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Everything posted by Ramikad

  1. It would literally take a few minutes to achieve in Blender.
  2. 130 downloads

    The Great Pumpkin, inspired by the Peanuts comic books as well as a Simpsons Halloween Special which also features the Great Pumpkin. To install, unpack the file GreatPumpkin.pk3 into your GameData/Base folder. To uninstall, remove the file GreatPumpkin.pk3 from the GameData/Base folder. Linus van Pelt approves.
  3. Yep. Not sure what the limit is, but I think it's above anything you may want to merge - I merged animations for a total of thousands of frames, and had no problems.
  4. As always, in case you've lost these references (and in case they may help you): http://deeplyobsessed.blogspot.it/2013/01/cg-han-solo.html http://deeplyobsessed.blogspot.it/2013/08/han-and-chewie.html http://deeplyobsessed.blogspot.it/2013/12/even-i-get-boarded-some-times-did-you.html
  5. Hapslash seemed to have one in the works, but was probably lost. Aside from that, I think I've spotted one in a WIP thread, not sure if I remember correctly.
  6. Is that from Daggerfall? Cool idea, by the way!
  7. Nope. Name it whatever you want, and it should run this code: @[member='Echo'] OFF "glamerge.exe" "_humanoid.gla" "<new animations>.gla" -o PAUSE EXIT Input a name for the newly created .gla and you're good to go. You can keep merging on that new .gla, and stuff all the animations you want (until you hit a limit, but considering my merges it isn't near).
  8. Not necessarily, just put them in the same folder as the program, create a .bat to merge them and run it.
  9. Doubt it. Use GLAMerge instead, and add the new .gla animations to the base _humanoid.gla.
  10. You can export that single animation as a .gla and merge it with a new _humanoid.gla - rinse and repeat. That's the plan, isn't it?
  11. I am...
  12. You should be able to, provided that you point the importer to the correct modified _humanoid.gla which contains the new animations.
  13. When importing a .glm model in Blender, you are offered a number of options on the left side of the screen, under Import JA Ghoul 2 Model (.glm): you can choose its Skin (defaulted to default, or you can let the importer Guess Textures), Base Path, .gla override, Scale, skeleton changes, and ultimately animations: here you can pick between None, All and Range. If you select Range, you can also set the Start frame and the number of frames.
  14. If you mean importing animations, you have the option to select an animation frame range when importing a .glm model. You can then re-export them as a new .gla, making sure the skeleton is set up correctly during the export, and merge everything up.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tl5vPtL6u4o
  16. I couldn't find this lightsaber on the Hub or on JK3Files, so here's my suggestion: Leia's lightsaber from the Trilogy of Thrawn.
  17. How is a fur ball going to use a gatling gun practically? It's enough for one of those hair to slip into the rotating part to get it jammed, or explode, or to rip his fur into a flying carpet
  18. I wouldn't want that. Just my two cents, but I think Dark Forces 2 shouldn't be changed so that it fits the new canon. If anything, I wouldn't oppose a "New Canon Replacement Pack" for the mod, if someone wants it.
  19. Are you sure it doesn't? There's a -bounce <number> parameter that you can set up when compiling a map, I think that's it.
  20. I'm in need of a texture artist to finish up my Skipray vehicle. I would do that myself, but the results I typically get are frightening.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Seven


      I've used substance on low polys before and it seems to work.

    3. AshuraDX


      @Seven of course it works, yes you can paint on the model - but without data from a highpoly mesh you essentially cut off its legs.

    4. AshuraDX


      You don't paint the high poly in susbtance Painter anyway, you paint the lowpoly but before doing so you transfer or "bake" the surface information, or just "details" from the high poly to the low poly, this allows you to use the full potential of Substance Painter which lies in the Procedural Generation of Textures based at surface information.

  21. If it works fine in MP, it might be just a low distance cull parameter. SP, in comparison to MP, brutally cuts out every brush edge beyond the distance cull, while in MP the transition is more gradual and most importantly doesn't create that hall of mirror effect. The Carbon Freezing chamber map has the same problem, apparently.
  22. Probably that you have to restart the game from the beginning when you die. Sort of not coming back from the dead.
  23. You could probably still use Blender with no problems - I tested mrwonko's JA plugins with Blender 2.76 with no problems and a good amount of added features in comparison to 2.64, such as Decimate modifier not destroying the UVMap and more easily functioning hair effects (gah, that oughta get somebody to the point of opening a Barber Shop in the WIP section ).
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