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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. Decided to give it a try for personal project on this (Cybernetic Anakin-Vader Ghost from TFA Concept): And came out with this (only usind DT's robe, because the one of Ben Kenobi is not so detailed as the one of Luke)
  2. Don't get me wrong DT, I do appreciate your work, time and all the effort you put in creating such amazing masterpiece models. I even don't have the knowledge of modeling, that you have, so I am the last one to complain about anything. The only thing I was asking with my previews post was to hear your opinion, as a professional, who knows the work in details. Also you have right about the photo sources of Luke from TFA, but as I and @ have posted in the first pages of this thread, we provided as much details as possible, before even the movie came out. Even the arm I re-posted above is not of Luke, but of Anakin Skywalker, but it's the same only difference in the movie is, that Luke's arm is metallic grey, while Anakin's black with gold parts. I am sorry if i have somehow offended you. Looking forward for the new updates in time.
  3. Me too! You can check on my files here, I have released a version of Sebastian as Anakin
  4. Thanks @ I like to help people, when I am able to do it. Just noticed right now, that I might used a little bit different costume O.o @@mikeymouse5590 please if you think it's not the one you want let me know and I will make it happen, but I never played with Kel Dor male in JKA and to tell the truth I even don't know what his basic JKA outfits are in the menu.
  5. I thought to make a model of Hoth Leia, but than I noticed, that @@Jolly mentioned there is a MB2 model of her. So my attempt is worthless and looks more like a bad reskin >.< ... On the other hand the MB2 models is yet different a bit, while this one is based on the base JKA Jedi Female Hoth character
  6. @@DT85 I really love your masterpiece work and even don't have the right to complain over your work and knowledge. But there are just 2 little details I noticed on your last update of Luke, that I would like much better if you fix them. Please don't cut my head off for this. First i noticed is the hair: I know, that you are busy and perhaps didn't manage to set the right mood for this after moving to new house, I know what's like to do it, since I myself have done it 2 times in the last year, but with this long hair on Version 2.2 as I opened it up in ModView to see it in full size and zoom in... I couldn't miss to notice, that now he looks more of a Jesus Christ hair style, than Luke's one in TFA. No offense, that is how i see it Second is... the robotic right hand. Could you pretty pretty pleeeaaaasssee try to make it like this, instead of a grey-ish winter glove
  7. Some of the concepts of Ralph McQuarrie, while he was working on ROTJ, I will just quote: – "While Ralph McQuarrie worked on initial concepts for Return of the Jedi, he did not stay on through the completion of the film as he had with the first two chapters in the Star Wars saga. As a result, many of the production paintings he created were for sequences that didn’t make it into the finished film, such as these sequences (below) of Vader taking Luke to meet the Emperor in his volcanic lair beneath a grand cathedral on the Imperial City (that would come to be known as Coruscant in the Expanded Universe and prequels). " http://www.starwars.com/news/the-del-rey-star-wars-covers-of-ralph-mcquarrie-part-3 Also: – Jedi Killer - New concept amended: "The Jedi Killer design was like trying to land a helicopteron a penny. We couldn't be too Vader-ish, but we couldn't reference something else too heavily."
  8. Respecting @@RevanKnight version and @@Kualan version, tried to combine both and see what will come out. Not as good as it should be, so I call for a new model to be made
  9. Here you go @@mikeymouse5590 Download from Here
  10. 784 downloads

    READ ME: ============================================================================ Star Wars - Force Anakin (2004 Edition) ============================================================================ Well, after some thoughts, I made the Force Anakin character, from the 2004 DVD Edition of ROTJ's ending. Instead of the original actor - Sebastian Shaw (from 1983) who I still prefer much more, you will be able to use Hayden Christensen (the prequel's young version of Anakin) with the classic Jedi Robe, which personally I love much more. Keep in mind, that this character will appear as normal one, NOT as a "Force Ghost". FILE NAME: ForceAnakin.pk3 INSTALLATION: Put the ".pk3" file inside your GameData/Base folder. NPC SUPPORT: YES SINGLE PLAYER: YES SPAWN IN GAME: NPC SPAWN FORCEANAKIN CREDITS: - LucasArts, Raven, DT85 & Plasma for the OT Jedi Robe of Ben Kenobi & it's textures, HapSlash for his Anakin head model & Textures. Khaliban for the Original Trilogy Luke ESB lightsaber, which is more accurate to use, because it is the one USED in The Force Awakens!!
