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Everything posted by Ramikad

  1. Ow, how could I forget all the great Force powers MOTS introduced? Force Far Sight: The Jedi meditates and exit his body, to allow him to explore unknown or dangerous areas. Higher levels cause a higher duration. Force Projection: The Jedi creates a hologram of himself that can draw the enemies' attention. Higher levels would make the hologram stay longer.
  2. Check this out about Force Destruction: http://jkhub.org/topic/3637-from-concussion-to-destruction-help/ Well then, I'll post an "old" power: Force Throw: The Dark Jedi picks a target and Force throws any object affected by the power at him. Higher levels would affect other enemies as well to be thrown at the target. I think that a modified Force Push could do the trick, since Force Push can already push misc_model_breakable and they are already coded to move toward a specific target, though that code is broken.
  3. You should put up a request for a lovely Drugon model
  4. If it works similarly to how Jedi Academy works, you could make a script like this with BehavEd: //(BHVD) affect ( "luke_inv", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_INVINCIBLE", "TRUE" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_NO_FALLTODEATH", "TRUE" ); } Save it as luke_inv and compile it. Put the resulting script (luke_inv.IBI) into scripts and make it a .pk3. Then, once in-game, type in console npc spawn luke luke_inv, and then runscript luke_inv. The Luke Skywalker you spawned will then be completely invincible (I think... I haven't tried with the vaporizing spinning thing).
  5. Simply USE flash, I think. That's how lights are turned on and off, or on and a different lightstyle. Try and see if it works. Then the various WAIT instructions to set the timing.
  6. Looks ok, but that head... http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-9ulVdy6vzjk/VBdVPQBO-iI/AAAAAAAAAFw/9kQbKGn_4nY/s1600/noooo.gif
  7. It should be possible, because you trigger the turning on and off of any light by using the light itself. You can WAIT those times, then USE it, then USE it again after another WAIT to set the timing.
  8. I'm fine with that. I can't imagine a new Jedi Knight game in this age to be similar (gameplay wise) to Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy - that is, NO Force Abusing, NO lighting-fast swings, NO cutscene-like duels, NO uninspired characters. Sure, I'd welcome a better engine, but I'm not sure if that's worth the price.
  9. All of the above. I'd add that Areaportals can only be used in conjunction with any STRUCTURAL brush. DETAIL brushes won't work with areaportals. To make a very basic example, you want to "seal" a room with structural brushes (walls, ceiling, floor, doors), and make crates and decorative stuff detail brushes. Portals however don't stop at Areaportals: there are also Hint Portals, that can be used very well in corridors that curve (again, with structural brushes). Here's a tutorial about them: http://map-forge.net/wiki/doku.php?id=tutorials:hintportals_data:hintportals1 And last but not least, the obscure Antiportals. I haven't gotten quite far with them, but as far as I understand, they create "holes" that prevent the rendering of anything that's beyond them if you look at them straight, but they do NOT add up to .bsp space. All in all I'm not even sure you need to hide them in a structural brush, or if detail brushes work fine. My knowledge about it is limited VIS would stand for "Visibility", I guess. There are a few values that affect it: distancecull will set the max distance after which objects and brushes start disappearing. And there's blocksize or chopsize, that... I don't know what they actually do. As a final note, as Pande once mentioned, a good VIS compile leads to a better Light compile.
  10. Isn't it easier (if it's possible) to just use a shader that rotates the clock hands at the right speed?
  11. This seems like the best option. Try it.
  12. I'm going to pick Medium. Though it may be not as effective as a well-used Strong, it's my favourite because it's the most immediate style.
  13. Be mindful of the "blocky" aspect. A carved out temple shouldn't necessarily be blocky, rather "artificial".
  14. It's called BOTH_BUTTON2. BOTH_BUTTONHOLD causes the targeted Player or NPC to play the pressing button animation and hold it down. In case you're interested, if you load a Ghoul2 model in ModView you can check out any animation they have, selecting them from Sequences and then Play. http://jkhub.org/files/file/90-modview/
  15. As far as I know KotF is installed in the LucasArts folder.
  16. Open up the console (shift + ~) and type screenshot. Alternatively, I think you can type developer 1 or devmode 1 (not sure which one) and press F12 to take a screenshot, but perhaps that only works with the main menu.
  17. As eezstreet mentioned, you can only write the eventual new objectives in the place of old ones. To set them to show up in the menu, select SET_OBJECTIVE_SHOW setting it to the reference of that specific objective in strings/English/Objectives.str. Other script commands allow to hide them, tick them as completed, tick them without any update signal, and set them as failed. Keep in mind that this is purely concerning the technical part of the objectives - the other consequences (open this door, kill that guy, mission completed / mission failed) will have to be set manually.
  18. It's not dark. It's black. A slightly more friendly way of keeping it dark but still barely-visible is to set up a _minlight value in the worldspawn, that causes every surface to have a bare minimum of light.
  19. Now that you mention it... you may want to consider for a V2, frankensteining the Imperial Officer body, Chiss head and Weequay armor to be reworked and reskinned into golden shoulderpads.
  20. At this point I'd suggest you change the mapname key of target_level_change to a base map, to see if it may be responsible in some way.
  21. As far as I know, you're not missing anything. How exactly doesn't that work? Does any error pops up, or simply nothing happens?
  22. Also, because according to the Wiki he died in 9 ABY, 25 years before Episode VII.
  23. I guess you mean brand new dialogues and subtitles, or simply put in existing dialogues? Either way, basically you have to Affect that specific NPC_targetname, then select sound, and make sure to select CHAN_VOICE as the channel. Then the voice will play as long as the path is correct, and depending on the settings, specific subtitles will show up in cinematic or straight in-game (respectively, g_subtitles 1 and g_subtitles 2, if I'm not mistaken). If you want to you can create brand new voice subtitles, and you can do that by creating a new .str file in strings/English (or any other language you may prefer). The important thing to remember here is to set up the correct name of the sound file, as shown here: REFERENCE <file name (without .wav extension, just the name)> NOTES "notes" LANG_ENGLISH "Subtitles." Besides, the .str file should be named after the specific map the voices are played in.
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