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Posts posted by Lancelot

  1. Hey Guys,


    I've already tried searchingbut couldn't find an existing thread about this exact problem. I'm mainly using openJk for multiplayer and for some reason my ALT key won't work in console. This means I can't use alt codes to make spaces with the /name command or color my name since i can't type a ^ . The key itself works fine for binding other commands to...


    Any suggestions?

    That issue can be easily fixed. OpenJK automatically changes your common keyboard layout (QWERTZ) to the english layout (QWERTY). The Alt key won't work because the english layout is different

    I don't know what operating system you are using, but try this.


    - First, minimize the game by pressing Alt and Tab.

    - Start the keyboard settings and change the layout/language from ENG to the language you're usually using.

    - Go to the game again by either pressing Alt and Tab again or by clicking on the game's icon on the taskbar.

    Smoo likes this
  2. I would suggest that it should be a bonus mission that can be unlocked after the game has been finished. Otherwise it would interrupt the pacing of the game if the mission is

    placed inbetween the actual missions.


    The intro sequence should be altered to reflect that it takes place some time after Jedi Outcast. And because Kyle uses his lightsaber there, it would make sense to turn the mission

    into a sequel.

    eezstreet and Smoo like this
  3. After playing the JK2 demo, couldn't that be part of the game if it was a bit more polished?

    I actually wanted to request that, too.


    The map is also bonus level of the Gamecube version I own, and is called Mission on Alzoc III. I think it would be great to make it part of the PC version as well.

    Sure, the demo can be played mostly without any problems in JK2 (which means that you can take the .pk3-files of the demo, put them into a mod folder and load them in-game), I think it has great potential to be more than that.

    Unfortunately, there are no source files of the map. But it would be badass to see a enhanced version of it.


    Here's a screenshot for those who don't know the demo:



    Smoo likes this
  4. I know some of you might gonna throw things at me, but I consider Luke's force jump from Battlefront as a good example

    of how the force jump should look like (at least in its early upgrade level).


    Here are my reasons:

    1.The force jump is closer to the one seen in the movies.

    2. The animation is less showy and only reduced to its purpose: Levitating the force user.

    3. As explained above, it doesn't make any sense when the player jumps, rolls in mid-air, and jumps even higher.

    The force jump in Battlefront rather "carries" the player to his desired destination, which looks more believable.

    Seven and Rostyslav like this
  5. Porting content from CoD for what purpose?  Activision could easily sue lol.  Even if not uploaded here.  They don't really fit in with JKA either... 

    From what I know, he's working on a Jedi Academy mod that kinda looks like Counter Strike, and the ported models are parts of them.

    I must admit that I'm impressed that those models actually look pretty good in a game like Jedi Academy. But that doesn't justify the purpose of them and that whole porting procedure.

  6. I've actually found a perfect model of Major Motoko Kusanagi from the Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex PS2 game seen on this cover. If anyone can kitbash this model into JKA, she would look perfect. :)




    A model of Major Kusanagi has been already made. I think it's based on her appearance in Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex.


  7. Anyone know of a good Durge model that exists for JKA? If you any of you do, would you so kindly be able to send me the PK3 please?  :) 


    Deviss released one a few days ago. You can find the link in this topic: https://jkhub.org/topic/6701-devisss-models-update-25-may-2016/



    Just noticed that it isn't a model for Jedi Academy. But you can find a great model of Durge in the Clone Wars Cartoon Model Pack: http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Models/Model%20Pack/51924/

  8. The artwork looks great indeed. But to be honest, I don't see any resemblance with Finn and Rey at all. I mean, it's just a picture with random characters in spacesuits in front of a colorful background, and they're dancing to the disco version of the Star Wars theme.

    The record is from 1977, and concepts for The Force Awakens didn't even exist until about 30 years later. As far as I know, "Kira" and "Sam" were codenames for the auditions and for the public, to keep the real names a secret.


    You know what the artwork, especially the blue guy in it, reminds me of?





    KyleKatarn1995 likes this
  9. So after @@Seven was so kind to at least try making a better frankenstein version of the 1983 original jedi version of Anakin as performed by actor Sebastian Shaw, we decided to start a small collab on it. So this is what i came up with using his facial texture and improved a little bit the nose and the mouth. Model i have used is my old (yet again) frankensteined version of Anakin 1983 that i released some time ago, but with the new head texture. Hair is still not fixed, but i was wondering what you people could say about this look of him? I know we might need a new head, maybe a bit "fat"-er than what it is at the moment, and Seven even suggested using DT's Luke Episode 7 head, but I will let him take this part and see if it turns good.







