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Everything posted by KyleKatarn1995

  1. Just gotta make sure to make the hair and the face look totally like Wuher.
  2. This looks absolutely terrific!! I totally give this one 100/10!
  3. I thought this would be really cool having a model of Wuher the Bartender from Chalman's Spaceport Cantina in Mos Eisley. I wonder who has or makes a model of him? Speaking of which in the original cut of the Cantina scene, the actor that played as Wuher has a thick British accent and then they hired another actor to dubbed him over. This was just a fun fact that I like sharing with you guys.
  4. This looks totally amazing! I feel like hanging out at the Cantina.
  5. This is totally going to look awesome!! I'll be hoping this would be the Ryan Reynolds Deadpool.
  6. Is there a screenshot of the Imperial Gunner model that you can at least show me?
  7. Cool, I love watching Homestar Runner and I'm really hoping to use the characters on the maps. When will they be released?
  8. I was rather curious if we ever had an Imperial Gunner model on this site? It would be so cool to shoot down one of those Imperial Gunner troopers in Jedi Academy.
  9. I wonder how's that Deadpool movie version model been going? I can't wait to use Ryan Reynolds Deadpool in Jedi Academy.
  10. I'm absolutely hoping this is totally the movie version of Deadpool that I also requested.
  11. KyleKatarn1995


    This looks totally great!! Now he can reactant to the scene where he and Han Solo are sitting down talking at Mos Eisley.
  12. Looks good!! Just for the curiosity, can you also show me a screenshot of your R2-B1 that looks more clean?
  13. Are there any more models such as Batou or the rest of the Section 9 members?
  14. I've been hoping to ask you people this request from one of my "all-time" favorite animes, is anyone at making anime models of the Section 9 members from Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex? If so I would totally get my hands on Major Motoko Kusanagi and Batou wielding a lightsaber in Jedi Academy! In favorite of other members from Section 9 would be Togusa, Ishikawa, Saito, Paz, Buma, and their very own Chief of Section 9 Daisuke Aramaki. I've watched the show so many times and it really makes me want to think about the Major and Batou fighting a double-blade wielding Dark Jedi. God I love Ghost in the Shell.
  15. @ and @@dark_apprentice, are any of you guys familiar with using a Kamen Rider Black RX model for Jedi Academy?
  16. That's right, I'm a really big fan of Kamen Rider from Japan and even over here I still like to call the five members squad Power Rangers. And yes... HENSHIN!!!
  17. I'm not really good with modeling and stuff, but I can show you guys a photo of the model that I totally want for you guys to use. I'm a really big Kamen Rider fan more than any of the super heroes over here and it would totally be awesome to have a Kamen Rider Black RX model for Jedi Academy. And don't forget about his Revolcane weapon which is surprisingly based off of the Jedi's Lightsaber.
  18. On the side note for a request, is anyone good at making a movie version model of Deadpool for JKA?
  19. Yeah I know he already is a Samurai, but I was hoping of a more traditional Samurai armor on him such as those pictures I've just showed here.
  20. I totally agree with you, Kylo Ren. Meanwhile I found these similar Star Wars characters in Samurai armor and that would be the Stormtroopers known as Stormurais. It was a mod created by @@Tyrael64. http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Skins/Others/74504/
  21. I was also going to say that wouldn't this be another cool looking version of Darth Vader's Samurai armor?
  22. Those kinda look more like Knight armors not Samurai armors.(lol) I think I would totally prefer the Square Enix version with you.
  23. Then what is a perfect version of Darth Vader in his Samurai armor then, Kylo Ren?
  24. I have something totally interesting to request, does anyone on here know how to make Darth Vader in a Samurai armor? I always look up every design of the Star Wars characters in Samurai armor, but I think this one design of Darth Vader's Samurai armor I found was in a VS GAG video showing him fighting against Kamen Rider Black RX. This armor is totally going to be awesome!
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