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Everything posted by Ramikad

  1. This appears to be done automatically with any NPC (and perhaps even player) death near a pit.
  2. Lovely. Now make it flyable Just kidding (partially). As for scripts, you could check out these tutorials here: http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/148-icarus-scripting/ http://jkhub.org/topic/5149-lets-map-singleplayer/ You should easily assimilate the basics. Good luck
  3. You could put a cool shiny shader on that scales; for example, the one used for mp/s_metalC.
  4. The basic idea behind this is essentially "exploiting" a feature of Jedi Academy, which is the possibility of having multiple blades, even originating from the same tag. Adding more blades of different colors gives the impression of a single blade of a different color. Not sure if the damage multiplies without decreasing the saberdamage, though. I made a few tests in the past to try and replicate Maw's strange orangeish-red colored lightsaber with this technique.
  5. I recall finding an article somewhere, reading that scientists had found a state of light that is vaguely similar to lightsabers, and its applications. I also recall the comments raging against the scientists' irresponsibility for using it to develop technologies and not lightsabers
  6. This can't be, because Han activates Luke's lightsaber in Episode V despite being a non-Force user.
  7. ... or rather a "Hall of Fame" of some kind, with the statues of all "hystorical" members and possibly many more
  8. I think he meant the bulb part to be a completely different part from the texture, with a specific shader to emit light.
  9. I support this, I love the idea. Honestly I don't see many difficulties in doing this, since the hub system in JA works fine.
  10. *Cough* http://jkhub.org/topic/4728-qu-rahn-lightsaber/
  11. I think the easiest way with this one is make a simple script that triggers when the "concealed switch" is activated and eliminates the target_speaker.
  12. Giving it a second thought, there's another possibility on Yoda's last sentence of the last Jedi: Kanan dies and then Ezra abandons the Force.
  13. For what it's worth, that particular grass texture has a phong shader on it.
  14. What kind of surfaces, out of curiosity?
  15. It can actually be done in a much easier way, by making them actual lightsabers and setting g_saberPickuppableDroppedSaber to 1. Why deal with the inside part too when you can just set a cull none or cull twosided in the shader?
  16. Actually I hope this too; after all, Yoda says in Episode VI: "[...] when gone am I, the last of the Jedi, will you be." And it's interesting considering that Yoda knows about Kanan and Ezra...
  17. It's really something quality, but it could use more portals, wherever possible.
  18. Jedi Knight: Jedi Betrayal is (or rather was, at this point) a fan-made sequel to the Dark Side ending of Jedi Academy. http://www.moddb.com/mods/jedi-knight-jedi-betrayal1 http://jkhub.org/wiki/index.php/Jedi_Betrayal
  19. I believe that as long as the map name stays the same and the structure isn't changed, as it seems from those screens, it's fully compatible.
  20. As far as I remember MAX_TW_VERTS occur when your brushwork is too complex. Turning part of the geometry into models helps. Also, what is _blocksize supposed to do, anyway? Pande suggested me blocksize 0 (without that _ before it), but I never quite understood it.
  21. I think the last scene leaves little doubt about what happened: http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20060118180141/starwars/images/e/ee/Spirits_copy1.jpg I doubt Vader survived.
  22. I second that. I had the chance to read through the plot written for JKB, and I liked it.
  23. My eyes are transmitting rainbows to my brain.
  24. Followed by head_a1|torso_g1|lower_d1 (or anything else in their place) if it supports this kind of customization.
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