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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. Damn good for a starting version O.o
  2. @ @@bigphil2695 I think this one will give you another choice for what you want. That one is based on the 2004 edition of ROTJ. Just needs the blue and some ghost shader effect and you're done.
  3. That in first hand and on second hand.. the face is just a random photo of Daisy over Toshi's Padme model, and personally i don't like it, they look a lot like, so maybe we'll need a new head for Rey? I am waiting to see master @@Kualan what have done on her, when he's ready to show it.
  4. Yes I know it's not confirmed yet, but even if it turns out to be true at some point i just imagined it and i was shocked in both good and bad ways at some point it might be interesting to see him, but at other i am torn apart for the actor himself, after so much hate for him and after the mass reactions. I dunno, perhaps it can be the boy from EP-2/3, but my secret wish is - if Anakin is to be shown in the Episode VIII as a Force Ghost as a Jedi, than i would like to see the guy voicing Anakin in The Clone Wars.. or at least some older guy, who can make it as close as possible (assuming the on-screen makeup if needed) to look more like Sebastian's version of Anakin from 1983. Somehow I really look forward for such an actor if we concider that this might happen at some point.
  5. Waaaiiiit, wait wait wait........ WHAT?! Anakin's Force Ghost (or Vader Force Ghost) with or without the armor in Episode 8 WOOOOOOOW O.o
  6. Those 2 in red, that i've now marked.. i wanted to make them invisible or hidden because to me they look not pretty clean on the whole skin/body. Compared to the movie's ghost it looks strange at least for me:
  7. Yes i worked on few versions, but in the end it won't be as good as I wish. So I will spoil to wait for @@Kualan he is making one and I bet his version will be badass. Those c**p is mine:
  8. Yes, I started with Jan, but than used same model of Padme by Toshi. Here is what i have as a texture:
  9. Thanks, but the model is from @@DT85 if ain't mistaken I have just made him as ghost, because i wanted to make one. Now i see there are few little details, that are not cleaned up, but for now it's 3/5 reskin
  10. @@Jolly No ofend taken, but as @@bigphil2695 said above, I have just let it in, so if he or someone else is interested to have/play or whatever with the classic actor. Some prefer him, other prefer Hayden, we are all free to choose. And more likely he can even make a reference, since the old Anakin from '83 is having the same old-jedi robe of Ben Kenobi, that i think is more accurate, since they just changed the heads of the actors, instead of adding (in ROTJ) the prequels jedi robes. Not that i hate them or something, but it's a choice that people can make. Btw did you made your own Ben ghost or used my version :D
  11. Actually the REAL Jedi Master - Anakin Skywalker is from 1983's classic version of ROTJ where he is portaited by Sebastian Shaw. So if you want to use him, instead of that kid from the preq's here's the link: http://jkhub.org/files/file/2450-anakin-skywalker-rotj-1983/
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Syko


      Was expecting something inappropriate...

    3. dark_apprentice


      @Kylo Ren i can only wish to have your collection some day, maybe this life :D who knows. It's not easy to invest money in music and than to wish for SW stuff :D :D :D

    4. dark_apprentice


      @Syko like what?


      P.S. that's just a little SFX version /flashlight/ nothing serious :(

  12. No mirror link, but it works fine by me. Maybe you can try it again or ask the admins? If that won't help i can PM you the file.
  13. I think, that @Psyk0Sith is working on a new version of Kylo Ren and made a better full parts helmet. Personally i am not able to do it, i can just put a Darth Vader helmet over the current mask, but it will look very stupid and nothing like the movie.
  14. Nope, but you may try to use this model by DT85 it is m-u-c-h b.e.t.t.e.r than my frankenstein version. Also he is working on an update and one with the robotic arm too http://jkhub.org/files/file/2535-dt-luke-ep7/
  15. If i ain't mistaken he talks about this one I've made a while ago, about the REN KNIGHTS, but was considered for Kylo Ren, since we didn't know his name is Ben Solo. Check out the post from 26-th October by Psyk0Sith http://jkhub.org/topic/6403-ren-knight/page-2
  16. Haha, made my week! Can I use it with credits and post it on my FB wall if that's ok with you?
  17. Personally I LOVE the Force Awakens movie. I liked every part of it, just at the very fist 1 minute i thought "Oh, JJ what have you done with it" and later on until the very end I loved it. I even like a lot Kylo Ren. I am also very happy with my Kylo Ren First Order hoodie and the BB-8, and Kylo Ren 1/2 action figures from the cola-popcorn menu I've bought. Only need to buy the Sphero BB-8
  18. Attempt for Rey of Jakku & Rey as Jedi (based on action figure), but sadly i can't use it since it's using Toshi's Padme head and a Google image of Rey's actress (Daisy), but she looks a lot like Padme in this one particular texture
  19. Why don't you enter this with the cuttest little droid ever
  20. None. I tried to find the source model of this Muun, you've found, but with no good luck
  21. There is a saber hilt of Ben Kenobi that can be used with green blade or use the one from the movie lightsabers pack. That's how the toy is made, but for the movie we will have to wait for episode VIII perhaps.
  22. Actually it's more like the old Ben Kenobi saber from New Hope. While the hilt from ROTJ is based on it but yet different in the emitter.
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