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Posts posted by Lancelot

  1. For the new title, I think that we need a poll for that some time later. But we need to collect some ideas first.


    My suggestion is to choose something that doesn't resemble Knights of the Force at all. We need something catchy, something that says "This is a Star Wars mod!"

    Unfortunately, many good titles have been already used for other mods, such as Star Wars Chronicles.

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  2. Greetings JKhub,

    I would like to present a small part my continuation of KotF. I decided to "legally" repair this mod's reputation by filling it with the new properly obtained content.


    I decided to work on KotF because it is one of the most known jedi academy mods ever made.

    However the project cannot be finished without Your help. I have come here for help as I am stuck in a certain area of modding presented on video below.


    It cost me much strength and effort  to make this mod the way it is now. And it would be brutal to throw it all away into vain waste because of old outdated engine limits of the game we all no doubt love.


    As fellow modders, I know You understand me very well. That is why I have come for Your aid.


    Here is a small introduction of skin chooser menu and a limit issue I cannot figure how to fix :




    I believe this mod is a great chance for JK community to grow. Especially role players , movie makers and clans. I appeal to You once again: Do not let this game die, we all fight so it survives. Let us fight together.

    Help me with this and You won't regret it. I have hope in You guys.


    If there is anything unclear in the video or menu issue, please comment below. 


    Thank You for Your time.  

    I must admit that I'm surprised by what you did. And not only that, I'm impressed. You did the right thing by starting this topic. Okay, it's "just" a menu, but at least we have enough evidence that shows us what you did so far.

    The biggest mistake TimFx made was that he didn't ask for help from others, except for the translation process. Don't make that mistake like he did and ask for help as soon as you don't know any further.


    I wish you good luck with this project. I hope that we will find enough people to finish this.

    Jango40, Cerez, eezstreet and 4 others like this
  3. Is possible somehow to port battlefront 3 models? This Han Solo looks really accurate :)



    Actually, this Han Solo model is a rendering for promotional purpose. In the game, he doesn't look like that.

    This his how he really looks like in the game:



  4. Ok, so i managed finally to bring Sebastian to live in JKA, thanks to the good instructions and patiences from @@Kualan and @@Seven and few other members around the hub. So I am really thankful to them for this, as well to the people who created the 2 different busts i used for reference to recreate in iClone 4.3 as much possible as i could manage to. They are not perfect and need some debugging before they go inside the gameplay, so that their hair and eyes work proper. Body used is from Seven's TFU Ben Kenobi. Hairs used are form: HS_Kenobi, Toshi Luke, Eyes from: Toshi's Luke.


    Reference model 01




    Reference Model 02:




    What i was able to bring for JKA:












    The model as seen in the last two pictures resembles Sebastian Shaw the most. The texture might not be perfect yet (especially the eyes), but you are going into the right direction.

  5. We're talking about the early days of Jk modding here. These mods probably weren't even worth backing up. I don't think anybody wants a bunch of old reborn reskins.

    PCGameMods had a lot of reskins from default models, that's true. And maybe there were some files that weren't worth backing up. But that site had a great range mods, maps, models and even videos that couldn't be found anywhere else. A lot of people are still asking for certain maps that were only available on that site. That proves that PCGameMods wasn't popular for no reason.

    Merek and Bek like this

    I miss them!




    "I heard PCGameMods shut down because the owner received some nasty emails in his inbox (apparently nasty enough for him to shut down PCGM)."




    I can only guess who were the author of those e-mails (------------------------------>jk3files.com's over-sensitive fags...)


    If I could choose a mod source outside JKHub, it would still be PCGameMods. JK3Files was great, no question, but I didn't like the forum and the behavior of some members, which was in no way comparable to what's going on here. As far as I remember, even modders with little experience have been treated like "You don't know your stuff? Then go f*ck yourself!" instead of giving some helpful advises. On PCGameMods on the other hand, you just went there, grabbed your files and left to play some more hours of Jedi Academy, because it had no forum at all (at least in its later years).

