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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. Thank you for the kind words Arrow! I am glad, that all of us on this small team have managed to bring this project alive. I hope, that in the future we are going to make more of those, or maybe inspire someone else to use this/those characters later in their own mods or own SW saga. After all that's all the good with JKA and SW universe. Congrats to Kylo Ren and all the rest that have worked on the model beside me. Cheers!!
  2. This is Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker) nose and face, during the era of "A New Hope": And here is how his face and nose look like, during the ESB era (episode 5), after the car accident that Mark had. Those scars you saw from the Wampa attack, are not fake they are from the car accident
  3. @ also why would SW Rebels Inquisitor appear on TFA (I know the answer, but still it is funny if you think of it) lolz http://www.theforceawakensblog.com/new-the-force-awakens-character-names-revealed/#forward
  4. I have answered that question a while ago on my wall status of my profile, even created an event for that, but no 1 had any interest back than. And the answer is May of 2017-th just when Star Wars will celebrate 40-th anniversary since the first "Episode 4: A New Hope" came out. Here is the event i have made a while ago: http://jkhub.org/calendar/event/34-star-wars-episode-viii/
  5. Looks like no one cares for droids right here wow
  6. Perhaps that can be a good method as well. But personally i think that it would be better if it is not textured, but made as part of the face also a reason for this way of thinking is, that as you have saw on my previews posts above, he have a big fluffy beard and not just - a beard (like for example with: Kyle, Obi-Wan, Dooku etc.)
  7. i guess the beard would be one of the hardest parts to model over the face
  8. Indeed!! Personally if i was able to do it.. i would add some chromed effect shader over it to look more fancy (polished R2)
  9. I like the first one more. Maybe this would help?
  10. I have somewhere over my PC a better version of R2 made with 3Ds Max (not mine!!) But i don't know if it will work for JKA and/or could it be re-created. The format however is ".dae"
  11. I was thinking to make the same @Kylo Ren but i have no idea why, when i add specific shade for R2 to look a little bit more chromed it doesn't work. Nice reskin 10/10
  12. Like Father // Like Son @@DT85 Maybe this one will help you for the hand?
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kualan


      There's also a Darth Vader and a ROTJ-era Luke in the launch wave. Probably doesn't mean anything.

    3. NumberWan


      It's part of the design. The same happened with TCW (all boxes with clone troopers no matte what episode I-VI) and Rebels (deformed trooper on most Lego sets no matter what theme). Vader and Maul were also such promotional characters on many products in their time.

    4. dark_apprentice


      Ha, i understand now... thanks guys!

  13. Agree @@Psyk0Sith we summon you for this model.
  14. Check out on Page 1 there is a version with Ben Kenobi's MB2 robe but i didn't like it, since the one from photo and action figure is different i used the robes from Hapslash as close as possible. Will re--pe--at as l-o-o-o-n-g as it must: This are only re--skins and we are needing a n---e--w model with Beard and with new hair. After all that is what @ thread is all about i am just killing time, until someone is able to make it.
  15. Thank you @@Asgarath83 and i was saying with base sabers to use the Starstrider mdoel with base saber = desann, kyle, single_1, single_2 etc. Jeff on to the rescue as always
  16. Did you tried the one i have sent with base sabers?
  17. I suggest you, trying this one because it is possible that Kylo Ren have sent you the wrong/old file here is the one i have in my base folder: Starstrider (pre-release)
  18. I am not asking for a RMQ concept Vader. I am asking if it is possible to edit, the existing Toshi Vader helmet&mask and make them stretched as in Star Wars Rebels (where i personally find some resemblance to the concept)
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