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Posts posted by Lancelot

  1. @

    If this Kylo Ren model will get an exclusive MB II release (one of the reasons I don't like that mod), then there is little chance that they will ever officially release it seperately.

    Poe and Finn were made, I guess, without the intention of being exclusive models for MB II. I'm happy that we got at least these two masterpieces on JKHub.

    KyleKatarn1995 and Teancum like this
  2. This thread is pretty much to showcase the random stuff that I start but don't finish.  It is not a request thread, because no requests would ever get finished.  But if I happen to finish something and you want it, you can probably have it.


    This was started today, after seeing @@Lenico's female stormtrooper pictures.  All three human female Jaden heads are included.  There are a couple of issues, such as the Jan parts clipping through the wrist guards and upper leg armor, and the black suit is just recolored Jan textures.





    This is a chair... playermodel.  I still haven't properly unwrapped it, so yeah.  There's also a floor lamp modeled, but not in-game.





    I'm going to keep my Korriban Map thread separate, since I really would like to finish it one day.  But it started as something random, so it deserves an honorable mention.

    If you still need some references for the armor, you should take a look at this. It shows perfectly how to fit the female heads with the armor.







    Artemis, the_raven and DarthStiv like this
  3. But yes, let's also get a proper female stormtrooper in here. Maybe upload two versions for anyone who wants the original and the other for those who want a "fitting in continuity" trooper.

    It wouldn't be that difficult. There are no major differences between the male and female armors at all.


    Male left, female right.



    If you look closely, you can actually notice some differences. But for Jedi Academy, I think those slight differences are not important. It's enough to just put a female head on the armor for a helmetless version.

    Darth Sion likes this
  4. My only suggest is to 'desexualize' the armor, so it looks similar to the standard stormtrooper armor and the same as the Battlefront version/Captain Phasma.

    My thoughts exactly. Although the model itself looks great, I rather prefer the "desexualized" look of Battlefront and Phasma.

    It symbolizes that no matter what gender you are, everybody on the battlefield is the same.

  5. So basically you want to improve a "mod" that only has stolen content by adding more content made by other people lol

    No. My initial idea was to remove that content entirely or replace it with content that has been approved.


    But I think it's better to remove the stolen content entirely and only keep the menus and the things that are actually needed to make it work. This way, the unecessarily pumped up mod will have way less weight and will only contain the main functions.

    And if there are still things that need to be added (such as new functions or legal content) or fixed, it could be done afterwards.

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  6. I had this issue before. I'm not using OpenJK, back when this map was on Filefront, the author had a patch or something in the comments that restored it.

    If you have Jedi Outcast, try this:


    1. Locate assets0.pk3 in the Jedi Outcast base folder. It contains the shaders and textures you need.

    2. Copy it to the desktop.

    3. Rename it to 0_assets0.pk3.

    4. Now put the pk3-file into the base folder of Jedi Academy.


    Not a necessary step, but if you want to save disc space, do this:

    5. If you know how to open and modify a pk3, open 0_assets0.pk3 and delete every folder except shaders and textures.

  7. Great skin. Maybe it's just me but I think Jedi Academy needs  a legitimate C3PO model that actually looks like him. The Jedi Outcast/Academy protocol droid just looks ... weird.  

    R2-D2 needs a new model as well. He and C-3PO just don't look right in Jedi Academy. I hope somebody will make better models of them.

  8. @

    Remember my post in the KOTF "Experiences" topic? It seems that my post caused a change of mind in me. First I really hated that mod, then I just hated it and now I'm thinking "This mod could have been so much more."

    Knights of the Force has become a synonym in the community for badness, illegality and criminality. This has to change.

    Smoo likes this
  9. First off, please don't hate me for that. It is something I was thinking about a long time ago and certain circumstances inspired me to start this topic and share my idea.

    Because it's not intented to be a request, I put it in this section instead. And please, if you don't like this mod, keep your language civil (no F-bombs and foul language).


