @ but it won't work like that. Here's an update with better colors and some textures that are more like the original model:
  5. Was wondering, why there is no actual model of Luke from Dagobah, but not just the outfit (as there is one or two attempts on it). I was experimenting to make a frankenstein version, but since I am not a modeler nor I'm familiar with the JKA modding techniques, I thought I'd may ask you guys. What do you think, is it possible to make such a frankenstein-ed model, of Luke with his Dagobah outfit + Master Yoda over his pack, or a puppet Yoda? Personally i don't like much the model of Toshi's Yoda, however there is no other one made that is good for JKA. Some time ago, i've found a 3D model of the old Yoda as we know him from the OT movies, but it's really not for JKA. So at the moment in Blender it looks like this (until it goes to ModView, where it screams that the bones are too much and i must make the model again from 0 to the end).
  6. particularly for the prototype concept, or those of the frankenstein?
  7. Ok, so here is a new attempt of Frankenstein version of McQuarrie's concept model of Luke Skywalker, or perhaps the prototype name of Luke Starkiller *Keep in mind, that the images you see are low quality, thanks to imgur, originals weren't so low*
  8. Well, don't know if anyone is willing to make it @ but i felt, that I can try to re-create it as much as possible, so here it is.
  9. Go and try yourself, but you will have to credit me + all the other members if you upload it.
  10. I have made a personal custom made version of him, that is more like a mix from SW Clone Wars + Rebels and A New Hope. Here's how it looks like: with * without helmet -
  11. I cannot make ports from one game models into JKA models. Toshi's Luke will be the best one, until someone as good as DT is able to make a new one, that is as i personally say: HD model of new generation for JKA. (Like his Episode 7 Old Luke, who's still as W.I.P. but is already kick-ass amazing!)
  12. Nope. As i have said many time and will repeat again and again, I can only make some really bad ugly frankensteins and re-textures, but not portings. I just happen to have all the TFU1, TFU2 and Battlefront-3 original models and some are ok to open with Blender, but don't know why they don't work with the textures they've got.
  13. TIE Interceptor + TIE Advanced (Vader) into TFA design, somehow i like them more, than the originals
  14. Could be, but changed few small details and texture. I'm thinking of making it from another base jka model and only use the helmet
  15. Me myself can tell for my point of view (which i don't wan't any one of you to take on 100% for the right point of view), but as an Artist and someone who constantly create lots of stuff for the numbers, and also as someone working on the very other hand with less quantity but more quality I can only say this for myself: I really love the OT of Star Wars. I can say that i am a big fan, but somehow it's stupid for me to call anyone "big fan" of anything, don't make me tell you why... but for sure I give a shot to everything new and / or that continues an already existing story (not only for SW). I do not like so much the PT movies (episodes 1, 2, 3) BUT, i do enjoy them as well as they are some part of the story. I can agree and disagree with all of you for many stuff and we are all right for our own points of view. Also even the TFU and TFU2 games, that turned out to not be a canon and are even "stupid" for some SW fans (talking for people that i know in person, not in here!). So about the upcoming Episode 7 The Force Awakens. My personal view is - let's just watch it first, than I'll be able to say anything if i like it or not (but i am already sure on almost 100%, that it will gonna be amazing masterpiece), still no clue for the next 2 episodes of this new trilogy, but still guessing they'll be as good or as possible good as they can be (since JJ won't work on them as far as I know).
  16. Oh, my! Can i put it on my head it looks promising.
  17. A long time ago..... Kylo Ren, TIE Fighter, X-Wing, Z-95, Falcon, Phasma, C3PO, R2D2, Stormtroopers, Rey, Old Luke and let's not forget... Poe Dameron
  18. Thank you everyone really! Sadly as i have mentioned in the description I am not able to continue working on this model, so if anyone else is interested to finish, I can be very glad and happy for it.
  19. 672 downloads

    READ ME: ============================================================================ Star Wars The Force Unleashed: MaulKiller ============================================================================ I bring you my W.I.P. model of the MaulKiller from Force Unleashed. A strange combination from Starkiller and Darth Maul. It is a frankenstein, so it's not the best one. Keep in mind, that this is prototype and I just don't have the time to work on it anymore. WARNING: I have send few requests to Darth Shiftee (for using the legs of his Sith Stalker), but i can't reach him. I am giving a credit to him below. !!BUGS!! YES, when you play with the Maulkiller in JKA SP/MP game, you will notice, that there is a little whole on his neck. That is because I've had to change a little bit his neck and add it to the torso, but I had no time to fix this. Feel free to do it, if you want or just don't mind it at all. FILE NAME: Maulkiller.pk3 INSTALLATION: Put the ".pk3" file inside your GameData/Base folder. NPC SUPPORT: YES TEAM COLORS: NO SPAWN IN GAME: NPC SPAWN MAULKILLER License: Feel free to make any changes on this model, as long as you mention me and MOSTLY the main 2 authors! CREDITS: - LucasArts, Raven, Force Unleashed team, DT85 (for his Darth Maul model), Darth Shiftee (for the legs of his Sith Stalker model), Photoshop for the textures and my old school friend, SyGic45 for helping me with the textures to be as close as possible.
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