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Everything posted by KyleKatarn1995

  1. One thing would be so cool is to add a hologram of either the original "chimp lady" Emperor or Ian McDiarmid as Emperor Palpatine. So far this map looks terrific.
  2. Oh alright cool @@dark_apprentice, thanks for reminding me about that map. I didn't even notice. lol XD
  3. That looks awesome! Hey would it be cool if there was a map of the Emperor Palpatine Hologram Room from Empire Strikes Back? Someone should also add the original "chimp lady" Emperor on the hologram so it would look totally cool.
  4. On the side note, these are another couple of photos with David Prowse playing as Darth Vader. Like I said before, it would be awesome if anyone can frankenstein a model of David Prowse's head and place him onto Darth Vader's body. Not only that, but it would also be nice if he was Anakin Skywalker in Jedi robes. .
  5. So cool! I'm glad this one's the undamaged Training Gear. It feels perfectly great.
  6. Now that would've looked cool if David Prowse had the role of a dying Anakin Skywalker in Return of the Jedi when Luke takes his father's mask off.
  7. That's right, if only George would've let David Prowse play the role of Anakin Skywalker in Return of the Jedi instead of Sebastian Shaw.
  8. I would have to say this is true, David Prowse and Hayden Christensen both share the similar faces and hairstyle.
  9. Would it be rather nice if we can possibly get a model of David Prowse, the man that played as Darth Vader? It would be so cool if anyone can frankenstein David's head onto Darth Vader's body, also want to make his hairstyle like in this photo. I actually do get the feeling that David Prowse totally looks like Hayden Christensen that played as Anakin Skywalker in Revenge of the Sith. Notice that he shares the similar facialness and hairstyle like Anakin from Episode III. I'm hoping this will turn out very interesting.
  10. I've actually sticked way more to the originals like Spaghetti Westerns from the 1960s. Especially that "Han shot First" is more like "Good guy shoots First" like in A Fistful of Dollars.
  11. One thing cool is that whenever Django Fett appears, this would be his own theme.
  12. Oh wow. At least anyone can make that Western Boba Fett be more like Jango Fett right?
  13. This may sound funny, but what if we can get Jango Fett in an old western fashion outfit for him? Just for the fun fact, Jango's name was based off a gunslinger character called Django. And I'm not talking about Django Unchained with Jamie Foxx as the character, I'm talking more about the original Django from the 60s played by Franco Nero. To make him, you just gotta give him some type of gunslinger outfit like the one in this photo, and then have him put on Jango Fett's helmet and he'll look all cool and feeling more like an old western bounty hunter.
  14. You know that Blade Runner takes it's inspiration for Ghost in the Shell, one of my all-time favorite animes? Rick Deckard feels more like Togusa to me.
  15. These Imperial Officers are totally movie accurate! Although I'm still hoping if there was Haps Grand Moff Tarkin, it totally looks like a perfect model of him.
  16. That would be decent, but I personally think that he should also come with his own gun to look more cooler. Like this LAPD 2019 Blaster.
  17. We all know that Harrison Ford played a role like Han Solo and Indiana Jones, but he was also known for playing as a Science Fiction character called Rick Deckard. He's from Blade Runner and by looking at Deckard makes him more like a detective and bounty hunter. I thought this would be totally cool for anyone just by using Han Solo's head and finding him the right outfit that fits more like a detective.
  18. Where are the Belmonts when we need them to fight Dracula?
  19. Well? Is anyone here more familiar with Jin-Roh or any other Kerberos Panzer Cops series that you guys ever loved before? Check out these fight scenes from the live-action film.
  20. I found an absolutely cool model of a Kerberos Panzer Cop Armored Suit from the Jin-Roh anime film. It reminds me of a Phase 2 Dark Trooper's outfit, but it's got a helmet and red eyes. Giving that Japanese feel to it. This should totally be a playable trooper in Jedi Academy. If anyone can port this model in the game I would definitely be amazed by it. Hope it actually goes well. http://zeushk.deviantart.com/art/Kerberos-Panzer-Police-Jin-Roh-armor-457099152
  21. Maybe you think that AP-5's head looks a bit different from a regular RA-7's head?
  22. Well the head on AP-5 is different than a regular RA-7 protocol droid's head. It's got a mouth that has a red line on it, and the visor looks more like Tom 5 from Toonami. See the resemblance?
  23. Hey @@Jeff, I was wondering if you can totally make this model of AP-5 from the Rebels TV Show? He is a protocol droid that was once part of the Imperials and later met up with Chopper to join the Rebel Alliance.
  24. Excellent work!!! This is a perfect Imperial Gunner for JKA!
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