    Okay, now to the topic:


    Although Knights of the Force (K**F for me) is still one of the most hated mods, if not THE most hated mod for Jedi Academy, there are still many people around who actually like it and still use it, especially for the menus.

    I thought with some adjustments, this mod can be reinvented in some way. I thought about removing the controverse stuff (e.g. things the developer might not had the permissions for), the CD menu and everything that isn't

    actually needed to make the key features of this mod work. Removing those rather unnecessary stuff would debloat this mod by a huge amount. In addition, many backgrounds of the ingame menus could be redesigned

    to distinguish this mod from what it actually looked like.


    And there are some ideas I thought could "improve" this mod a little bit more:


    - Changing the title of the mod to a more fitting one.

    - Adding more characters to the selection menus. Because many The Force Awakens models have been made, this

    might be a good opportunity to add them there. (Keep in mind that the mod was aimed to have the whole "saga" in it).

    - Replace many of the bad looking maps or models with better versions that have been made already.

    - Keeping the popular ingame menus of the mod.

    - Make this mod an actual mod for Jedi Academy and not a "seperate game" that contains the assets-files.

    - Using OpenJK to eliminate bugs and open new possibilities.


    I know this might sound ridicoulus from me, but I just wanted to share my thoughts on that in the hope that somebody might agree with me.

  10. @@Cerez

    The theatrical releases found on those sites are, in fact, the Despecialized Editions.  ;) If I recall correctly, somebody involved in that project pointed that out.


    And yes, it has been rumoured some time last year that the Star Wars trilogy will be officially released in its unaltered form in HD. But no further informations have been given since then.

    Cerez likes this
  11. @

    If I understood it correctly, many issues were "corrected" and the visual aspects were enhanced in A New Hope Revisited. It's not a bad idea actually, especially for ones who want

    a "cleaner" look of the film. It could be considered as a fanmade Special Edition without the whole mumbo-jumbo of the 1997 Special Edition.


    And this is why I love the Despecialized Edition: Instead of enhancing or correcting something, they are making the complete opposite of it. They just want to give us the experience of

    the theatrical version.

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  12. Watching the original Star Wars trilogy in their unedited form and in a great quality. Harmy, along with many other devoted fans, made this dream become reality.

    It's a non-profit project and available to download for free. Harmy also clarified that, to prevent piracy, you need to have at least one of the official video releases, such as the Blu-rays or DVDs.

    The videos are in MKV format and contain many (reconstructed) official dubs in different languages. It's interesting to watch in Japanese.  ;)


    This video shows how the Despecialized Edition of A New Hope was made. Because this video is restricted on this site, you have to watch it on YouTube.



    I watched the Despecialized Edition of The Empire Strikes Back a few months ago. It was great to watch it in the way it was released back in 1980. They really did a great job.

    Smoo likes this
  13. and instead of a Wookie you got a Lasat (later recreated as Zeb for Rebels tv series) and those "x-wings" are more liket the Prequel's ARC-170 starfighter.... oh oh, and don't forget the original 1974 concept art for the Death Star is just the very same Starkiller base on TFA movie xD

    Fun fact: Zeb and the Lasat race were based on the initial concept designs of Chewbacca and the Wookies.

    The Wookies even made an appearance in the rough draft of Star Wars and fought against the Empire in a similar way as in 'Revenge of the Sith'.

  14. Although the new Emperor scene is well done and not as inferior as the head of Sebastian Shaw being replaced with the head of Hayden Christensen, I prefer the original one. I watched it as a kid and it's still creepier and more mysterious than the new version.

    Of course I like the Emperor portrayed by Ian McDiarmid, too. But even there, I like him in 'Return of the Jedi' more than in 'Revenge of the Sith'. Maybe it's because I mostly grew up watching the Original Trilogy.  :)

  15. Droids were already requested:



    ROTJ Luke here:



    Boba Fett here:



    And somewhere there was a request Thread for Darth Vader too McQuarrie version.

