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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. Don't think so, even if the body and clothes are fake, the head is still pretty much the same as of what we all know how Mark looked like during the shootings.
  2. I am waiting it, even before he took the chance to work on it But as i have said many times and will repeat until everyone understands: I have made those re-skinned models, just as to give the people something similar, until... they have the finished masterpiece from @@DT85
  3. Mother Talzin (pretty please), Tsui Choi & Mas Amedda
  4. DT's working right now on the EP7 Luke Skywalker
  5. Ugh, sorry for my stupidity, but who the F is this dude ?! O.o lolz I am not familiar with him, what he do?!
  6. If i was able to do this magic or even just to create a low-poly version as good as the original, it would be already here, but my answer is no sadly no if it was only this to be able of... i would be god right now *laughs* :D
  7. Agree with you, but even that this are one of the first concepts of R2 and C3PO, R2D2 is still pretty much the same, he is only a little bit "fat" and have all of his robotic stuff out (going crazy, little one)
  8. You have it man just wanted to see where are you, cuz I was out of the community for few days and no idea what's going on @@AshuraDX
  9. 2,117 downloads

    READ ME: ============================================================================ Star Wars The Force Awakens: OLD LUKE SKYWALKER (skin) ============================================================================ FILE NAME: Old Master Luke - TFA.pk3 Autor of the Re-Skin: Dark_Apprentice INSTALLATION: Put the ".pk3" file inside your GameData/Base folder. NPC SUPPORT: YES TEAM COLORS: NO SPAWN IN GAME: NPC SPAWN OLDLUKE || NPC SPAWN OLDLUKE_HOOD (for the hooded version) SABER: I used Ben Kenobi's lightsaber from Ep.4 because the custom made action figure was using it, instead of ROTJ Luke saber. CREDITS: - LucasArts, Raven, HapSlash for the jedi robes, Toshi for his Luke model (head only) & Disney ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  10. Because that is what i have, also because i am not texture artist, and not in the last because i have made the graphics of JKA on low res, since my laptop is full of other stuff and the game is lagging.
  11. A rumor or fact, i was interested in this concept of the so called "Force Awakens "Inquisitor" concept". Others may say, that this is just early concert of Kylo Ren. Anyway i have found this amazing artwork below on the second image, and i decided to make JKA character based on him. Not quite the same as i wanted, but it is still a good idea for a halloween costume. Original: FAN-ART: My Version for JKA:
  12. Which one? Also it is just a re-skin, you can wait a little bit, until DT finishes his TFA Luke model it is much better if you ask me Check out on page 5
  13. 2 things in my mind last day.... 1. Am i the only one who thinks that this character of "Finn" had to be white dude? I ain't saying that J.B. cannot play it, but if those 2 turn out to be some sort of kids of Han/Leia or Luke/Mara, than why black?? Did Leia and Lando over Bespin at ESB or what in the Force. As much as i am digging on the extended SW universe after the ROTJ and Endor events, it doesn't show it like that. Also i admit, that it's hard for me to accept the idea of J.B. with a Blue saber instead of Purple like Master Windu wow i maybe going crazy 2. As we have all saw the new Instagram short trailer of TFA, where Kylo Ren is in the woods of (Endor?) and Finn is standing over there with "Luke/Anakin" lightsaber from ANH... Ok if this is really the lightsaber of Anakin/Luke why does it look different on the top, just where the blue blade is starting? I mean it looks like it was modified or something like that.
  14. @@DT85 thanks to you, for first time ever I might start to like Luke Skywalker after all O.o looking forward for this amazing project and thank you for taking this one on your side!
  15. Mirror, mirror... tell me, who is the shiny droid of all? (don't get technical with me - C3PO) Old Luke and R2 on Jakku? Also it is possible, that Princess (Queen) Leia's daughter (Billie Lourd) is gonna play a flashback of younger Leia
  16. A Custom update of Master Luke (custom because it is based on this fan-made image of Old Luke with the green saber and his father's shoulder pad):
  17. I am sure it is somewhere here, but since i could not find what i need as an answer i will ask for this again. I need a quick help-tutorial on how to do it: What happened: After i used from model "A" his shoulder over model "B", and they are on model "A's" torso_0 and so on. I have had to edit a little bit the edges of those shoulders to look more neat. What happens after i hit the Export button: Question is: How can i fix this error. I have tried to change the directory where the "shoulder" texture is located, but it didn't helped. What can i do to in order to fix this mess?! Thanks in advance.
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