  7. It's been many years since pcgamemods.com, probably one of the greatest sources for Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast mods, went offline.

    Personally, I think it's a shame that this precious site ended up like that, as it had many rare mods that couldn't be found anywhere else.


    Fortunately, a backup of pcgamemods.com is still accessible through archive.org.



    You can browse through the backup like in any other website. Some pictures might not be there anymore and some features might not work properly.

    But if you are looking for certain mods, you can still find them. The only downside is that you can't download anything, because the files are permanently unavailable.


    Smoo likes this
  8. But there are also a lot of doors that currently lead to nowhere, and I'm not sure if there are supposed to be additional rooms beyond them that were never built.

    If you are planning to add more rooms for those doors, I would suggest some that can be found in pretty much every facility. Maybe some locker rooms or a storage (for spare parts, crates or droids) would be great.

    And yes, it might be a cliche, but I would also suggest a trash compactor.

  9. Guys, I've found another skybox that needs a better version.




    This is a screenshot of a random map I found on Moddb, but the skybox is the same.





    What this skybox needs: Ever wondered that the sky looks empty? Isn't something missing? Of course it is! Where are the Tibanna Gas containers and the mountain sized clouds?


    In my opinion, the skybox should be more like this:




  10. This is very stupid and should be fix.. The only enemy in the game that use the melee like this is granboxer and he is dealing A LOT dmg. Maybe because Gran's has big fists



    XD AHAHAHAHA omg.. (50 health per punch .. wtf)

    Jedi Academy suffers from many balancing problems that need some adjustments. This is one of them. Enemies with little to no armor take a million hits from your blaster, but a Gran boxer needs just two punches to kill you.


    What difficulty was that?

    Langerd and McGroose like this
  11. (with heavily reworked mesh of of Haps' Dooku and new texture based a 1,5* extant screenshots with front view of Haps' Tarkin)





    Probably one of the greatest things I've ever read regarding playermodels. You know what's awesome about that very sentence I've quoted? That you've practically merged Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing together.


    Let me explain:

    Lee and Cushing were frequently working together in horror movies, especially in those made by Hammer Films. Apart from that, both men were very close friends in real-life. And now you've just merged them together.

    You, sir, have created the greatest coincidence in the history of JKHub!

    KyleKatarn1995 likes this
  12. My dream is to see a proper Han Solo model. I hope that one day, somebody will make or finish one.


    We have tons of Star Wars models that look great. We have many great models of Luke, Leia, Darth Vader,

    Boba Fett, Stormtroopers and so on. But Han is the only model that I don't really like. All the reskins, even if they

    are intended as improvements, don't do Han Solo any justice. The model is still the same, just in a different wrapper.


    You know, we have at least two different models of the ones I've mentioned above, but only one Han Solo model.

    Onysfx, Circa, The Punisher and 1 other like this
  13. this is a rather wierd request for a non-star-warsy model :P, but it can be done :)

    It could be worse. I've seen weird requests you wouldn't believe. I even posted a weird request myself, which was the Angry Video Game Nerd (and I still hope it can be done  :D).

    And there were tons of requests, and even a wannabe-"contest", from a user who wanted us to create characters from an animated series nobody knows or cares about anymore.

    Langerd likes this
  14. I know I can do things with cvars but it's impossible in that case. I need multiple menus for a mod which I think will be released soon. And I need so many menus to make it great.

    Why don't you show us your mod in the WIP section of this forum? Everyone will get an idea of what the menus are supposed to look like, what they are for and so on. Maybe you will get more help with creating your menus by showing us what you already made.

  15. Now that I think about it, would Hapslash be OK with his models being used...?

    Kitbashing, reskinning and things like that are okay as long as you give credit to the original author (in that case, HapSlash).

    But I think it wouldn't bother him anymore, because he left the community some years ago.

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