  11. Ok, so I did a little comparison from: Original Kylo Ren, Action Figure Kylo Ren, Kualan's Kylo Ren & RevanKnight's Kylo Ren. In the end i must say, that none of the models are looking anything like the original or the action figure, BUT I still think, that the one made by Kualan is at least close as possible, to what we could get as from a Frankenstein model. And I do still hope, that Psyk0Sith at some point, will have the time to continue working on his version of Kylo Ren, since he already made an amazing masterpiece work with the helmet. So here is the PDF file i have made and added to my dropbox: KYLO REN (Action Figure, size 1/6th scale collectible) VS. Kualan JKA version, VS. RevanKnight’s version
  12. Not bad, but the head and helmet needs more work, because now it looks like if someone hit him with a hammer on both sides of his helmet wow.
  13. Thanks for that, I could perhaps invite you, or if you have another server.
  14. Ok i think, that i might just got it and connected into the server as you mentioned above. Now the question is how my wife could join in. She also have JKA installed with the patch and so on. Does she have to install Makermod on her PC in oder to join or just by the LAN server in the browser, or it is just by my IP address? Since we tested and it just brings her the loading screen and is waiting to connect, but nothing happens (i mean she does not join in).
  15. @@lervish as far as I know, you can make vehicles for JKA? Could you pretty please try making this one <3
  16. Hello and welcome to JKHub @@Krayt and a happy new year!! First of all thank you for liking my Frankenstein-ed model of Supreme Leader Snoke. Now on your question, here is my answer: I can help you make it for Single Player, as long as I can understand your request, you want the model to appear inside your Single Player menu as a main character instead of Jaden Korr. However you must keep in mind, that choosing this you will have him as a regular sized character. And if you had used this: Playermodel TFA_Snoke you would've be able to play with him in his original size, since we know from the Movie that Snoke is very tall character. Also this is just a frankenstein using Darth Plaguies head, instead of a new one for Snoke. I am not sure how true is the theory of Snoke as Plaguies, that's something we might understand in Episodes 8 and 9.
  17. Wow dude!!! What the ........................ :O :O You made me want to play this mod ASAP you release it!!! And you sir are ready to make your own personal game someday woow.
  18. @@Scooper Thank you for the kind answer! Yes i do have JKA installed with the 1.01 Patch and all the MakerMod stuff. I have extracted the files in my GameData folder, even made the .bat file you've told me about above, did everything step by step as it is, but after I have opened up the "Makermod Dedicated Server.bat" file it loaded some stuff, after that i just entered "status" and pressed enter, waited a while and nothing happened. In the mean time it didn't said anywhere something like "server not running" or similar to this. Than i decided to type in "map t2_trip" and hit enter - waited a few seconds to see what will happen and still nothing. Than i started my JKA MP game, went to "Mods" selected MakerMod and nothing have happened. Also the JAMP Client seems to be just a .pk3 file in my case inside the Makermod's folder.
  19. Nice one, better than mine don't tell me you have a BB-8 for JKA would you release him too?
  20. Ben as Jedi apprentice of Luke, before he joins Snoke in the First Order
  21. Ok, will have that specific in mind, but as I mentioned it once in one other comment (over the model itself), i am not going to do this don't have the time now. So i have always let the models free for everyone if they want to edit and just add some credits to me and/or to the other authors as well.
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