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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. Few days ago, while I was browsing over my instagram, found this person and his fan artwork concepts on Kylo Ren Ep. 8 credits: Venamis
  2. As I was going to sleep, just found out, that the Working Title of Star Wars Episode 8 is called: Space Bear Reminder for this is the fact, that all Star Wars movies are with strange working titles indeed. Not sure if this is just a fake rumor or real one, but here is how they are lined up: Star Wars The Force Awakens (Working Title = FOODLES PRODUCTIONS LTD.) Star Wars Return Of The Jedi (Working Title = BLUE HARVEST) Star Wars Episodes 1, 2, 3 (Working Title = JAK PRODUCTIONS)
  3. Will repeat until you try this on your own: "Try to open: Google Chrome, Adobe PDF, Windows Explorer, Notepad and some sort of a Video/Music player (all at the same time), and enjoy the "might and magic" of idiotic OS's" :) And let's keep on the topic of @@Lancelot because he really puts a lot of time and effort to bring us Rey's stuff from TFA.
  4. If not wrong @@Circa is one as well. Myself is also in that stuff and that's what I work as one of my many jobs.
  5. Indeed, but there are already so much rumors, speculations and so on. I think we can express many things in here, more or less from the point of view about the Art (of the two different directors, who will continue the saga). Their "film portfolio", the chance that they can make it as good as JJ Abrams did with Ep. 7 or... even make it worse than the prequels (keep in mind, that personally I love all 7 movies, and even the EU and TFU 1+2 no matter most of them are non canon or other fans don't like them). As a person of the Art, I like to see/read/listen everything in order to have a larger and better knowledge for myself. Yes we still have to wait for SW Rogue One, than for Ep. 8 after that Han Solo's movie and Ep. 9 but still we can discuss about what it might become or not.
  6. This one is counting more like a resking/frankenstein, since it is using the head of Unsung Hero's model. As far as I know, there is no other model with more accurate head of Galen Marek
  7. Dunno, but there were tones of requests for him and the only one ever made was by Unsung Hero and later re-textured from the MB2 team. Also some bad looking versions or reskins around which personally I don't count since they are far from what Starkiller looks like. One old HellKobra model version 1.0 and his verison 1.5 used for the Deseart Gear. Mostly people wanted to port the original one from TFU into JKA, but no one ever made it. There was a topic on the Industrial Starkiller Outfit, that i made a frankenstein + reskin, and there was a guy, who made a port, but he seems offline from the community from a long time. Oh and there are 1 ported Lord Stalker version (that is with the Vader-ish costume) and the Sith Stalker made for JKA from scratch. That's all i guess. Personally I would like to have only his "Dreaming robes" from TFU-2 when he entered the cave on Dagobah.
  8. True and I do agree with your opinion in here, assuming that I myself watched lots of videos on YT and others with fan speculations and others on both Episodes 8 and 9. Also not far from your interest about Rey and Kylo or the knights. What actually got my interest on higher level, was what I read on the link above from the director of 9-th Episode talking on Rey. There is a plot twist. Rey can be Luke's daughter as most of us are expecting, but she can also be a hidden child from another parent or something, that will turn us all on 360°. As for the voices of Yoda and Ben Kenobi, I learned, there was a mix of Obi Wan (Ewan McGregor voice) and Sir Alec Guinness (using part of a word he said in Episode IV). So i was also curious about both director's work and how do you think of them over SW saga.
  9. Don't wanna be the bad one, but people in here don't like to make Starkiller, don't expect someone to make the old version of him as general.
  10. Since i have found this article over the internet today, I might say, that this one is pretty interesting (assuming if that is not a fake one). Never the less, even if it is a fake article, I am still finding it interesting to discuss. That is why I want to see and hear all your opinions. How do you see the upcoming 2 new movies from the sequel trilogy of Star Wars. How do you find the idea about the other two "small" movies, about Rogue One and Han Solo. Do you think those 2 directors (for episodes 8 & 9) are gonna make it as much good as JJ. Abrams did in The Force Awakens. Is there a chance they can make it a good saga, or f**** up for all generations. What do you think about their movie portfolio (former movies, they took part in directing or writing). Colin Trevorrow Drops All Kinds of Hints About Episode IX, Rey’s Parentage, & Which Original Trilogy Stars Will Return for the Final Film
  11. Please release your version, cuz mine turned out to be so much gaaaaay :D
  12. Same here, I drank a lot of bourbon when i was making it earlier today, can't stop drinking @@Lancelot I am keeping it for later, working on something for you atm, but don't know when it's gonna be ok to show.
  13. Yes, it can be made a little bit more "dirty", but let's see what @@Jolly will make, since I just made a re-skin of another model and than put the helmet. My model also needs regular feets, because it has black boots now, while Jolly's is the Monk model if i am not wrong.
  14. My attempt at this one (the not-lego version needs legs cuz it's JKA model not JKO).
  15. You may just sometimes check out the latest uploaded files on here, just so maybe? REY is on JKHub
  16. Now, that is something amazing! Can i get it for my birthday (a.k.a. today) (angel face)
  17. Happy Birthday to me indeed, go check out my new Solo project here: https://www.facebook.com/ÆDelric-1192995777394590/?fref=nf

  18. it's somehow funny to play with Jake Lloyd as Anakin made as older Jedi

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Daedra


      Needs a version in the Darth Vader suit, just because it's funny as hell.

    3. CommanderXeph


      And it needs good sounds. When he dies he should say "Are you an angel"?

    4. Daedra


      And have him say "Never forget.. I built C-3PO... *dies*"

  19. Nah, just a fanboying darksiderZ, over Darth Vader perhaps even more than Kylo Ren himself :D
  20. One very special try for @@Syko I think that would be an interesting concept. As I am remembering, that someone in here said Jake at his current age (26) is resembling for Sebastian Shaw, I wasn't very sure about it (and still am not), but somehow I can't say a "no" to this wow O.o and the same with a long hair as supposed to have in ROTS (assuming, that Jake Lloyd at some photos was also having a middle-long hair)
  21. Tried to make something as close as possible to the First Order TIE Pilot, still it is NOT an exact replica of it.
  22. 5/5 stars Good work! I love the Episode 1 C3PO but a little note, try to make C3PO from Ep. IV to look a little bite more "dirty", as he was after escaping the star destroyer, also on Ep. VII 3PO, make the red arm's shoulder in gold as in the movie.
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