    Pretty good. He kinda looks like an aged Anakin (Hayden Christensen).


    Here's my suggestion: Make a skin pack with this version and the previous one, as both of them are great takes on old Anakin.

    And if you make a new version that resembles Sebastian Shaw, you can put it in as well.

    dark_apprentice likes this
  10. Since you're making characters for MBII @@Scerendo, do you plan to make lower-poly versions for your Quinlan Vos and Aayla Secura? Personally, I'd really like to see those characters in MBII without the chance to get a random crash.

    Have you tried using Quinlan Vos and Aayla Secura with OpenJK? As far as I know, OpenJK is able to support high quality models without crashing the game.

  11. As many of you might have already noticed, @@Scerendo is currently working on a Rey model.

    I soon recalled that somebody was working on Rey's staff, but it took me a while to realize that this "somebody" happened to be me.

    Yes, I had so many personal projects (not modding related) that I almost forgot about this one. Here is the model in it's current state, which I made about two months ago.



    Long story short: I want to pass on this project, to somebody who knows how to handle the whole process.


    I simply realized that, with the modeling skills I have (which is little compared to the professionals here), I'm not able to put up a model like this one, especially when it has many details (for JA standards, it's a monster of a model).

    Sure, I made the model, but this is not enough. It needs more than that, like textures, optimizations, rigging and so on.


    If anyone is interested in picking up this project, just let me know (on this topic or PM) and I will provide you the model.

    Langerd, Scerendo and GPChannel like this
  12. Well since Darth Vader's costume is truly based on a Samurai, what if Darth Vader actually spoken Japanese? I love James Earl Jones' iconic English voice as Darth Vader, but the Japanese voice actually makes me feel like I'm watching Anime or Tokusatsu which is why I think it would be cool to add in Japanese voices for NeoMars' Darth Vader model. I wonder if you guys actually love the Japanese anime style voice made for Darth Vader? :)


    Thanks to the Despecialized Editions of 'A New Hope' and 'The Empire Strikes Back', I've watched several scenes in Japanese. I must admit that they have chosen great dubbing voices back then, for every character.

    You can really hear that they did their best to convey emotions through dialog by acting like the characters, as if they were acting themselves. Japanese voice-actors surely have a great amount of dedication at hand, which

    is rare in many countries.

  13. Hello,


    how to do Bobba npc killable? I´ve tried to edit .npc file but his class is hardcoded i think :)

    As far as I know, Boba Fett has his own class which is immortal (hardcoded of course). I assume that the developers made it for consistency, because Boba Fett escapes in the cutscene after you defeat him. It would have been silly

    to cut his head off just to see him "alive and well" a second later.

  14. Because the entire Star Wars fandom probably watched Darth Maul Apprentice or at least heard about it, I think there is no need to explain more.

    And as the title says, it's about the characters of that particular fan-film.




    So, what made me think that this is a great idea to request them? Because I think the actors, even if some of them had little screentime, deserve an honor

    for not only being in one of the most successful Star Wars fan-films, but also for remarkably nailing the lightsaber fighting like nobody ever did in a Star Wars fan-film before.


    Imagine this guy being a playable character in Jedi Academy



    or this Padawan here:




    KyleKatarn1995 likes this
  15. By the way, do you also mean this Kasumi from Dead or Alive? :)




    No, I meant Kasumi from Mass Effect 2. I even attached a picture of her in my previous post.

    She has the perfect body and the perfect suit to be a great basis for a female reborn.


    Plus, she has an optional alternate appearance in Mass Effect 2, with a red suit, which was my inspiration to suggest her likeness.

    It looks definitely reborn-ish.



    Numfast, KyleKatarn1995 and Cerez like this
  16. A lot of these characters are canon thanks to Star Wars: Rebels.

    That's partially correct. While the style of Rebels has been inspired by McQuarrie's conceptual artwork, the only thing that has been adopted from his artwork and George Lucas' first script draft is

    the appearance of Chewbacca. In short, Zeb's race is inspired by the initial idea of how Chewbacca should look like.


    The first script draft takes place, despite its similarities with the actual movie, in an entirely different world that has no connection with any sequel or prequel at all.

    In other words, it was the pre-alpha version of Star Wars.


    I'll leave that here for you all  ;) :


    KyleKatarn1995 and the_raven like this
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