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Everything posted by Ramikad

  1. Are you sure the Ghoul2 Property name of r_hand_0 is correct? Since you copied it, it might still be named l_hand if you didn't rename it.
  2. Thanks to everyone who joined, it felt like going back in time! Amazing matches!
  3. That was it, I just checked, and apparently the server is running an outdated version from october 26. Just tried to connect to your server and worked like a charm.
  4. I'm getting a strange error when I try to connect to the JKG USA server: Thoughts on how I could solve it? I've read around a bit about this error, but most often than not it seems to be something with the server and the map.
  5. MSVCP140.dll, for the record. Thanks for the support!
  6. If the other players on a server don't have the same modified model as you do, they'll see you as a normal character (if you modified a base character) or Kyle (if it's not a base model replacement and the model is somewhere else).
  7. I second mwronko's question. .skin files do not contain any texture - it basically just tells the game what texture that specific part of the model has to use. Model textures are located in the proper models/players/<modelname> folder.
  8. I also had this bug in the past - it seems that making them detail instead than structural brushes fixed it for me.
  9. It's strange. Let's rule out the possibility of incorrect audio files - make sure every path is set up correctly and try replacing one or few with base voices, and see if that works.
  10. Cool! From what I remember about trenches (I made a short presentation about WW1 with a friend of mine back at school), you may want to make them a bit shorter (typically, they were up to a maximum length of 10 meters per section) and more zig-zagged, like in the reference picture - that was a way to prevent an invading enemy to conquer the whole trench, separating it instead in sections which are protected from the fire coming from the other sections. Basically it is a way to make things harder for the invaders, who had to be careful of the fire coming from both junctions, and to make things easier for the defenders, effectively limiting the damage to the captured section. Also, even though it's probably more for gameplay reason than anything, trenches (at least in WW1) were much deeper, up to 2-3 meters deep. I can see how having deep trenches would make them too safe if any serious shooting was to take place.
  11. Not completely sure here, but you might have to make sure that the .str containing the subtitles is correctly named after the level. As for the rest, it seems OK. Another possibility I can think of is to put the sound files in folders named after the levels, but I'm not sure that's required. Maybe this could be of help.
  12. If you want to spare on some geometry, you can create normal maps for the ventilation shafts and let the lights and shadows do the rest. Admittedly, you could fill everything up with normal maps - though I don't know how impressively heavy the map would become to compile.
  13. Might be enough to set a usescript (or runscript?) directly on the func_static instead than using a target_scriptrunner, since the description mentions it is used during Force Pull and Push.
  14. Yeah, it didn't occur to me that setting a different .skin (especially for the head or eyes only) through script is more problematic, considering the amount of different combinations the player customization system offers. I don't know how feasible it is to achieve through scripts - you should check on every possible head .skin file and change it accordingly. But I seem to remember that when you set new specific skins for head, torso and legs it basically ends up with just one of the three, unless I've done it the wrong way. So the only other (most likely) solution seems to be code changes.
  15. Tried both, both return the same error message.
  16. It's... weird. It keeps returning an error, claiming "jkgalaxies.x86.exe is not a valid Win32 application". I'll try reinstalling the VCRedist, since I'm not sure they're up to date, and let you know. Edit: Reinstalled the VCRedist, still returning that error. Should we continue in a new thread in a more appropriate section?
  17. The way I see it, we're all winners.
  18. Ramikad


    It actually seems to be the only way to cast a dynamic light aside from lightsabers, blaster shots and effects. I remember I got it working spawned directly from a func_rotating, possibly setting a color and light property, for the color and radius respectively.
  19. Ramikad


    The description says it's a dynamic light of sort. Dynamic light, toggles on and off when used STARTOFF - Starts off FADEON - Fades from 0 Radius to start Radius FADEOFF - Fades from current Radius to 0 Radius before turning off PULSE - This flag must be checked if you want it to fade/switch between start and final RGBA, otherwise it will just sit at startRGBA ownername - Will display the light at the origin of the entity with this targetname startRGBA - Red Green Blue Radius to start with - This MUST be set or your light won't do anything These next values are used only if you want to fade/switch between 2 values (PULSE flag on) finalRGBA - Red Green Blue Radius to end with speed - how long to take to fade from start to final and final to start. Also how long to fade on and off if appropriate flags are checked (seconds) finaltime - how long to hold at final (seconds) starttime - how long to hold at start (seconds) TODO: Add random to speed/radius? I experimented with it in the past, however it doesn't seem to be working.
  20. It means there are no proper singleplayer spawns (info_player_start) in the map. You could entity-mod the map to add them manually, but I don't know much about it - there may be some tutorials around.
  21. Are you sure? The last time I tried to run JKG it didn't work, at least not on my XP SP3 32 bit, for what matters. Admittedly, however, it was a long time ago.
  22. Actually can't remember, but if you're right it was probably a mix of theoretical position and in-game trial and error.
  23. I've experimented with more elegant solution than letting the guns float or loose on the shelves in the past:
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