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Everything posted by Ramikad

  1. Deformvertexes with those plants? It may be pretty heavy. In case it is, you can change the code a little like this: models/map_objects/Plants/oakleaf { qer_editorimage models/map_objects/Plants/oakleaf q3map_material GreenLeaves q3map_nolightmap q3map_alphashadow cull disable { clampmap models/map_objects/Plants/oakleaf blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA depthWrite tcMod turb 1 0.01 1.0 1.0 rgbGen vertex detail } } That turbulence will emulate the leaves and branches moving (play around with the parameters for slower or faster turbulence), without causing as much FPS-drop as Deformvertexes likely will. Good luck!
  2. Rogue One will deal with the theft of the Death Star plans, and the very first mission in Dark Forces was to steal those plans from the Imperial base on Danuta. For what it's worth, I consider the whole DF saga (up to JK2) special because, first and foremost, Kyle is Kyle. Secondly, I especially like that in DF2 and MOTS Kyle and the Dark Jedi are depicted as the Jedi were in the Original Trilogy: normal human beings, with all of their weaknesses, that are capable of using various powers, not super-sonic Force abusing kids with the characterial depth of a puddle - and that's something that was lost, partially, in the Prequels, and totally in the last games. Also, they came first
  3. "A pity. Then you will die." <flashes Force Destruction> But in all seriousness, I don't care if the new canon is against this specific part of the Expanded Universe. NumberWan's signature is the way to go.
  4. You made my day. Although this is a better portrait: http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090625122824/starwars/images/3/31/JerecScreenCap.jpg he has the right look on his face And Echuu... His sacrifice was not in vain.
  5. Isn't that Death Star ridiculously big? Or is perspective just playing around (though it still looks strange)?
  6. Could use a LOD, since the garrison around the Palace is pretty vast.
  7. This, unfortunately. Still, considering the largest map size available, and shrinking down the fighters to 1/10th of their normal size (along with the speed) you could have maps 36 x 36 km wide. Not taking into account all the other limits.
  8. Honestly I don't really like all these tie-in to the Clone Wars.
  9. Kejim isn't JKA I remember the mission on Corellia (t1_rail) and Byss (t3_byss), not sure about others.
  10. Wasn't that 32 meshes, 1000 vertices each?
  11. Home? Uhm. Kashyyyk? Corellia?
  12. The Tower of the Swallow, the italian translation came out in February. Love the Witcher series.
  13. Mysteries of the Sith. Good memories...
  14. Or you can try a trick with scripts, in the specific, SET_SOLID set on false. In SP it works just fine, but I think in MP feels a bit weird. Alternatively, you can turn the brushwork into a model.
  15. I can remind you the good old _lightmapscale 0.125 (if you really feel suicidal about compile times). Also, the compile line that includes Bounce 8 gives better lighting.
  16. Players, too.
  17. Key values, rather than spawnflags. They can apply to many entities.
  18. _cs 1 and _rs 1
  19. I prefer to keep it DF2-styled. You'd say things change after 4000 years.
  20. SET_FORCE_INVINCIBLE makes the NPC invulnerable, I think; SET_NO_FORCE makes the NPC immune to Force Powers.
  21. There's a script command that makes any NPC immune to Force Powers. //(BHVD) set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_NO_FORCE", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" ); NPC will not be affected by Force Powers.
  22. It was more of a rhetorical question, but yeah... that view is just confusing to me. Zig Zag's view is the one I'm referring to as the one I can't just help but find very intuitive (although in shades of grey like yours). Probably I just prefer to have everything in a single view, as well as the chance to modify a bunch of vertexes right away, and not have to constantly switch from top, to side, to front, and then back to top. But like I said, to each his own.
  23. How in the world is that grid view even remotely intuitive or usable? I can't get separated from my usual layout: C - Xy Yz - Xz That other view you showed feels weird and confusing to me. To each his own, I guess
  24. Ramikad

    dot matrix

    You need to edit the .skin file in order to remove those feathers. Open the model_default.skin, then turn the head_feathers line from: head_feathers,models/players/<modelname>/feathers.tga to head_feathers,*off
  25. Morgan was a farmer, and Kyle too, before going to the Imperial Academy. So I think their clothes are OK for what their work was. Also, in DF2 and JO Kyle was always mainly a mercenary, and having that Jedi robe would have just looked off. It simply wouldn't have been him.
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