    These requests are based on Ralph McQuarrie's concept arts. But they have nothing to do with mine.


    This request is completely different. It is about the characters of very first draft (or rough draft) of Star Wars George Lucas made back in 1974. The story is completely different from the actual Star Wars movie.





    KyleKatarn1995 likes this
  16. I would kill to see all of Hapslashes work come out. 

    Well, at least what he made so far. Who knows what he did with his unfinished models? I don't think that they were as lucky as the model of Mohc and Vader.


    It's incredible that we already had them, but we didn't know they were there until a few days ago. They were hidden in an obvious place and were yet so far away from us.

    I don't think that we will ever get the chance to dig up a lost model of Hapslash's work again. I consider these treasures as some kind of a farewell, a last gift from one of the greatest modelers

    the whole Jedi Knight community ever had.

  17. Before Star Wars became the Star Wars we know and love, there were several drafts George Lucas wrote. Each of them were different in many ways, but they still had many similarities.

    Lightsabers were there, the Force was there. Even the Death Star and Darth Vader made their appearance. And the Stormtroopers had lightsabers, too.

    'The Star Wars' was released as a comic book a few years ago. It's great to see an alternate version of what we know from the movies.


    Let's have a closer look at the poster, shall we?



    [And a high-res version http://cdn2.hitfix.com/photos/3648269/the_star_wars_hi_res.jpg ]


    And the original as a comparison.



    Luke, Leia, Han, Chewbacca, C-3PO and R2-D2 have the exact same positions, but just different appearances.

    In place of Obi-Wan Kenobi is Kane Starkiller, next to him is Darth Vader instead of Tarkin (without a mask, but note the chest plate). And the masked character in place of Darth Vader is a Sith.

    And there are a lot more characters in the story, like Annikin Starkiller (yes, Annikin instead of Anakin), Deak Starkiller and Prince Espaa Valorum, a Master of the Sith.


    I thought it would be great to make models of these characters for Jedi Academy, because nobody has ever done that before.

  18. Not right away. I don't know how to animate models, but if someone makes animations for them I can code it in later. Since they work fine I'm not too worried at the moment. I just want the guns firing the correct projectiles, the stronger melee combo system (done), and more maps complete for now. Maps are coming along well, by the way.





    HOLY CRAP! I FOUND HAPSLASH'S GENERAL MOHC!   https://www.mediafire.com/?52fd5fsausa58ll


    It was hidden away in the Dark Forces source files. Trouble is he's not rigged yet. It's a 3DSMax file and some textures. Can anyone rig him?

    Two words: Mind Blown!


  19. @@KyleKatarn1995

    Never seen that before. Maybe it's because I didn't get far in the game. I should finally play the whole game one day.


    Fun fact: Dark Forces was indexed in Germany during the 90's, but was released in a slightly censored version before that happened. It got an 18 rating, Kyle's blaster pistol was renamed into a stunning blaster (yes, RENAMED) and Mon Mothma tells in

    a mission briefing that you should try to stun the enemies to prevent casualties. But because it was still similar to Doom, the game was indexed anyway and it still is to this day. I'm not kidding.


    Luckily, Steam doesn't really care about that and offers the game anyway in Germany.

    KyleKatarn1995 likes this
  20. A bit off-topic, but for what it's worth, logic would drop even more in that scene in general considering that the stormtrooper dumped his rifle. I mean, heck, how'd you expect a former stormtrooper who has a lightsaber in his hands since a few minutes to parry all the blaster fire?

    If you are referring to Finn, there is one simple explanation: During his time in the First Order, Finn was not only trained in shooting, but in melee combat as well. In fact, Finn is a superior marksman and probably had good close combat skills as well.

    It was explained in a book that was published at the time The Force Awakens came out.

    Darth Sion likes this
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