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Everything posted by Ramikad

  1. Really nice! I've always wanted to see a new Rancor model - the Base JA model... seems strange, somehow. I feel that it lacks that scary look from the movie. Though, I read you haven't touched the hands, but Rancors have 4 fingers, as far as I know.
  2. You can target the trigger_multiple to a target_scriptrunner (tick the runonactivator flag, so the "dismembering" will occur on anyone who activates it, and set count to -1 to make it run infinitely), that runs a script such as this one: //(BHVD) set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_GRAVITY", "2400" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_DISMEMBER_LIMB", /*@HIT_LOCATIONS*/ "HL_HEAD" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_DISMEMBER_LIMB", /*@HIT_LOCATIONS*/ "HL_FOOT_RT" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_DISMEMBER_LIMB", /*@HIT_LOCATIONS*/ "HL_FOOT_LT" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_DISMEMBER_LIMB", /*@HIT_LOCATIONS*/ "HL_HAND_RT" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_DISMEMBER_LIMB", /*@HIT_LOCATIONS*/ "HL_HAND_LT" ); wait ( 5.000 ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_DISMEMBER_LIMB", /*@HIT_LOCATIONS*/ "HL_LEG_RT" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_DISMEMBER_LIMB", /*@HIT_LOCATIONS*/ "HL_LEG_LT" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_DISMEMBER_LIMB", /*@HIT_LOCATIONS*/ "HL_ARM_LT" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_DISMEMBER_LIMB", /*@HIT_LOCATIONS*/ "HL_ARM_RT" ); wait ( 5.000 ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_DISMEMBER_LIMB", /*@HIT_LOCATIONS*/ "HL_CHEST_RT" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_DISMEMBER_LIMB", /*@HIT_LOCATIONS*/ "HL_CHEST_LT" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_DISMEMBER_LIMB", /*@HIT_LOCATIONS*/ "HL_BACK_RT" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_DISMEMBER_LIMB", /*@HIT_LOCATIONS*/ "HL_BACK_LT" ); wait ( 5.000 ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_DISMEMBER_LIMB", /*@HIT_LOCATIONS*/ "HL_CHEST" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_DISMEMBER_LIMB", /*@HIT_LOCATIONS*/ "HL_BACK" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_DISMEMBER_LIMB", /*@HIT_LOCATIONS*/ "HL_WAIST" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_HEALTH", 0 ); (Not sure if the gravity 2400 actually does something on the weight of the pieces, but whatever) In the slight time span of 0.015 seconds, the player, or the humanoid NPC, that falls on the fan will be dismembered, and even more gruesomely he will survive long enough to witness his own dismembering before dying. About the blood effect, I don't think there's any in base JA. If you can find / make one, though, you can tie the trigger_multiple to that specific fx_runner (whatever the path, only set the path of the .efx file beyond the effects/ folder). The script and the fx_runner should suffice for everything you want to do. If you keep the func_rotating solid, the pieces should also be thrown around. Geez. Perhaps you should rename this to "Ramikad's Slaughtering Fan Guide For Beginners"?
  3. Memories Anyway, if it's supposed to be SP, you can simply set up a script that dismembers anyone who falls down there. For multiplayer, I don't think it's so easy, as the script wouldn't work. Not sure if there's a way to do that for MP.
  4. Simply make a script that removes or kill the entities as the sentry is destroyed.
  5. True, and some more stuff is completely broken or unfinished. You can make an NPC "float" by putting a system/blockNPC brush around it. Also, if scripted correctly, they will hold their fire until the player has reached a certain zone / trigger / whatever, and can use the alt-fire that makes them launch seeker missiles.
  6. I really don't know if there's a way to make the rocket from a misc_weapon_shooter chase the player as it does when an enemy shoots it. You can set a target, and it claims "if it's a moving target it will update [the aim] every frame", but I'm not sure if this actually works or not. It doesn't seem to be working on NPCs or the player: as far as the NPCs are concerned, it will only shoot the rocket towards their spawn point, completely ignoring the NPC; and as far as the Player is concerned, I haven't checked it yet. All in all, IF there's not a way to do that with scripting (you could try playing around with targets, origins, and such), you should probably put the misc_weapon_shooter aside and use instead an invisible NPC.
  7. Also, make sure that the .npc file is in the npcs folder inside ext_data, not just ext_data. This very simple mistake tricked me a few times.
  8. Ramikad

    Secret Santa 2014

    That timer in your signature hurts!
  9. And inevitably... http://www.cad-comic.com/cad/20141201
  10. Or you could wait and check out the progress on this one: http://jkhub.org/topic/3378-wip-look-out-for-that-tree/
  11. Except that the emitters of the saber in the trailer are far too long to not be cut off (along with the user's hands) if the saber swings through during a lock. Which makes me think that it could be more of a symbolic design than a practical one.
  12. I could, but I'm not sure about JKHub's stance on decompiling and such. Alternatively, you can check out the version in Knights of the Force, it works fine as far as I know.
  13. Maybe this could be of help: http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/30-unable-to-save-maps-in-gtkradiant/
  14. Strange... I checked the map myself, and this seems to be a distancecull problem. Not sure how to fix it easily though, and by easily I mean without decompiling, setting a new distancecull and recompiling.
  15. An additional note to the leaks: make sure that every brush touching the void is not a detail brush, but a structural one.
  16. As far as I know, ASE can't be assigned to func_train entities, only MD3.
  17. Also, wasn't there something about music being mono or stereo? Or am I confusing it with sounds?
  18. Clearly his beard gives him his unimaginable power (... plus, the Valley's Force Energy...). After seeing this, I always considered that Death Star map a stone-age wreck: http://forums.massassi.net/vb3/showthread.php?60565-Death-Star-%28JA%29
  19. Hmm. Did you follow the tutorial correctly, and did you add the new shader in the shaderlist.txt file?
  20. Agree with all IrocJeff said. One more couple of suggestions: use a grass sprite shader for the texture, and improve the water: http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/62-realistic-water/ I'd extend IrocJeff's suggestion to interiors too.
  21. I think the new saber was a part of his training, and thus more "personal"; that may be the reason why he left Yun's lightsaber behind. The LA Goggles simply don't seem to work correctly as they did in JK2. Instead of the orangeish hue they show nothing, they have no practical usefulness in JA. I'm not sure, but I think OpenJK fixed that. And the Dark Forces mod also did something with them, if I remember correctly. I don't know if Gonk recharge the batteries.
  22. If I remember correctly, after the ending of Mysteries of the Sith, Kyle builds a new lightsaber, leaving Yun's saber behind. In regards to inventory items, they're still present in Jedi Academy, though they're simply not used. You can still bind keys to invnext / invprev / invuse, and as far as I know the only bugged item is the Light Amplification Goggles. In my experience, the Bacta Tanks also are somewhat buggy, and can only be used with the specific use key instead than the generic "use held item" key. Aside from that, the inventory is still all there.
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