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Everything posted by KyleKatarn1995

  1. On another related note, here's what JonTron would fully look like as a Jedi Knight with a short lightsaber blade. Maybe someone can add JonTron's head on a Jedi Knight model?
  2. On a related note, have you watched JonTron's Starcade videos? It's about JonTron that's forced to review Star Wars games in the Millennium Falcon from Darth Vader.
  3. Well at least there should be someone on here that knows how to actually model of smuggler and Jedi Knight JonTron like in his Starcade videos.
  4. I was hoping if anyone who's watched JonTron's Starcade videos should actually make a model of him in his Smuggler outfit and Jedi Knight outfit as seen in these photos. Here's how it works, make a fat model of a character such as Jek Porkins and add JonTron's head on the body. Then make him wear two outfits that I think would look absolutely cool, Han Solo's Smuggler Outfit from Empire Strikes Back and a Jedi Knight outfit that's similar to Obi-Wan Kenobi. And finally, have him wield Skywalker's Lightsaber with a half-cut blade. Those are just some things that are interestingly cool for JonTron to be in a Jedi Knight game.
  5. Perfect!! Lando always wears his trusty cape!
  6. Totally love it!!
  7. It looks totally perfect!! Now these are the perfect Beachtroopers that hang out at the pool in the Death Star! By the way, can you also those swim trunks to individual colors besides white?
  8. I personally think that Jolly's Beachtrooper are basically the troopers that relax at a hot tub in the Death Star from A New Hope. lol
  9. Looks fairly decent, maybe this Beachtrooper was taking a hot spring with the others Beachtroopers at Endor in Return of the Jedi. lol
  10. You should totally use Hapslash's Stormtrooper head for the body so it'll totally be like if they were at a hot tub in the Death Star. lol
  11. Well that's pretty simple, any chance of you making the Beachtrooper mod right now?
  12. I know this may totally sound funny and silly, but I was wondering if any of you guys can make a Beachtrooper mod (not in LEGO form) that appeared in LEGO Star Wars. It should be easy, just have HapSlash's Stormtrooper helmet on a human male character wearing a blue speedo or a red and blue striped bathing suit and add some crocs to their feet so they'll look more fascinating in paradise.
  13. Oh wow that's already starting to look totally cool! I hope someday you'll be able to release this mod once it's finished.
  14. Looks very nice, only thing you need to do is modify the boots to make them lower like in this picture. And can you also remove her helmet for her true self?
  15. Oh, well I sure hope it'll still look as great as it was like on his first appearance in the Holiday Special.
  16. He doesn't look bad to me. You should've really finish coloring the hands, the ammo belt, the legs, and even the jetpack. It's almost looking totally cool now.
  17. Cool!! I totally love that retro "Holiday Special" color on Boba Fett there! Can you also show the full body for me?
  18. This is totally amazing!!!
  19. This looks totally nice!! I love it! Although I still much prefer Sebastian Shaw as Anakin in Return of the Jedi.
  20. I wish if that guy who made the Boba Fett mod should totally release it so we can all check out the historical colors on him.
  21. Yeah, this Boba Fett from the Holiday Special. Make sure he's got that laser rifle weapon with him.
  22. If anyone on here knows how to repaint Boba Fett, they should make him look more like his earlier Prototype version where he's all white and not yet been painted. I wonder if that would also be so cool if someone should put a Star Wars beach towel on the Prototype Boba Fett so he would look more cooler in style.
  23. I hope they'll still be making the Mysteries of the Sith mod for Jedi Academy.
  24. Maybe there should also be a better JK3 model of Ponda Baba as well?
  25. Here's what I thought of something would be cool. Imagine having Trevor Phillips from GTA V and making his face more uglier like Cornelius Evazan when he and his buddy Ponda Baba pushes against Luke at the Cantina. It's also very interesting that Evazan looks closely like Trevor and he acts like a psycho in the Cantina. I'm hoping that someone would make a perfect model of Evazan just like in the movie.
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