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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. Here is one 3D version of the mask, that @ sent me once, but am not so strong in the Force, to work on it or even make it workable for JKA. Here's how it looks atm:
  2. no thx, i use mostly ESP Eclipse guitars and i also have ESP RZK-1 OW but lately i'm into the EverTune
  3. F*** NO! I am proud owner of ESP guitars only and working on a signature one atm. But the guitar i was talking about is acoustic guitar
  4. Remember that both Jedi and Sith can use Force to see in the future what will happen. Perhaps it's a scene of Luke seeing how Phasma and the others will burn down this place where he is standing with R2. I can bet one of my guitars on it, that it's Luke own robotic hand Btw i couldn't wait for @@DT85 and perhaps he's gonna kill me for this photoshopped spoiler, but i really really couldn't resist it'll be epicness overload iiish, why it turned out so low quality o.O damn
  5. same to me Uruk-Hais with a Bounty Hunter and lightsabers lol
  6. Ok, now i watched the new trailer again and here is my very own personal imagination for the Episode 7 story: Luke Skywalker in JJ's eyes is as Lucas wanted to tell Mark years ago, that he is gonna be like the old Ben Kenobi, the old generation passing the fire to the new generation. Let's all remember, that the prototype of Lucas Star Wars drafts are of a General Skywalker and a farm boy called Annikin Starkiller !! So i think that Old Luke is now the new Ben Kenobi and he teaches Finn (perhaps and Rey too) the ways of the Force. However Kylo Ren (or whatever is his name) kills Luke in order to make his Force spirit go into the new generation (Finn and Rey), so that Finn after all the trainings could be enough strong to stand into Kylo Ren's way in the forest, as Luke himself did with Vader on ESB. I am not into the idea of Han Solo to be dead, not because i like him or something, but because in this new trailer at the end (after the Falcon was burned) Leia was crying in the arms of ... Han Solo! Also this gives more the real feel of the original prototype of Lucas's SW with the old Luke as a master. The new "Death Star" or whatever it is is very similar to the picture from below and the Sith or perhaps a Knight of Ren is very similar to the so called "knights of ren" we are going to see now, or some sort of Sith or other dark side user.
  7. don't have a 4K atm will do in months, but TFA in Cinema will be first so yea
  8. About the planet or base or whatever is on the new official TFA poster. It seems to me like a Disney-fied bad version of a new generation "Death Star ver. 3"
  9. am i wrong or is one of those potential Knights of Ren from the trailer having a bounty hunter mask?! Or it could be the rumored returning of Boba Fett?
  10. @ (...again, out of the thread, bust since you thought i was talking for this)...this could be some part of the other knights
  11. I agree with you @@Jolly that it is good to have new models of the new characters, instead of just frankensteins, but you can't say "no" to the Kylo Ren model, by Kualan. I think it is pretty good one even that it is a frankenstein.
  12. Dunno about this concept design. It would be great if this are some of the other Knights of Ren members. But as I personally know and saw this image before it is one of the earliest concepts for Kylo Ren, before we have his design, as we know him now. So again back to the topic i'lll remind, that I am requesting a new Kylo Ren helmet, that is not just frankenstein-ed by Vader's helmet.
  13. I know it is a model, but can I just get inside it even that i usually don't like the Jedi robes, somehow i am feeling i'm gonna buy this
  14. Dunno how come, but last night I've had one strange dream. I was at something like a SW convention, where there was a lot of discussions about the TFA movie, meanwhile at some point i was around a table and someone told me there's a casting going on for the 8-th movie and than i don't remember much, but just seeing Harrison and Hamill around me. I had a talk with them and told them about or little community stuff and DT's amazing masterpiece models. Than i asked what is with the robotic hand and the answer was: it's 1/2 black glove and 1/2 robotic arm.
  15. I wasn't expecting such an answer specially from you @ 1. I have used the name: Ren Knight instead of "Kylo Ren", because we all know, that that is not his real name. 2. If I was requesting a new model of him, i would simple say: can someone make a better/new Kylo Ren 3. My request is for his HELMET. Why? Because a Frakenstein, coming from Darth Revan's mask and using texture of a Kylo Ren (the... Ren Knight), is not enough to combine with a Toshi Darth Vader helmet. 4. Let's try this to make it easier for understanding: I request, a Kylo Ren (member from the Knights of Ren), Helmet ONLY.
  16. After we have a pretty nice JKA model of the Ren Knight, now we'll need a good model of his helmet:
  17. i would be very disappointed if you stop now
  18. @@DT85 so we can assume this model around TFA's release? @@minilogoguy18 if you look few pages back on this topic, you may see a photo posted by @ with a robotic hand (perhaps the one of Luke himself), holding a note from J.J.
  19. In that case why won't we ask for a model of the Samurai Darth Vader, Stromtroopers and Boba Fett??? They also would look badass in JKA. But they have a reason not to be in any movie.
  20. Well i am thinking to try making a release of this attempt of Maulkiller i've made, but i am not sure if JKHub team would allow it, since i can't reach the original author of Sith Stalker to ask for permission on using his legs and lower parts of the model.
  21. How many people actually would like to have the Maulkiller model?
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