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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. Neither am i. I am soundengineer Just sometimes it's better when you take the hands on what you want to see on certain models or stuff, or at least that's how i do the things. Also sometimes the artist could not see what others want to see in their work, so it's better to take it on your own, that's what i was talking about. Give it a try if you want, it is not that hard to make frankensteins
  2. @ i am thinking, that it is you, who might start to work with Blender and to make all the tweakings to each model you want to use. Since i see that you love this work of "tweaking" on almost every model. I know you want to be perfectionist, but it's better for you to make it as how you like it just my opinion.
  3. Hello to all MakerMod players. I hope, that i am writing this on the right place. So here is what's on my mind and for what i will need help. I really loved the few screen-shots and threads about Makermod, so i decided to give it a try for a little bit of a close (family) server. First of all – I have downloaded this file here and I am not really sure how to run it in JKA MP, do I have to install something else in order to have working Makermod or what? Sorry for this question, but I haven't played MakerMod and don't know how to, also wasn't able to find more info on this. Second of all – I do know, that this mod is for MP gaming of JKA and you can join servers etc. etc. BUT in particular i want to know: is it possible to create my own server for MakerMod. How to do this, what does it require and what do I need to know in order to create a closed server, since I want to play just with my wife, because she just got my attention for JKA MakerMod. I do not want for now to join other people's servers, because we have to learn the first steps and also i am willing to create some stuff, that are only for us. In other words: i want to be able to crate personal JKA MakerMod server to play on with my wife, create stuff in JKA and the whole Star Wars universe, just for our own use, until we have enough experience to join into a larger server with many other players. Create and make changes on basic JKA maps. Thank you in advance.
  4. Nothing new, but not sure who's actually behind this one: http://www.imdb.com/news/ni59327202/?ref=tsm_1_fb_s_IMDb_Marketing&linkId=19978308
  5. Nope. If you are interested and able to, than do it yourself and add my name also to the credit line
  6. @Omicron I just checked the file and it is NOT broken! It works fine even on my wife's PC. I think it might be your internet connection or even your i-net browser could be with virus or something. It does not sand me to another page or anything like that wow.
  7. There's been sent an update of the facial texture, you can see it on page 1. Still it's from Padme, because the first drafts were with Jan and Bastilla, but didn't worked that good. If you ask me it requiers a whole new head based on Rey
  8. Not bad, but made the shoulder pad black as it is so in the game or make it even chrome-ish (black with reflecting shader).
  9. If you judge the models, by the sounds or the names they have, that is not my problem. Sorry. I have wrote that the models are based on: Basic Rey from Jakku (as seen from Jakku almost till the end of the whole movie, except that I did not released the final outfit, when she found Luke Skywalker on the island). And: Rey Scavenger is the same, just with the old Rebel's x-wing helmet. Sorry if this is not understandable for you or anyone else.
  10. 452 downloads

    READ ME: ============================================================================ Star Wars - Lor San Tekka (TFA) ============================================================================ FILE NAME: LorSanTekka.pk3 INSTALLATION: Put the ".pk3" file inside your GameData/Base folder. NPC SUPPORT: YES SINGLE PALYER: YES SPAWN IN GAME: NPC SPAWN LORSANTEKKA CREDITS: - LucasArts, Raven Software, Disney, J.J. Abrams, JKA for basic Kyle Katarn model, DT85 for his Old Ben Kenobi head, Google for reference images of Max's face. And to whoever made the "Mgs-ocelot" jacket. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  11. @@DT85 @ assuming this custom action figure, that was based on the leaked photo of Luke before TFA came out, it is strange to notice, that he really IS using the Old Ben lightsaber from ANH, instead of his ROTJ one.
  12. Good idea, also thank you for using my frankenstein model of Old Luke Skywalker But it would be more accurate if you have used DT's Luke, because his is much better And also Luke's saber or at least Old Ben's saber with green blade, instead of the basic sith JKA saber. Btw what map is this?
  13. If i am understanding you, than you are saying, that you have missed to read the description/read me file, where it says: NPC SUPPORT: YES SINGLE PLAYER: YES
  14. Wasn't that the saber of Plo Koon not of Mace Windu?! Any way personally i use the electro Staff from Ep.3 and mostly use the ESB Luke's saber:
  15. That is already done in this model's npc file. She have strong Force powers and she HAS Luke Skywalker ESB lightsaber (which is not included in the .pk3 of the model).
  16. No i don't have MB2 and i thought it might work. For first time i mean after the clean installation of jka after i deinstalled it still missing textures. Is it a big map or something?
  17. BTW try to add as music those tracks: Starkiller, Kylo Ren arrives at the battle, or at least this one: Snoke (theme) i think they are fitting better in the map
  18. Will have in mind next time, you can see the other screenshots that i mostly take from ModView in my W.I.P. page "The path of the Apprentice". Here is the latest update with the final version of her facial texture by Syko. That i just send to update this file here. I don't make in game screenshots from my game, because I'm playing it mostly on my old laptop, where i've had to make all the video settings with a lower quality in order to run the game without problems.
  19. True, but I decided to put Anakin/Luke ESB saber for this reasons: 1. The player can use Obi-Wan's lightsaber during the game play. 2. It looks more of a Ben Kenobi, after Order 66 and after he left baby Luke on Tatooine, but still have a journey on his own till he reach his new home there. 3. He travels with a lot of stuff, that he could take as to remember the good days of the Old Republic and the Clone Wars era (assuming that Ben Kenobi mentions the Clone Wars in "A New Hope".) 4. Anakin's ROTS lightsaber is not my personal favorite verison, since there are 3 versions of the saber from ROTS, ANH and ESB. But only the one from ESB made it till The Force Awakens wit the new generation. So i thought it's better to use this version.
  20. Update over Ben Kenobi after Order 66, model used: HS_Kenobi_ROTS, old-robe: Boba Fett's cape, right arm shoulder pad: Jango Fett, Luke's lightsaber from ESB (also from TFA as to be more accurate with what Obi-Wan took from Anakin after their duel): DT85's saber from Luke_Pilot, Backpack: rebelsaboteur model.
  21. I understand. Thanks for clearing it up for me guys ^^
  22. Ok, but is there other way, than this one (without causing holes in the map), buy by changing somehow the weather itself? For example i remember in Makermod that most of the times i was again on this map, but you've had the chance to make it as how you want. Is it possible to take some of it's coding create similar once and just replace the basic map with a new one without the fog?
  23. Hey guys and specially to all coders/scripters in here. I am in need of your help. The only basic JKA map, that i love to fly on as you already know from the title is map "t2_trip". The thing is, that I am sick of it's heavy fog on this map. I know about this cheat "r_we clear" (that is supposed to change the weather to a clear one, instead of foggy), but it does not work for me. Is there any other way and if "yes", than how can it be done and who might be able to help me with this. I was willing also to change the daytime into night, but that's a detail that is not so important for me. I only need help to remove this fog somehow from this map. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  24. Yes, indeed. There is resemblance of the actress, I saw that @RevanKnight has a closer version of her.
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