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Everything posted by Ramikad

  1. Yeah. I remember exploring them when JKG first released. Dantooine and Korriban were both very large maps, and as Varaxo said, Korriban included Dreshdae, the Sith Academy, another very strange building on the way sealed by a Vault Door, and the Valley of the Dark Lords... it was an amazing sight to see, despite heavily WIP. Dantooine featured the Enclave, many hills and grassy canyons, and several Dantooine-style houses dotting the landscape. As far as I remember these maps were removed in subsequent releases: I might recall Pande checking them out and finding out that Korriban was made of a lot of "blocks", so he might still have them.
  2. Robed Tauntaun and Rancor, though it could be too hard On second thought... Robed Raptor? I think MB2 has a Velociraptor model already rigged to a _humanoid skeleton. But I may be mistaken.
  3. You're right. I just checked, and in Level 6 there are 5 overall. One on the part of the catwalk near the large doors, just as you enter the Imperial Ring, and another 2 on the catwalk, on the left and on the right, and 2 more in the elevator area. One of them is scripted to be lifted up. Also, as the difficulty changes their HP change, I think. It took 15 thermal detonators to take one of them down at Hard difficulty level.
  4. Without knowing much in this specific case, the fastest way is to simply rename the map name to the singleplayer mission map name. At the end of the map (or campaign if that's the case) you must set up a script that brings you back to the mission select screen.
  5. In the name of Xmas and for the sake of getting drunk
  6. Can be done. As far as I remember, the AT-ST only appears in very few levels: Level 6: Into the Dark Palace - There's at least one wandering around on the catwalks, and another one (it may be 2 at higher difficulty) on an elevator that lifts it up on the catwalk. Level 13: The Lost Planet of the Jedi - As far as I remember, there's just one near the end of the level, in a completely open arena-like area. Level 18: Descent Into the Valley - The only one in the level is once again at the end, in an underground chamber, once again an open arena-like big room.
  7. http://s17.postimg.org/mwpur6ojy/Carbon_Freeze_Vane_marks.jpg I marked the places where they duel. 1 is obviously the Carbon Freezing Chamber, the first part of the duel. 2, along with the marks indicating the gray, rounded hallway with lights and the window nearby is where Vader gains the upper hand, Force Throwing crates and stuff at Luke. 3 is the hallway you mention, where Vader surprises Luke that came looking for him. And ultimately 4 is where Vader is victorious, cutting off Luke's hand. I checked the scene a few times and overall it seems a quite plausible reconstruction of the set.
  8. Dynamic lights? They look like Flares to me. You can find them in textures/flares.
  9. Apparently the destination map _lightmapscale is copied in the new brush.
  10. Nice! And in case you're interested, roaming around the internet I found this: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_ye6wr06YobU/S4PAesr5hFI/AAAAAAAABaE/Uc5e7JQrpD8/s1600/Carbon%2BFreeze%2BVane.jpg
  11. Yeah... it almost feels to me that it's ported directly from Mysteries of the Sith. The slight FOV changes that simulate the underwater effect, the color... Would have been awesome if any type of water could have its own underwater effect code in the shader file.
  12. Do misc_model_statics support more than 1 lod? I tried with as many as 3 (plus the original) and it didn't work.
  13. To resolve this type /devmapall <map name>, or if already in a map, /helpusobi 1, then the saber color command above.
  14. Yes, I believe it can be done that way, but it's not quite the same. Also, it will need more scripting to turn off the slain body parts, otherwise we're going to have 4 feet, 6 hands, 2 heads...
  15. Unfortunately I don't think it's possible, at least without code modifications. As far as I know there's no way to script a fx_runner to run exactly in those positions, and no kind of dismembering emits any effect.
  16. Jedi Outcast already came with first person view lightsaber.
  17. Apparently it is. More precisely, it all seems to be in gfx/effects/sabers/, including the shorter saber trails.
  18. /viewpos /setviewpos <X - West-East> <Y - North-South> <Z - Height> <Angle> sets the position and angle instead.
  19. Haven't heard of any MB2 "Conversion Pack", but in case you have to do it yourself, apparently, the blade effects in MB2 are in the MBAssets2.pk3. I checked an old version though, so I could be wrong about it. About the physics, if you mean the sabers bouncing on the walls it can be done editing the .sab files, adding the line bounceOnWalls 1. Additionally, the .sab files are in the MBHilts.pk3 - again, checked on an old version, so I could be wrong. It doesn't make the single-player lightsabers bouncing on walls though.
  20. Nice work! I'm not sure if it would work, but if you feel heroic you could try and "cheat" the Radiant putting a part of the map as a misc_bsp. Not sure if it will count the entities within the misc_bsp towards the limit, though.
  21. Not yet... first it needs a blood effect triggered by the trigger_multiple
  22. A bunch: Blender, 3DSMax, even the good old Milkshape 3D to name a few.
  23. Maybe it is possible. For example, you can make an empty script, and set that enemy's deathscript to the empty one (let's call it "none.IBI", for explanation purposes). You place the emplaced gun, and around it (where the player supposedly is when operating the turret), a trigger_multiple (set "wait" to "0.2" - not sure if it actually accepts float numbers - so it triggers every 0.2 seconds, and tick fire_button) tied to a target_scriptrunner, that runs a script that selects the enemy, changes his deathscript to "dismember.IBI", AND, after 0.3 seconds (so, WAIT set to 300), changes the deathscript back to "none.IBI". This way, the trigger will be constantly active ONLY when firing the turret, and it will have too little time to revert the deathscript back to nothing, causing the enemy to explode upon death. If you leave the turret and shoot him down, he should die normally then (that is, if the trigger_multiple is set in the correct position so that the player has to be using the turret to trigger it).
  24. An eventual MOTS mod could use this as well, for the "exploding" mummies in the Sith Temple.
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